Fstop- Adam Eackle, Steve Brown. A challenge to you


Long Time Member
Adam I know you cruise through here from time to time, I don't know about Steve. There has been an invitation by THE DON to hold a debate about SFW and its role in wildlife in Utah. You two gentlemen have media outlets, how about filming/recording this debate and putting them on your shows for the guys who don't live in SLC, or may not be able to get there. This would be a great service to your fellow sportsmen. Thanks

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
Hey Nick,
I actually received a few text messages today about this while I was out on a story. I think the idea of a debate is a great idea. Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife has been in the news recently and I think the questions that have been raised are good questions and need to be addressed.

Should this be a debate or perhaps a panel discussion with other participants on both sides? I would like to see something constructive learned from this. I would hate to be part of a pissing match where nothing is accomplished. I'm only an ?extra?, not a leading role in this production, but would be happy to discuss with both parties how they want this movie to turn out.

There are a few things that I would have to get approved by my News Director to allow me to participate. Not sure I could cover this adequately in a 30 min Television episode, but maybe having the debate streamed on the internet is a good idea. This way, people unable to attend could listen, even ask questions that could be brought up during the debate. I would again need to get this approved by my supervisor to have this on KSL.com. Another option would be to have Brian Latturner host the internet debate on Monstermuleys.com?

To make sure everything is out in the open, I feel it necessary to have full disclosure with my participation with S.F.W.

(1) In 2003-2005 I held an S.F.W. membership. In 2006, after Brian Latturner resigned from the S.F.W. advisory board, I was asked to replace him. I accepted, two weeks later I declined the offer after talking with my General Manager and accepting my current position.

(2) In 2005, I won a bid for a 2005 muzzleloader tag for the Book Cliffs at an S.F.W. banquet. I purchased the tag for $4,100.00. I still hear about this expenditure every year from my wife!

(3) I have reported on the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo since the inception of the expo and have done many stories in regards to S.F.W. The WHCE has advertised with each of the two stations that I have been an employee at for the past six years.

(4) This year at the WHCE expo I drew two convention tags. One is a N. Region turkey tag, the other is an antelope tag on the N. Cache. I'm a hunter therefore I need tags and pursue those tags where they are available.

My job as a journalist is to be honest and fair when collecting information on a subject. Give the information to the public and allow them to interpret that information. When there is an allegation, it is my responsibility to allow those involved equal opportunity to respond to the allegations. My job is to report, not to give my personal opinion on the subject. I don't always succeed in these values, but try each and every time I write a story.

There you go, my resume if you will. Again, I will only participate if there is something to be learned from this exercise. Otherwise, I would politely decline. If anyone feels that my past and current relationship with S.F.W. won't allow me to be un-biased. I would disagree, but would understand and politely decline.

Any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected]
Adam Eakle

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