Fuddruckers Georgia , burger anyone?


Very Active Member
My wife and I met with some family in Georgia for my sons graduation of basic training in the Army at Fort Benning. We all live here in Arizona so it was quit the trip for us. After my sons graduation ceremony we all decided to go to a Fuddruckers as my son wanted a big juicy burger. All five of us order and received our burgers and dressed them up with condiments to our liking. Well it turned out that My wife?s burger and my daughters burger smelled and tasted sour. I picked the burgers up and asked for the manager. Right out of the gate he doesn't believe me. There is only one bite out of each burger. I ask him to smell it?he does and said there was nothing wrong and that he grinds up the burger fresh every morning and all our burgers came from the same batch. In a very rude and nasty manner he tells me he will make two new ones. Now I am not very happy at this point and I don't like being called a liar. I sat back down with my family and stewed on it a while. It just wasn?t making sense to me. Then it dawned on me that it might not be the burger but what was put on it. I asked everyone what they put on their burgers. My wife and daughter were the only ones to put on Mayo. That's it?That's the culprit and I knew it. I didn't even bother to go check the Mayo dispenser. I asked for the manager again, had him follow me to the dispenser and asked him to smell the mayo out of it. As soon as he put his nose down there he jerked back with a crinkled nose and a eweh look on his face. He jerk the dispenser but do you think we get an apology? How about a free burger? We got nothing but an explanation that he hasn't had any bad Mayo in 3 months. Im like what! This has happened before?? You have got to be kidding me. My wife asked me to calm down and I let it go as not to ruin our time with my son. He will be shipped off to Germany the 7th of June. We received our new burgers. After that I noticed nearly every burger type restaurant we went into the Mayo was sitting on the counter right along with the ketchup. They don't refrigerate Mayo there?? Anyone know anything about this? I was always told it must be kept refrigerated.

Just a word of Wisdom!
For the most part(and I'm not saying all)if you went back in the kitchen area of most restaurants you'd quickly decide you're not as hungry as you once thought you were!

There are a couple local places here I wouldn't eat at if I was starving to death!
I'll die of starvation long before dieing of Filth!
LAST EDITED ON May-12-10 AT 08:36AM (MST)[p]Just to add some gas to this fire....anything with mayo, ie, potato salad, macaroni salad, etc., starts growing bacteria in about 20 minutes of exposure to the air. At a hot, 4th of July picnic, you can cut that time in half.

In 2 hours you are eating poison.

I love mayonaise, but if it isn't in a jar or a squeeze bottle and I am away from home, I pass.

As to the Fuddrucker's incident....corporate would get a letter from me.
Damn straight NICKMAN. Send them a letter GBA or better yet follow up your letter with a phone call to corporate. You can Google everything up including the store # where you ran into the A-hole manager. I had a similar experience at a Hooters many years ago. I took an Army buddy of mine out for his 40th birthday and a few of our other friends came along to join in the celebration. Anyways our food was under cooked and too top it off we had a real b!*ch for a waitress. I asked to speak with the manager and she ingnored it. I got up and went to the counter and asked one of the other cuties to speak with the manager. He was a real plick also. I took note of his name and asked for the store # and then all of the sudden he got real nice. I told him that I wasn't buying any of his severe change in attitude and I also told him how lucky he was that this was my friends bday. He had the gall to ask why he was so lucky? "Well Mr. Ahole we are all Airborne Ranger Veterans and all five of could wipe out your whole opperation in about two minutes". He turned ghostly white and quit right on the spot and left with the b!*ch waitress in tow. The other patrons errupted in applause and the lead waitress took over and even called the corporate headquarters that same afternoon and explained the whole story and I even got to talk with one of the top brass at Hooters corp. and he listened to my side. The outcome of this whole thing is that all five of us received four $25 gift certificates each that we can use at any Hooters in the U.S. As far as the lead waitress goes, well corp sent out a substitute manager to run the joint while they sent her to managers school for 6 weeks. She's been the manager of that one for four years now, her name is Suzy and we've become good friends. Heck she's like one of the guys now. As a matter of fact she's putting in for deer with us this year.

GBA give your son a real strong hand shake for me and tell him thank you for his service from me. Keep us posted on his adventures in the U.S. Army.

Thankyou Bates7, I am taking your advice to the fullest. I already fired off one letter but another will be right behind it. Wow you really turned things around at the Hooters. Dang if that couldn't have happened to me there instead. (smiley face here) I was very upset/angry and really wanted to have some good old fashion words with the manager outside but it was because I wanted quality time with my son that I didn't go with it any further. He was surprised I didn't do more. I will take care of it one way or the other by other means and that is starting with the letter.

I will tell my son what you said?as a matter of fact I will show him this post. I am very proud of him and I will post up on his adventures as they happen.

Thanks again

Cool GBA.

The Army taught me a very valuable skill that I use everyday and that is to keep a cool head. The second skill is to remain humble and do the right thing. If it wasn't for the Army's training things probably would've ended up much different than they did. I probably would've wound up in jail.

Very true.....words of wisdom are a good thing and keeping a cool head is good.

In my case, I keep a cold heart.....and the axiom, "Don't get mad, get even."

I use that theory and when I am upset, I usually tell whoever, that, "I am about to take a serious dump on your life" Then I treat it as a crusade/hobby and get after it.

Times are hard and businesses cannot afford bad customer relations. The people they hire are supposed to support that idea and the minute they don't, I guarantee that management wants to know about it......but they really DON'T want to have to hear it from a customer.

I never lose an opportunity to get revenge. It is healthy.

If someone pisses you off, you will be pissy to whomever you have to deal with for the rest of the day.

If you direct the energy at a serious case of retribution, you will start giggling right away and it makes you feel GREAT! Then after you do your thing, you get to feel GREAT again, plus have a good story for your friends.

It's all good!
ktg I beg to differ. Fuds is good don't get me wrong but have you ever tried the Chuck Box here in Tempe? If you haven't ate there you deffinately need to give it a shot.

>ktg I beg to differ.
>Fuds is good don't get
>me wrong but have you
>ever tried the Chuck Box
>here in Tempe? If
>you haven't ate there you
>deffinately need to give it
>a shot.

I haven't. Never been there. I've heard a lot of people say different places make the best burger but when I eat there my response is always 'it's good but it's no Fuddruckers'. If I ever make it to Tempe, I'll have to try Chuck Box.
>Cool GBA.
>The Army taught me a very
>valuable skill that I use
>everyday and that is to
>keep a cool head.
>The second skill is to
>remain humble and do the
>right thing. If it
>wasn't for the Army's training
>things probably would've ended up
>much different than they did.
> I probably would've wound
>up in jail.

+1 You should be proud of him, I hope you don't miss the opportunity to tell him. I spent some time in Germany myself and always wanted to go back, he's going to like it.
+1 Nickman...

I share your cold heart enthusiasm for getting even. I never get angry when someone has decided to do something to really piss me off. I might be boiling on the inside but I never show it. I learned long ago when you loose your temper you loose your edge and most importantly I never make a threat or talk tough, I just smile because the stupid sob has no idea what he's in for as it than becomes a quest for me.

I also believe revenge is best served cold as it may take weeks, months, or who knows how long but make no mistake everyone is vulnerable regardless of who you are and that is where you hit them in a matter of speaking and I mean hit them hard.
The person will most likely never know it came from me but I will and I enjoy having the last laugh, I savor it in fact.

It took me a while but I learned going after someone and using your wits is by far more rewarding than getting in a physical altercation, I only wish I had practiced that theory when I was younger and hot tempered, it would have saved me a lot of grief.

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