From me to you........


Long Time Member
This is great.

Melvin Graham, Billy's younger brother, recently said on a national telecast:
I just want to be a Nobody, willing to tell Everybody,
that there is Somebody, who can save Anybody.
Far from a quaint, witty cliche, there's a mountain of sound doctrine in this one sentence summary of the Christian life. It covers the doctrines of sin, humility, evangelism, salvation, atonement, and God's power.
I just want to be a Nobody
Seek to be a humble servant - 1Peter 5.6; Matt 18.4
Understand the sin nature of man - Matt 15.19; Prov 20.9; Jer 17.9
We must decrease, Christ must increase - Rev 5.12; John 3.30; Matt 16.25
Christ alone is worthy of honor and glory - Titus 2.13; Col 1.17
Willing to tell Everybody
Tell the Gospel to all the world - Mark 16.15-16; 1John 2.2
Don't be ashamed of the Gospel - Rom 1.16; 2Tim 1.8
Jesus Christ crucified is our message - ICor 1.23; Gal 3.1; Col 1.27
That there is Somebody
Jesus is that Somebody - Phil 3.20; John 3.16
There is only one way to salvation - Rom 6.23; John 14.6; Acts 4.12
Jesus is alive and well - Heb 7.25; 1Pet 1.21; 1Thess 1.10
Who can save Anybody
Jesus died for the whole world - 1 John 2.2; Acts 17.30; 2Cor 5.14
Christ's atonement was sufficient for all - Rom 3.21; John 6.54
Any person can be saved unless the personally reject Christ - 1 John 5.1; 1John 4.14; 2Cor 5.17
God desires that all men be saved - John 3.17; Matt 10.32; 2Tim 2.4
Understanding the Biblical truth behind this quote makes it much more than just another cute Christian quip. Knowing the doctrine that girds it up, makes it worthy of being remembered and utilized. If you have trouble remembering the basic elements of explaining Christianity, this saying is a great tool.
It contains a solid four point Salvation message that can be used to share the Gospel of Christ with others, as well as remind us personally of our position, duty, Savior and mission in life.
Awesome post Kingfish!! thanks for sharing! Not a lot of people are willing to post something like this for fear or ridicule. Thanks again for sharing!!


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