Fstop! Adam! I need you!


Long Time Member
Adam- I have a question that needs a quick answer re: Roughin' It Outdoors. Anyone have Adam's email by chance?

Jenn you trader, i thought i was enough for ya!!! :p

LAST EDITED ON May-29-08 AT 01:34PM (MST)[p]let me try this...
wow I can make a stupid remark with a caption like that!
Rack...you're such a jerk. LOL

Slam...I need someone more famous. I'm goin' for TV personalities now. lol ;-)

C'mon Jenn, hurt my feel goods why don't ya!
Doesn't being a legend in my own mind count??? Lol

Ok Adam...i surrender peacefully, sounds like you win. :'(

Ugh. You're SO sensitive, Slam. Hard muscles...soft feelings. Can't you flex up and knock antlers with him just a LITTLE bit? ;-)
Adam! I need you!

Yeah, yeah, I hear that a lot from the ladies...I wish! Nice to talk to you and put a name and a gender to the Triple K name. We had better not tell Slam of our intentions, he might get jealous! LOL In all honesty, Slams personal trainer had QUITE a bit more success with Slam than I will every see. That guy has guns on top of guns!

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