Fred Phelps- Right Wing Hero?



The dems have and the conservatives have heros like Rev. Fred Phelps.

Today Phelps lost an 11 million dollar lawsuit to the father of a fallen Iraq war soldier, for protesting at the funeral. Phelps says he's glad because of all the attention his cause will get from it.

Phelps church group protest at soldiers funerals with signs like " Thank god for 9/11" "Thank god for IED's " Thank god for dead soldiers" " God hates you" You're going to hell"

His logic if you want to call it that is the soldiers killed in Iraq are punishment for our tolerence of homosexuality,Brilliant.

Tell me again how all the degenerates and morons screwing this nation up are democrats. next time you lump all moderates and liberals in with wacky fringe groups remember your good 'ol Freddy, unless you agree with him maybe?
If it was at my family's funeral he would be considered lucky if all he lost was money.

Can you name one conservative you know that considers Fred Phelps a hero?

You cannot stand it when someone paints the liberals with a broad brush but have no problem painting with an equally large brush.

You are just like the neocons you rail against.

Where in hell did you get the idea that Phelps and is family are "Right Wing" or Conservatives for that matter ?

The Patriot Gaurd Riders show up at many of these funerals to counter the Phelps supporters...although they claim both sides as members I'll wager that the majority are Conservatives...
I dont care if your a lib. or on the right, if you protest a funeral your a sick f%^#
Dude, the biggest difference I see between MoveOn.Org and this whack job and his followers is that NOBODY from the right likes these people and none of them get talking points from them, nor do they give excuses for their behavior. While EVERY one of the major canidates from the left has met with and gotten directives from in NOT fringe 'group', they are MAINSTREAM Democrats. The preacher is a fringe loon that nobody on the right or left takes serious. To compare the two is assinine and goes beyond absurd!

Huntin Dude, can you name me one republican presidential candidate who endorses this idiot Phelps ? Because the democratic front runner, Hillary, publicly endorses "Media Matters" the left wing phony news group that is partially funded by and Soros.
I would not be surprised at all if Phelps ?church? (I use the word loosely) is also funded by Soros, as an ?agent provocateur?
Nemont, that was the point. I'm not even a democrat but everytime one does something questionable any non Bush lover gets lumped in with them. both sides have moron extremist, unless you like uncle Freddy remember that next time you see a flag burner or someone spitting at the troops.

Edelbrock, what makes me think they're conservatives? yeah......whatever.

I don't know what political stripe this cretian is but he should be put out of his misery. Very soon.

He's an interesting little creep, he protested at Gore's father's funeral screaming " your fathers in hell " and calling Gore a fag pimp. so I doubt he's democrat but I don't expect you to claim him either. he's a southern boy born in MS, so if you want to take care of him southern style I doubt anyone will say anything.

I thought you were going catfishing in Hawaii?

Now I know he needs a good shooting. Need to keep the Mississippi blood pure of disease.
I am going fishing. I'm here in the socialist mecca right now. Got in at 4pm Hawaii time. But the Mrs said since we have friends coming over from Maui for 4 days I can't go fishing till they leave. It's not like most hunters homes as I am only the boss if the Mrs is gone and she isn't.
The catfish here are huge and resemble marlin.

> He's an interesting little
>creep, he protested at Gore's
>father's funeral screaming " your
>fathers in hell " and
>calling Gore a fag pimp.
>so I doubt he's democrat
>but I don't expect you
>to claim him either. he's
>a southern boy born in
>MS, so if you want
>to take care of him
>southern style I doubt anyone
>will say anything.

Well, he wasn't always insane, hmmmm.

>>huntindude - Edelbrock, what makes me think they're conservatives? yeah......whatever.

Uuuuh...your first sentence...

>>huntindude - - The dems have and the conservatives have heros like Rev. Fred Phelps.
OK, you don't get sarcasm.

Just who might you figure a baptist preacher screaming hate chants at gays and democrats such as Gore and Clinton is most likely to be a member of? don't say green party.

He like Rush Limbagh , that help?

I'm not saying he speaks for your average republican, he doesn't speek for me. point is there's wackos on both sides, just remember uncle Freddy next time a stupid dem thread is posted here.
dude, how come you can't/won't acknowledge there are MAJOR diiferences between "uncle Freddy" and 'mainstream democratic' groups like One is EMBRACED by the party and it's leaders, the other is shunned and detested by Republicans alteast as much as by libs. To imply they are similar or on par with each other is ridiculous. One gets morning calls from the Party's canidates asking for policy advise/direction/orders, the other will NEVER get a call, and for sure will not get a call asking for policy ideas.


You provide debate using Liberal principles..."Say a lie enough times it eventually is held as true..."

You can't make this true, you cannot connect Phelps to the Republican party nor conservatives...

To imply that Phelps protests of Gore or homosexuals associates him with the Republicans or conservatives or puts him on par with Rush it juvenile...

Phelps is a mental case, no side claims him...

But...he himself has been associated with the Democrat party, and ran for office several times as a Democrat...

Democratic Party
Phelps has run in various Kansas Democratic Party primaries five times, but has never won. These included races for governor in 1990, 1994, and 1998, receiving about 15% of the vote in 1998.[35] In the 1992 Democratic Party primary for U.S. Senate, Phelps received 31% of the vote [36] Phelps ran for mayor of Topeka in 1993 [37] and 1997. [38]

By the way, nice try on saying he opposed Gore...he did at one point, but in fact supported Gore during the 88' election.

Support for Al Gore
Phelps supported Al Gore in the 1988 Democratic Party primary election.[39] In his 1984 Senate race, Gore opposed a "gay bill of rights" and stated that homosexuality was not something that "society should affirm".[40] Phelps has stated that he supported Gore because of these earlier comments.[41] According to Phelps, members of the Westboro Baptist Church helped run Gore's 1988 campaign in Kansas. Phelps' son, Fred Phelps Jr., hosted a Gore fundraiser, which Al and Tipper Gore attended, at his home in Topeka.[10][41] Fred Phelps, Jr. served as a Gore delegate to the 1988 Democratic National Convention.[41][42] Gore spokesman Dag Vega declined to comment; "We are not dignifying those stories with a response."[43]

BTW, your sarcasm isn't...
>The man needs a good, or
>bad, hanging. Period.

Fred or dude?

>>The man needs a good, or
>>bad, hanging. Period.
>Fred or dude?


"I'm not saying he speaks for your average republican, he doesn't speek for me. point is there's wackos on both sides, just remember uncle Freddy next time a stupid dem thread is posted here."

I was thinkin this was a stupid dem post
You only took the parts of his history that serve your cause, that's fine but if you look at the rest of the story it's clear his agenda does not fall at all within the agenda of the dems.

The guy is a certified wacko true, but if you think a religious extremist anti gay, anti abortion preacher who loves Rush is a dem you're as goofy as he is. before he went all the way off the deep end he volenteered for the Kansas republican party and he's allied with another hate group known as the Missouri Republicans, gee why would I think he leans towards the republicans. even if you throw party affiliation aside you don't see him as a radical conservative? if you can convince anyone he's not more of a conservative than a liberal you could sell ice to the Eskimos.
So if i understand you right,If im Pro life, pro gun rights, pro antigay marrige im a radical?
I think its time to invoke my wrestling with a pig analogy. When a person wrestles with a pig in the mud after awhile you realize the pig likes it.

If you say the deaths of our soldiers in Iraq are god's punishment for those issues, you might be a radical.
Ransom, up north we don't wrestle pigs in the mud so your analogy is lost.

We can solve this real easy, admit I'm right and we can call it resolved.

Don't you have enough catfish and coconuts for a southern style Hawaii ho down yet?
There may be wacko's on both sides but it seems the ones on the left have a way of getting in power.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Maybe this will help explain things.


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