
Lets hear it.I cant be the only Utard to wreck a vehicle this morning, am i?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-08 AT 03:49PM (MST)[p]It doesn't look bad but i'm looking at a new radiator, 4 new tires--popped one(may as well get other3).headlight...body,hood damage.
who the hell knows i'm sure when the bill comes i could feed all the starving kids for a while.

I was only going 10-15mph when i hit the frikin light pole
and i'm fine except the attitude.
today was bad. sorry to hear about the accident that sucks. took me an 1 to get home usually takes about 15 min. had to roll up and go home early.
tag now is the time to get those super swampers you always wanted for that minivan!!!
tag, you're from Utard? How much distance did you travel to go from 85 mph down to 10-15 mph? 1/4 mile? 1/2 mile? Was most of it sideways or backwards?:)

How about a photo?

tag, my place yesterday. About 200 ft. above sea level. our first snow in many years. 35 degree temp.

You feel sorry for me? LOL

LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-08 AT 08:18PM (MST)[p]I wouldn't have slowed from the manditory 85mph had it not been for all the other idiots going 10mph.
I was on a little side road that hadn't been plowed, and when i needed to turn left, the old car just refused to, and had that damn light pole not been there i'd have just ended up in a park.

Oh well, IT happens. Thanks for all the understanding, folks.No photo's to protect the innocent.

Must be that darn GLOBAL WARMING causing all that new snow in places that have not seen it for the past 25-35 years.
Eelgrass, I had to pass your house on HWY#128 going and coming back from Fort Bragg. HWY#20 was closed because of the snow and big rig wrecks. So I had to go out of my way and take the Southern route to the coast.
FLEH-----more snow on the way, thats what you asked for isn't it? Thats a no sh!tter, more on the way! at least i wont be driving in the stuff!

Global Frikin Warming.............makes perfect sense.Its all i can do to keep from dropping the F bomb today. patients,staff, it wouldn't matter too much to me, I gonna explode like my radiator if i dont get to say it soon!


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