Friday night...


Long Time Member
...was surf & turf night with a juicy NY strip with peppercorn sauce & snow crab clusters. Crispy fries, a helping of slaw & a glass of red zin took up the slack.


You are a French fry Eating machine!?
What kind of a cutter do you have?
The only thing I can find around here is plastic POS.
I know I could use a knife but I’m to lazy!
You are a French fry Eating machine!?
What kind of a cutter do you have?
The only thing I can find around here is plastic POS.
I know I could use a knife but I’m to lazy!
How can you tell?? ;)

Actually, if you follow along, I eat a variety of taters. Just this past week, we've had fries, roasted, baked & mashed with the various entrees I've posted.

For fries, we use a thingie that is at least 50 years old. It's identical to this one -- a Ron Popeil original called a Dial-O-Matic. My bride says she paid about $2.98 for it.


Here is one on eBay for $25 -- touted as a collector's item.

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Jesus outdoor, you must eat a lot!
I actually eat only one major meal per day for the most part. Sometimes I'll have a breakfast/brunch on a weekend. If I do that, tho, I usually go lighter for dinner with soup & sandwich or such. During the day, I might snack on pretzels, chips, etc., however.

Sooo...other than my snacks, what you see posted here are my basic everyday menu items.
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You are a French fry Eating machine!?
What kind of a cutter do you have?
The only thing I can find around here is plastic POS.
I know I could use a knife but I’m to lazy!
I should have mentioned the other type of fry cutter we once had a long way back. It somehow got lost when we moved back to Phx from CO in 1979. It was a really heavy duty commercial one that I bought at a garage sale for $10, but new ones are somewhat costly.
These are the type...

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