Full Curl Society/Social



It was great finally getting to meet some of you fellow sheep fanatics at the social on Saturday...

Congratulations to all the lucky sheep hunt drawing winners!

I know there were probably at least a couple of those guys that didn't get much sleep Saturday night!

Kevin Petersen
I saw you there during the introduction but forgot to introduce myself. Oh well, next year.
It was a fun and informative event. The odds are going to get tougher over the years (for those who can apply) but they'll never change for me. LOL
My cousin won a Dall sheep hunt with the same people as the hunt my Daughter won last year. My nephew's wife won a Stone sheep hunt with one of the "blue" ticket drawings.


I sure wished you would have introduced yourself so I could have shaken your hand...Then hopefully maybe some of your "Family's Luck" would have rubbed off on me in the "Blue ticket" drawing.....LOL!

All kidding aside, thats awesome that they were able to win those sheep hunts. Congratulations to all of them.....I guess theres always next year, right!

Zeke comes from a long line of polygamists! He is related to half of Utah...and if you have money, he claims to be your cousin...
JK Zeke!
Congratulations on your full curl Kevin. It was great to finally meet you in person. It was fun to see so many sheep enthusiasts and 14 lucky sheep hunt winners! 14 not 15 winners because one lucky kid drew both a Stone sheep hunt and a Dall sheep hunt, only minutes apart.
Paul, I don't have a list of winners, but several were from outside Utah. Jeremy Bergen who guides for Arctic Red River actually won another Stone hunt (he won a Stone hunt last year), but he pulled a Bruce Engelby, and gave the hunt back and told Don to draw somebody else! (Pretty big of a guy to give away a $35K hunt to someone else).

All in all it was an exciting time and it was fun to be there...even if I didn't win.

Littlebighorn, that's about the funniest thing you've ever said about me and my "family". True, except the polyg part....there has been a little sleeping around but they never did marry them. LOL

We have been lucky from time to time but like I always say "You have to play to win".

Kevinp, Things were a little hectic and you were being honored for your Full Curl when I saw who you were. I was standing up front and couldn't approach you at that time. We can touch base but I'll make a point of meeting in person next year at FC.


Your right, it was hetic during and after Don presented the Full Curl Awards. I was hoping to meet you and shake your hand, but I was somewhat shell shocked after they handed me the microphone to speak, so everything after that was kind of a blur and I really can't recall what I said. I know I did shake hands with a few of the Full Curl guys that were standing up front and I was hoping one of them was yours..Anyhow, next year for sure!

Littlebighorn, what can I say! It was a true honor to finally meet you and your son Spencer. What a fine young man he is. You have set a great example for him to follow and I know, without a doubt you both will accomplish your full Curls and be standing up front along side of Zeke and myself.

Congatulations to both of you on your fine trophys with "Artic Red"

Congrats to the winners and Kevin on his full curl. I couldn't make it this year. It sure is an exciting social and give away. A few dreams are made true.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-11 AT 05:01PM (MST)[p]Does any of the money raised go to sheep conservation?
Hey Coz,
Full Curl is all about trying to get guys a chance to fill their full curl dreams. The idea is to put money into buying hunts for guys who would otherwise not be able to afford to hunt sheep. The majority of hunt money raised has come from donations rather than membership. While I think most members of full curl are also members of conservation organizations, I don't think FCS has current conservation projects. For the full scoop, check out their website.
The Full Curl is not about raising money for conservation, it's about getting more people into sheep hunting and helping guys get sheep hunts. With the hope that they will return the favor when the get the chance. The memberships and ticket purchasing was enough to cover costs and maybe 2 hunts that were given away. pretty much all the hunts given out were paid for by a few guys who have done well in their lives and want to see more guys get the sheep bug. Where it will help conservation is by getting new hunters interested in wild sheep.
++1 lb and 30plus.

As we all know, sheep hunting is an expensive sport. It can take a lifetime to draw a Desert and Rocky tag, and unless you live in BC or the Yuko you have to buy a Stone Sheep hunt for $30,000 to $40,000. I have been fortunate enough to obtain the Full Curl status thanks to luck of the draw and a generous father. As such, I am not eligible for the Full Curl drawings but I am more then glad to throw $100 a year into the pot to give others have a chance to hunt sheep. For most people all it takes is one hunt to be hooked. I wasn?t able to be at this years Social and really missed seeing the joy on peoples faces as they drew a tag.

The goal has been disclosed above but I'll add my 2 cents worth.

Don had a vision and acted on it. He thought there would be folks who already have the Full Curl or those who have been financially fortunate who would be willing to help others obtain a sheep hunts. As usual, his instincts were accurate.

If you add up all the membership fees it would maybe buy a couple hunts, at best, yet MANY, MANY more were given away. There are some heavy-hitters who have stepped up to the plate and ask NOTHING in return. This is hunters helping hunters at it's best! Everything starts with just a thought. I'm glad Don's mind works that way!

From a conservation stand-point, the more folks who are excited about sheep, the more the sheep stand to gain. Lots of people were non-sheep hunters and are now excited about sheep. That's the grass-roots of all conservation.

Kyle aka Zeke
Well, I guess since I started this post, I might as well give my 2 cents as well.

I always dreamed of being able to hunt sheep. I started applying for sheep hunts in 1985. I applied in most of the states that offered non resident tags, or at least those states that I could afford.

It wasn't untill 2005, I saved enough money to go on my first Alaska Dall Sheep hunt.Being able to afford or being lucky enough to take one sheep was a dream. But being able to find myself in a position to accomplish the Full Curl/Grand Slam....well lets just say that was the further thing from my mind, almost like dreaming of hitting the Power Ball lottery.
However, with persistance and determination, my number finally came up in Utah in 2006, and I drew my Desert sheep permit. I knew that since I was getting close to someday drawing a Wyoming Bighorn tag, the Full Curl/Grand Slam was slowly getting within reach. The biggest obstacle was the Stone Sheep, because of the sky rocketing cost (supply vs demand) it certainly seemed out of reach to actually rationalize and justify such an expendature...because sheep fever had taken over my every thought, I put a plan together to save and sacrifice and in 2009, I went Stone Sheep hunting. In 2010 my number came up in Wyoming, and I was able finish my Full Curl/Grand Slam....

I support the Full Curl Society because I know that even though I'm not eligible to draw any of the hunts that they give away, but because I enjoy hunting sheep, and I enjoy seeing others become excited and involved about sheep hunting as well.

As a nonresident, I had no other choice but to purchase my Dall and Stone Sheep hunts. But the Desert and Bighorn tags, I was able to draw. Without the hard work of organizations like the SFW, FNAWS, Wild Sheep Founation along with their local and State chapters, there would never had been enough "Sheep on The Mountain" to allocate enough tags so that guys like me could draw someday and fullfill a life long dream.

Hunters becomming excited about hunting sheep can only benefit sheep, which inturn, enables other sheep hunters to fullfill their dreams as well.

I applaud the Full Curl Society and Don Peays Vision and to him and others, I owe a great deal of gratitude and thanks!

Kevin Petersen

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