Free Hall Pass


Long Time Member
lets say your spouse gives you a free hall pass to sleep with anyone, one time only and your spouse would never, ever hold it against you, ever bring it up or make you feel guilty about it. Who would you choose?
Lesgo's neighbor Brenda. He has hidden real time cams set up in her home. You could see her if you had the chatroom address.

What was all that talk about your spanish pool boy then?

chatroom access? you kidding? there is a reason you guys don't allow me in there. (see my last 1000 posts)
>lets say your spouse gives you
>a free hall pass to
>sleep with anyone, one time
>only and your spouse would
>never, ever hold it against
>you, ever bring it up
>or make you feel guilty
>about it. Who would you

With my wife of course. I have been married long enough to know a trap when I am stepping in one. And I know when to give the right answer.
There is no such thing as free, no such thing as:
>never, ever hold it against
>you, ever bring it up
>or make you feel guilty
>about it.

Did she put you up to this Feleno?
>>lets say your spouse gives you
>>a free hall pass to
>>sleep with anyone, one time
>>only and your spouse would
>>never, ever hold it against
>>you, ever bring it up
>>or make you feel guilty
>>about it. Who would you
>With my wife of course. I
>have been married long enough
>to know a trap when
>I am stepping in one.
>And I know when to
>give the right answer.
>There is no such thing as
>free, no such thing as:
>>never, ever hold it against
>>you, ever bring it up
>>or make you feel guilty
>>about it.

Amen Brother!!! Women don't do free passes...
>>lets say your spouse gives you
>>a free hall pass to
>>sleep with anyone, one time
>>only and your spouse would
>>never, ever hold it against
>>you, ever bring it up
>>or make you feel guilty
>>about it. Who would you
>With my wife of course. I
>have been married long enough
>to know a trap when
>I am stepping in one.
>And I know when to
>give the right answer.
>There is no such thing as
>free, no such thing as:
>>never, ever hold it against
>>you, ever bring it up
>>or make you feel guilty
>>about it.
>Did she put you up to
>this Feleno?

NVB the more I chat on here the smarter you get. That is the only right answer.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-09 AT 09:30AM (MST)[p]That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

This is like the age old questions:
Do these pants make my butt look big?
Was I your first?
Am I the best you ever had?
You don't think she's prettier than me do you?

or my fav:
If something happened to me would you find another woman. Correct answer - "no honey, no one could replace you".
Reality -"you'd hardly be cold and I'd be on the town".
OK, y'all caught me... it was a test. NV, your wife was pleased with your response and said for that you will be rewarded. i'm not sure what she meant by it but the cattle prod, Zorro costume and Twinkies will be put to good use tonight. Huh?

However, I'm sure she knows the real answer I would give so I'm screwed either way (pun intended). There are no good answers to a question like that. It's like "have you stopped beating your wife?"

Soooo... the real answer would be... uh let's see... what's in a name?

And who would your hall pass include Feleno?
He assumed Brenda Valentine was good enough for Ransom, she's probably spot on for Feleno!! Ewwwwwwww!!

in the real world there wouldn't be anyone but to answer my own question:

Britney - she's dumb, screwed up but one night (or 2 minutes) would be fun. Something about her
Dana Torres - She's ripped, athletic and cute
Halle Berry
Kate Hudson to name a few more
i know Ransom likes em a bit older than most of us and the fact she wears dentures didnt hurt either

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