FREAKING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Very Active Member
I am not sure if this is fake or not, but this has to be the STUPIDEST thing I have ever seen!!! Must be someone from Utards get picked on enough!! :)

no worky smart

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-09 AT 09:41PM (MST)[p]Wow.......

take off the ">" at the end
I dont even post in this thread and you guys still talk about me? You guys are obsessed.

Width isnt everything, its the ONLY thing.
What are we to do with this post? Is this like one of Feleno's threads where we just imagine what COULD happen? By the way, I'm from California!! This post goes to show you are from Utah!! HaHa

I dont know what you peoples problem is but when I click on the link, it plays for me????

And I am sitting in Sacramento right now and have been here for 3 I am sticking to my Kali comment!!! hehehehe
>I dont know what you peoples
>problem is but when I
>click on the link, it
>plays for me????
>And I am sitting in Sacramento
>right now and have been
>here for 3 I
>am sticking to my Kali
>comment!!! hehehehe

Judging all of Kali by sitting in Sacramento is like being stuck in traffic in SLC and saying how congested Utah is.


See you in a few....
I'm thankful for the idiots of the world. They keep me entertained. Long Live the Idiots (for us to make fun of) LOL
That has to be fake. As a physiologist, the human nervous system does not allow the body to feel pain with out some sort of reaction. You noticed how he didn't pull his hand up right away...which would be the immediate reaction.

Not to mention that his reaction to the knife sticking through his hand was a bit fake in my opinion.

It's a "magic trick" sleight of hand. Watch him at the beginning as he slips the fake "knife" on his hand then how he never shows you the back of that hand until he smashes the cup. Also notice how there is no blood spatter or blood running down his hand. I cut my finger on Christmas day cutting the turkey, it was just a small 1 inch long 1/4 inch deep cut yet it spurted blood all over the kitchen upon impact. I call bull.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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