
Long Time Member
In todays AZ Republic there's a full page ad ad supporting prop 109!! Its well written and endorsed by former AZ G & F biologists, commissioners past and present and other conservationists. It's in the front section on page A9. Please take a moment to read it then remove it from your paper and use it to help garner support for this legislation. The endorsements of lifelong biologists and members of the commission are very good to help support why we need to pass this bill. The ad is tastefully done and please use it to show your friends, coworkers, and family since many people are still unaware of why we need this bill. We need all the support we can get to protect the rights of future generation to be able to enjoy the outdooors free of outside intervention.

Hunters often feel that their voice isn't heard, well folks HERE'S YOUR CHANCE to show the world we do have a voice!! Please make an effort and tell everyone to vote YES on 109 to preserve their right to hunt and fish. Our children and grandchildren will appreciate it today. tomorrow and in the future!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-10 AT 11:52AM (MST)[p]It's a paid advertisement By NRA and 1 full page & I don't have any means to be able to scan it. I really didn't go see if it was online since it was in my delivered paper. The section and page number are correct to help you locate.
Arizona: Proposition 109 backs hunting rights

Proposition 109 would amend the state Constitution, making it a constitutional "right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife lawfully." The measure would give the state Legislature the sole authority to make laws regulating hunting, fishing and harvesting of wildlife. The Legislature would decide whether to grant authority to the state's Game and Fish Commission, which governs the Arizona Game and Fish Department, which manages wildlife.


LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-10 AT 01:30PM (MST)[p]Eel that article you referenced is NOT an accurate depiction and if you read that article it's biased and common knowledge they don't support this legislation but do however give unlimited space in their publication to the wolf recovery program and other issue the left want ink on.

The AZ G & F would still conduct business as they have for decades in managing our wildlife and the legislature DOES NOT oversee the operation and the department reports to and takes it direction from the commission! That article is full of deception! All this bill does is protect the our rights to hunt and fish today and into the future. The political advertisement I referenced above was done by the NRA and shows the endorsements of numerous lifetime AZG&F biologists, employees and past and present commissioners that have been involved in wildlife management in our state for decades. In fact the AZ G&F supports the legislation!! If you noticed there's another thread on the general forum by me that states they shot down prop 109 these guys and those are one in the same and owned by the same parent company. So please don't steer people to links that are written with the sole intent to oppose/deceive sportsmen on getting this important protective legislation passed. Regards, CA

VOTE YES on 109
Boskee, duly noted. I didn't know what Prop 109 was, so I did a search, and then posted that link only to inform others who might not know what you were refering to. I certainly would vote for it and I hope it passes.

EEL thanks for your support. To any More MM members there are a ton of guys in AZ that are unaware of this bill and we need all the help we can get. So any of you MM guys with friends or family in AZ please give them a call and tell them to vote yes on 109. You future right to hunt/fish here may depend on you making that call!!

AS always thanks guys for your suppport!! Vote YES on 109

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