Freedom only for liberal media


Long Time Member

Remember don't dare question a liberal cause or you can have they will call for a boycott on your business. Open minded liberals, yeah right.

As much as the right is wrong on some issue the left is luney tunes on most of their agenda. Can any of you guys that support democratic cause explain why having one network that isn't ultra liberal is such a threat to the left?

Big deal it's a free country, ultra conservatives can boycott anything they see as liberal also can't they? this all seems silly to me but unless you want to pass an anti boycott law what are you going to do about it?

By the way wasn't it FOX and friends that started the big " Boycott France" deal a few years ago ? what goes around comes around they say.
Big shock, dude misses the point AGAIN!

Isn't the left supposedly "pro-choice" and big advocates of "free speech"? Yet they are doing everything they can to shut down opposing views, say the debate on Global Warming is over, believe anyone who questions Roe v Wade is blaspheming. How is this possible? If they are so "pro-choice" and such big supporters of "free speech", why are they pushing the Fairness Doctrine and trying to minimize the voice of Fox? Fox is one measly cable network, the left has EVERY other cable news network AND the big 'main stream' CBS, NBC, and ABC, what is the left so dang scared of? Could it be the truth? Could it be the left is extremely hypocritical when it comes to their stance on free speech? How silly to 'allow' those who want to hear a conservative viewpoint have the ability to do so, that way they can make up their own minds, which is exactly what the left does NOT want to happen.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention Nemont. I'm going to make a point to call the local businesses that advertise on Fox and tell them thanks for supporting fair and balanced News!

>Thanks for bringing this to our
>attention Nemont. I'm going to
>make a point to call
>the local businesses that advertise
>on Fox and tell them
>thanks for supporting fair and
>balanced News!

I will do the same, as well as notice the companies that advertise on and Kos, and not do business with them. Turn around is fai play!

You just proved my point, if far left wacko's can boycott who they see as the enemy then the far right can do the same.

It all sounds like a bunch of people with no life and nothing better to do, but whatever.
I don't belong to the party of 'tolerance' and "free speech", that is where the irony of liberals boycotting a network because they disagree with what the do/don't say. They are all for freedom of expression as long as what you express is in line with their views, otherwise they go apes$%$ to silence opposing views. I haven't EVER claimed to be tolerant, but I also have never attempted to silence opposing views, even when they are as wrong as yours are.

Yep , I'm a radical that's what I am.

A few wack jobs don't speak for the majority of either party. take yourself for instance, we know the majority of good republicans don't want you speaking for them.

There's always a fringe element that needs to be ignored.
> Yep , I'm a radical
>that's what I am.
> A few wack jobs don't
>speak for the majority of
>either party. take yourself for
>instance, we know the majority
>of good republicans don't want
>you speaking for them.
> There's always a fringe element
>that needs to be ignored.

WOW, what a great comeback. That must of taken you some serious research. Atta boy. If I am part of the "fringe element" that needs to be ignored, DO IT!

A admitted criminal who has no problem hiring people who have broken numerous laws, one of which is identity theft, is calling me a "wack job". Now that is funny.

LOL If I were FOX, I'd be laughing my butt off! Those libs now have to sit around all day and watch FOX network. Hee hee hee Now that's funny!

If I were an advertiser, I'd JUMP on the chance to advertise to a broader audience on FOX. Then I'd lead them on..."YEah...I'm still thinking about it. Who's on there this week? Keep watching would ya? KEep me posted. I may still pull my ads, but I have to know more!"
Admited criminal? good one . pro you're getting more pathetic with every atempt to sound clever. if everyone who'ld ever hired someone with fake papers was a criminal and in jail maybe you could succeed in life? few business owners would be around to tend shop, wow your big break after all these years.

Just call me meany,fatty,cheif,booger face or something and get your lame response over with, I can take it and I won't cry.

I'm ready to get off the personal crap and back to the subject when ever you are .
LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-07 AT 12:35PM (MST)[p]Fox is a news channel? All this time I thought Fox was a part of comedy central. I know I laugh whenever I watch Fox, Simpson, Cavuto, Hannity, Geraldo, and especially O'Rielly are hilarious.

It's like a gang bang of laughs all under the masterful direction of that comedic genius Roger Ailes. Even our own Whitehouse realizes "the funny" at Fox, Ari..not so funny, Scotty to Hotty...kinda gay-funny, but Tony Snow absolutely hilarious!

When Tony takes the podium it's a Laugh Fest!

I'm checking Snopes, you guys must be kidding News Channel... that too funny!

Hmmm, that's weird I guess you guys were right.

I don't get then, why is it everytime there's a news story that casts a shadow on the Bush administration or a prominent republican, they show a story about recent developments in the death of Anna Nicole Smith, Natalie Holloway, or Cindy Sheehan?

"Earlier today Carl Rove received a congressional subpoena, but first we have breaking new developments in the death of Anna Nicole Smith. After the break, Rosie speaks out keeping the feud alive with Donald Trump."

Nobody else finds this funny?

Wait, wait, if Fox News isn't comedy somebody explain Brit Hume and Fred Barnes? Then there's that really funny show that comes on opposite The Daily Show, you know the one, it's ????????????
>AT 12:35?PM (MST)

>Fox is a news channel? All
>this time I thought Fox
>was a part of comedy
>central. I know I laugh
>whenever I watch Fox, Simpson,
>Cavuto, Hannity, Geraldo, and especially
>O'Rielly are hilarious.
>It's like a gang bang of
>laughs all under the masterful
>direction of that comedic genius
>Roger Ailes. Even our own
>Whitehouse realizes "the funny" at
>Fox, Ari..not so funny, Scotty
>to Hotty...kinda gay-funny, but Tony
>Snow absolutely hilarious!
>When Tony takes the podium it's
>a Laugh Fest!
>I'm checking Snopes, you guys must
>be kidding News Channel... that
>too funny!
>Hmmm, that's weird I guess you
>guys were right.
>I don't get then, why is
>it everytime there's a news
>story that casts a shadow
>on the Bush administration or
>a prominent republican, they show
>a story about recent developments
>in the death of Anna
>Nicole Smith, Natalie Holloway, or
>Cindy Sheehan?
>"Earlier today Carl Rove received a
>congressional subpoena, but first we
>have breaking new developments in
>the death of Anna Nicole
>Smith. After the break, Rosie
>speaks out keeping the feud
>alive with Donald Trump."
>Nobody else finds this funny?
>Wait, wait, if Fox News isn't
>comedy somebody explain Brit Hume
>and Fred Barnes? Then there's
>that really funny show that
>comes on opposite The Daily
>Show, you know the one,
>it's ????????????

Cindy Sheehan is dead? When did that happen?

I now can see where you are coming from on so many issues, way out in left field. Is CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS better than Fox? If so, how? Are you saying Katie Couric is a better newsperson/anchor than O'Reilly? Really? Here I was begin to think you had some validity in your opinions, now you have blown that out of the water will this rant full of drivel.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-07 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]Hey Pro how ya doing? Did you by chance misread my thread after copying and pasting it into your reply? If I wanted to include Cindy Sheehan's or Natalie's deaths I would have added an S to the word death, thus implying a plurality of deaths. So you see it was only to pertaining to Anna Nicole Smith's sole death, and other topics including Natalie Holloway or Cindy Sheehan.

I never said Kaite Couric is a better anything let alone comparing her to Bill O'Rielly. Did I?

Please show me where I ever even mention other networks?

I thought rants were devoid of paragraphs, usually typed in Upper Case, were not complimentary by nature, ended with Proud White Man or the words RACK EM!

That's a compliment Hm67! Compliment! Hm67 when your mad, nobody can hold a candle to your posts! Don't burn my double-wide down, please!

To save time and Brian the Founder bandwith, you really do not need to copy an entire thread to reply to the author. You can just start with FTW or in my case, My bestest buddy..ever!!!

You can be mean PRO, but you are still going to be very special friend. Friends Forever, my bud, amigo mio, tovarich, my inseparable tomodachi...PRO.

Just one more thing Buddy, if you are going to be a grammar snob you should be more careful and edit your posts thoroughly.

Welcome class to Inglush 101A:

"Here I was begin to think you had some validity in your opinions, now you have blown that out of the water will this rant full of drivel."

Incorrect use of the word validity. Validity by definition means: The quality of being authentic. So since all of my opinions are mine, they are absolutely authentic I can assure you of that.

"Here I was begin to think"???? Sounds like the beginning of a limerick...hmm, something that rhymes with stink or pink would be good.

"now you have blown that out of the water will this rant full of drivel." No question mark???? will this rant full of drivel?

Answer: Yes, I believe this rant will full of drivel...soon

Class is Over. I must go my drivel is fulling up!

Back to the Brickyard. Hot Jimmie, Hot bad.
GO LITTLE E! GO Jr.! Bad Tony Bad Tony

I forgot, See ya later buddy! Whose your bestest friend?
You are FTW. I guess that is what I get for trying to type while driving down a backyard in the desert. WTH was I thinking?

I enjoy O'Reilly, not because I agree with everything he says, hell I disagree with him alot to(what a shock), but because he holds people to the fire. FTW, you are kind of like that. I may disagree with many things you say, and I may enjoy attempting to knock you down a peg or two, notice I said attempting, but I respect MOST of your mis-guides 'opinions', drivel that they may be, with little validity in the accuracy of many of your alledged facts. Is that any better? I am from Hick Town Utah, so cut me some slack every now and then.

Hunting season is three weeks away, then I will not haunt this forum for several weeks while chasing wapiti in the wild, wild, west!

Well, to tell you the truth it needs a little work! Hey, we're buddies so that's o.k., because I get your the point.

"you respect my misguided drivel filled opinions, poorly supported by invalid facts." It just needed a little touching up that's all.

I don't know where Hick Town, Utah is but I'll bet it's a pretty nice place. I think it's really pretty up there around Odgen, and across the lake there is a big marina, I remember it being pretty nice area too. I guess the only place that really sucks in Utah is around Wendover, which part of the state are you in?

Back to the post, I think as Americans we need to really ask ourselves if the free market theory and discounting the Sherman Act is really in our best interests as Americans.

You see Pro years ago when Ronnie was President there was the Sherman Act. It basically protected small businesses from going against Mega-corps, protectionism if you will to ensure we maintain a broad based economy.

The Sherman Act protected the local butcher, baker, and candlestick maker from having to be run out of business should a Raley's move into town. The Sherman Act to into account the economic imbalance and net effect to local businesses should a a huge Mega-Corp move into town. It is legislation to protect small businesses, the mom and pop shops of America so to speak.

It also protected consumers from mass consolidation in the marketplace. Some examples would be the Airline, Banking, Insurance, Restaurant, Oil, and Pharmaceutical industries. In every area we have seen massive consolidation including media and media ownership. There are currently only 5 corporations that filter every second of what we see, and what we hear.

This acceptance of the theory of "Less government, let the free market dictate the economy" have been embraced by Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, and to date George Bush.

When you only have 3 gas stations in town, none of which are independantly owned, there is no real competition. It's the whole idea of soon we'll have only 1 bank, 1 airlines, 1 insurance company, 1 television channel, 1 radio station, etc.

In the good old days it was the company that needed consumers, but when you are the only game in town, the consumers need the company. The company then dictates the level of service and the amount of cost savings it wishes to provide to customers. Instead of true competition in the marketplace which then forces companies to step up their service levels and pass greater savings along to customers.

Back to the Fairness doctrine, hey if you don't like the idea of equal time then simply hook up to paid satellite radio, but if it's public airwaves, there should be equal time. If you don't want to pay for radio, and don't want to hear an opposing view you can always just change the station.

I would think both sides of the Great Debate over the Fairness Doctrine should embrace it's very logic. We all know the political mood of the country is like a pendulem and swings both ways. There may come a time when the public airwaves have become overloaded by progressives. The public airwaves do belong to tax-payers since media companies lease out broadcast channels/frequencies from the F.C.C., as such there should be fairness guidelines regarding political views.

When there was true jounalism and we had 40 different news agencies going head to head with 40 different reporters on the the scene. We, the media consuming public stayed very well-informed. Now there are basically 2 organizations that provide on the scene journalists A.P. and Reuters around the world, the big 5 just buy their feed.

We all complain about high gas prices. Well, let's take a look at the massive consolidations in the oil industry over the last 20 years. Ever notice there aren't many independant station owners anymore? Chevron would not re-new their supply agreements and bought out most of it's independant owners out along with other large oil companies. Again, an absence of competition has created an imbalance and does not bode in favor of the consumer.

So, IMHO I think a Fairness Doctrine works to the benefit of the American people. Striking a balance over the release of political views on the public airways in a balanced manner free of corporate bias or influence. As well, we need to re-evaluate just how far we are going to stray from the Sherman Act. I really don't want to live in a world of limited choices as a consumer since it will dictate every facet of my life. It would be nice to know that companies would like to earn my patronage.

See ya later Buddy! What part of Utah are you in?
Forwall I totaly disagree with your take on the fairness doctrine. Why do you supose liberal talk radio does not work? Conservative talk radio is way more successfull because it is entertaining, informative and above all shows just what a great country we live in and just how lucky we are. One of the main ingredients to the success of conservative talk is the positive commentary on this great nation and on the abundance of opportunity for those that want to work hard. Conservative talk is overwhelmingly positive. Now change chanels to any Liberal talk show and what do you hear? You hear nothing but negativity and doom and gloom. My God I feel like eating a bulett after listening to Lynn Samuels or Bill Press or Ed Schultz or Alex Bennett or Randi Rhodes for an hour, and yes I do listen. Their message is not of how to make things better its all about how terrible life is and what a disgusting country we live in.
If the left talk went positive they could compete but until then they will continue to turn away listeners. There is no need for the Fairness Doctrine.
Same goes for the Leftest web blogs just read one of them my God they are full of vile hatred and utterly disgusting comments. It truely is unreal.
Here is another thing I think turns listeners away. Turn on any liberal show on satelite radio and the host will with in 15 minutes of listening drop the F bomb or some other curse words. It just turns off the average listener. You never hear such language on the conservative shows. Just one more negative on left shows.
I like to listen to oposing views with my kids on talk radio while we travel. It is extreemly hard to find a left station that does not contain filthy language.
Liberals tend to want to "level the playing field" in all things, be it outlawing kick ball and other competitive sports in our grammer schools to wanting to legislate what is said over the airwaves. The Fairness Doctrine is just one of the vehicles they use.

The reason conservative talk radio is more successful, is that conservatives tend to be more into the news and information aspect of media. More business types. All the liberals I know are ardent music listeners and have no interest in talk/sports/news radio. I would suspect that even if the fairness doctrine were kicked in, lefty talk radio wouldn't be as successful as conservative radio.

I use my XM satellite radio and listen to alot of talk radio, both left and right. The left seems more knee-jerk to whats already happened. Monday morning quarterbacking as it were.

Oh yes, the right has their "see I told you so's" but it is a bit more upbeat and newsworthy than what Air America and that kind of media has to offer.

I would say that the FD is a just BS ploy to hedge their politics. Its also standing very near the toes of the 1st Amendment. The Left is all too quick to wave that in your face when you want to berate their asses for burning a flag, but hold sway in political talk radio, and they want to shut that down.

Typical hypocrisy.
When did the Sherman anti trust act get repealed?

Explain why the Fairness doctrine is even necessary and how do you get "equal" time if 90% of Newspapers, News reporters, TV shows, Network Executives, etc are democrats and give everything a free slant to the left. Dan Rather risked his career to fabricate documents to support the left, how objective do you think he was?

There are plenty of opposing ideas out there, spend 30 seconds on any blog.

Candidates for president in 2008 will spend combined over a Billion dollars on their campaign efforts. That kind of money doesn't come in $20 donations from Aunt Myrtle. If you truly wanted to open the playing field to any American forget about the fairness doctrine and publically finance poltical campaigns, limit the campaigning to a 3 month period.

The Fairness Doctrine is only driven by the left's fear of talk radio. They have a sympathetic voice on just about every other media.

As for the Lefts boycott on Foxnews, I find if funny that they fear any different take on the news. How dare anyone question global warming or have guy like O'reily bash people. Of course when Bill Mahr does it then that is just entertainment. It is funny to listen to the left whine about this when they have a near monopoly on news in this country.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-07 AT 04:13PM (MST)[p]202.....(smirking smile) So good to see you! Oh my, you have been rather elusive these days. I thought for sure the bag of chicken livers comment got you to at least ponder sitting down and hitting the keys. I applaud your fortitude, that exhibited a great deal of personal restraint, kudos to you 202! I see ya smiling, and as you can see I made a new friend.

As for the whys of whether liberal or conservative radio is better? I have no horse in that race. Nor was I addressing it.

I'm talking about zooming out and looking at the entire broadcast system, media consolidation in the private sector and it's influence in programming. My focus also notes the difference of free public radio and the development of paid satellite radio.

202 and JimNv, I am certainly not going to tell what radio programming you should be listening to. That's a matter of
personal choice just like food, movies, or women. Some people are not offended by Michael Savage, on the other end of the spectrum some people are not offended by Mike Malloy.

JimNV, Jim why take the cheap tie-in liberals-level playing field-youth sports? Many here claim there is an apparent imbalance in the media today. The arrival of paid alternatives with sattelite radio and television, leave some asking should the public broadcast system become more balanced?

The arrival of Sattelite Radio and Cable/Satellite T.V. give consumers alternatives to and escape from the limited and censored public radio stations.

So for the first in history there is an alternative to free local public radio along with national syndicated broadcasts. The public airwaves are a part of the public domain and are controlled by the Federal government, ensuring a national broadcast system. We have guidelines that prohibit expletives, shouldn't there be guidelines to provide equal time for opposing political opinions? After all, if conservative talk radio is as market dominant as has been stated, they should embrace the opportunity to expand into progressive markets.

We the tax-paying public own the airwaves, those airways or frequencies are then leased in exchange for licensing fees. By your combined words conservative talk radio has a larger presence on the dial than progressive, liberal, democratically slanted, I'm not sure what to call it these days, voice of the left.

Nemont mentioned some imbalance ratio of 90% to 10%. The public airways can currently be and are controlled by a handful of companies Swings in the public audience's demands, could swing in the opposite direction some day.

It appears that those opposed to a F.D., feel it would hinder the counter-balance to print and television media. In both cases nobody seems to address the larger issue. Who controls the programming? Somewhere there are 10 people that control 90% of everything broadcasted to 300 million people over the public airways.

Does one side feel upset over the alleged liberal media bias over public airwaves? Does another side feel upset over the alleged dominance of conservative talk radio over public airwaves? O.K. then! The key words here gentlemen are Public Airwaves and the paid-private sector alternative media sources.

There are alternatives, you can always pay to listen and customized your listening needs. If you like to hear the F-word used all day long, just pay a monthly fee and you can fill your day with the F-word.

Nice post 202, no personal attacks, see there's still hope for all us. :) August Quiz coming up 202! 32 Seconds, c'mon what's the secret?
Nemont, I never said the Sherman Act was repealed, I said we have strayed (don't be all like stretching my like words homie) away from it and relaxed all sorts of safeguards that protects small business and consumers. Somebody just posted they were selling the family equipment rental business due to the loss of sales incurred after a Home Depot moved into town. That equipment rental company probably hired local vendors for parts, repairs, and fuel. Home Depot is self-supporting and as such has contracts with national vendors for parts, repairs, and fuel.

Ironic isn't it, that A.T.T. is the ultimate example of embracing and distancing our stance on the Sherman Act.

Nemont, I know you are a big free market fan so on this and the present form of NAFTA we will simply have to disagree. If our economic policies target small businesses and we lose our manufacturing base, we lose our wealth. The retail and service sectors can only survive for a limited time before the wealth is gone. Ross Perot said it, "Listen to that loud sucking sound, it the sound of American Jobs and wealth going overseas." May not be the exact quote but it's good enough.

As for Public Campaign financing, as my selected running mate you already know that's our policy! If elected you will lead the WAR ON SPECIAL INTEREST campaign.

Blogs are in the paid private sector, no paid provider means no blogs, we are talking strictly about the public air waves. Again, equal time opens all markets and may in time serve to protect your public broadcast listening interests. In the long run I just don't understand why anyone would be against this?

After all, you could always dump the public airwaves and jump on the net or subscibe to pay-radio. Who knows, in the end we might even achieve a more moderate nation bringing both ends of the spectrum closer to the middle.

As for Boycotting, well that's just blither blather in this day and age. I'm going to boycott Home Depot, oops, I remembered the other 3 locally owned hardware stores in town went out of business. So much for boycotting.
Pro the whole Wendover thing was a joke! You mentioned you were pulling overtime on another thread outside of Wendover. Got ya!

Just kidding around...hehehehe

Wendover is a fine place located just west of Heaven and just east of Hell. That was another joke!
I got it FTW, I live just over the mountain west of SLC. I work in the lovely desert, good catch though. I grew up in south central Utah outside of a town of 500 people or so, at the southwestern end of the Manti unit.

Back on topic, who gets to decide, under the Fairness Doctrine, what is conservative and what is progressive? When a radio host has on opposing views, how do you discern whether or not the segment was conservative or progressive?

The 'true' public airways would be NPR, wouldn't it? How is their slant? Start the Fairness Doctrine there first if it must be done. Then, go to the PBS TV stations, then the 'free tv' channels(ABC, CBS, NBC), then maybe 'progressively' move to the newspapers. Once all of those mediums are 'balanced' equally, we can then worry about the balance of good vs evil, er I mean conservative vs progressive. I guess the next step after that would be the bloggers, cable tv, and xm radio. Where does it all end?


Have you read any of the ramblings of guys like Alan Greenspan in regards to the Sherman Anti Trust Act?
- "Alan Greenspan, in his essay entitled Antitrust condemns the Sherman Act as stifling innovation and harming society. He says: "No one will ever know what new products, processes, machines, and cost-saving mergers failed to come into existence, killed by the Sherman Act before they were born. No one can ever compute the price that all of us have paid for that Act which, by inducing less effective use of capital, has kept our standard of living lower than would otherwise have been possible."

While I in now way want to see mom and pop businesses go away that has been happening since the industrial revolution. While neither mom and pop busniness or the Sherman Anti Trust Act were the intended topics of this thread I guess I will play along for a while.

There is some evidence that companies that have moved jobs offshore have actually increased hiring here in the U.S. because it has freed up capital.

We don't have big box stores here, where I live. The nearest Walmart if 144 miles away in Williston ND. Nearest Home Depot is 280 miles away in Billings. We depend on mom and pop shops to get the goods we need. So I am not anti mom and pop I just think the market is the best way to allocate resources. Whether the resource is oil or labor or goose decoys, the market has a way of getting the price right. There are always going to be issues with competition putting someone else either out of business or forcing them to sharpen their pencil.

That's the multi-billion dollar question PRO who decides? NPR would have been a good example 10 years ago, but it's been taken over by corporate sponsorship. Merck I believe.

I believe the markets will decide and in most cases the show host has already labeled themselves.

Paid for media, like satellite, internet, newspaper, magazines you get what you desire. So I think the paid for private sector is where restrictions or guidelines end.

If you could have talk radio in a format similiar to Hannity and Colmes, but say Rush and Big Eddie on the public airwaves, you could conceivingly have both sides of every issue from the biggest names in the business.

Instead of having one side speak at another over issues, it would be best if both sides were speaking to another directly over issues. The current "us" "them" format only leaves the listener asking more questions, then actually finding resolve when it comes to political issues. I have personally heard hyperbole, rhetoric, and mis-stated facts used by both ends of the political radio spectrum.

Could you imagine Michael Savage and Mike Malloy hammering each would make for great angry radio? Eventually they would settle down, stop yelling, and replace the rhetoric with substance. This would lead to a more balanced, more unified, and a more informed American public.

If you are anti F.D., that's cool I'm not trying to convince anyone, I'm just telling you my point of view.

Nice post Pro, I like it when we are all nice! Say you should try the Trivia Quiz when it starts on Aug 1st.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-07 AT 06:44PM (MST)[p]ah hell, it's thread 25 we can veer a little off course;)

Anyways at least it gives others the chance to understand why there is such a consolidation of media ownership.

I live in the Bay Area where there is a Starbucks, Applebees, Home Depot, Lowes, taco bell, jack n box, kfc, round table pizza, and Ikea all within 15 minutes of my home.

Although convenient, the stores and outlets dictate the service level which is at best sub-par. Wait till the day you get a Home Depot or especially a Lowe's, you'll be amazed at the extemely poor service level, inept staff, and long lines awaiting you.

You'll fondly remember the old family owned hardware store that recently closed, where the workers were extremely knowledgable and geniunely interested in helping you.

I disagree with Alan Greenspan, because his analogy takes into account lower operating costs equaling greater consumer savings. Instead of the reality that it only creates greater profit margins which only in turn benefits upper management and share holders. I also disagree with Freeman and his views on free-trade.

When is the last time you heard of your cable, energy, gas, food, or insurance bill decreasing resulting from a merger?

Yeah, maybe we should post this seperately....

which concludes my thought on the Fairness doctrine.
Although I am somewhat interested in the trivia fun, August is the onset of my busiest time of year, so I will have to pass.

My final thought on the Fairness Doctrine is if I don't like what the radio host is saying, or how he/she runs the show, I do NOT tune them into my radio. Problem solved. There is NO way to assure the balance would be 'fair', ,since my isea of conservative and progressive is different than perhaps yours, so who's view gets to be the deciding factor, and how is that 'fair'?


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