I just got my new issue of Eastman's and was pretty impressed with the "Sheep Issue". Lots and lots of spectacular rams but the guy with the huge Dalls in Alaska on the backpack hunts most got my attention. That last Dall is a monster. Great shape too!
You have to hand it to Eastman's for giving Duncan Gilchrest a nice tribute and dedication on the last page. What a fulfilling life Duncan seemed to have led. And for a sheep fanatic like him to give up the ghost on the mountain while on a sheep hunt.....well, lets just say, if you gotta go, then it was a hell of a way to go. Beats dying in a nursing home with all your memories long ago have escaped you.
Raise your glasses to a guy with a passion and a desire to share.
You have to hand it to Eastman's for giving Duncan Gilchrest a nice tribute and dedication on the last page. What a fulfilling life Duncan seemed to have led. And for a sheep fanatic like him to give up the ghost on the mountain while on a sheep hunt.....well, lets just say, if you gotta go, then it was a hell of a way to go. Beats dying in a nursing home with all your memories long ago have escaped you.
Raise your glasses to a guy with a passion and a desire to share.