Four Hunts???


Long Time Member
Okay the four gun deal was painful enough so how about this one. The doctor just called with your lab results and pick your favorite disease but you've got it. Pick your next four hunts because that's all you get and then it's lights out. Here's mine.

Before I list them I'm going to say that my kids will be along on all of these with me. I only got to go hunting with my dad once when I was 6 before he died and that is my favorite hunting memory.

Hunt #1 This is a full blown Tanzania 28 day safari and everything is on the Menu from Jumbos & Lions to Dik-Dik.(it may seem like cheating but it's one hunt even though a long one)

Hunt #2 This will be a combo hunt in S.E. alaska for coastal brownies and black bear.

Hunt #3 The first two choices were automatic but now I'm having to give it some thought. Interior Alaska 14 day hunt with grizzly, caribou, moose, dall sheep and wolf tags, and a SuperCub to get around to the best areas.

Hunt #4 This is my last Hurrah so it's going to be the governor tag for elk in Utah(I'd probably be just as happy if it was for muleys). Since this is my last trigger-tripping experience before I'm off to the happy hunting grounds I better pull out all the stops and call in the Mossypossy. Maybe I'll get lucky and kill Spideys offspring. You can complain all you like about using Mossy but it's my last hunt and I'll probably be dead before you have time to start complaining.

Okay what's your four?
Hunt#1- Archery Stone sheep hunt in Canada

Hunt#2- Archery Desert Bighorn in New Mexico

Hunt#3- Red Stag hunt in New Zealand

Hunt#4- Archery Rocky Mtn. Bighorn hunt in my home state, Colorado

Dall Sheep in AK would be #5

#4 kudu
#3 marco polo sheep
#2 kodiak island for browns with bow in hand
#1 back home to utah to hunt with my kids for muleys
#1 Archery Grizzly On the Alskan Coast
#2 Marco Polo Sheep
#3 Dall Sheep with my dad
#4 The first hunt my son is succesful. He's 4 now.

Good thread. Love sitting down and dreaming about hunts.
tit for tat, here goes...

1) I'd like to have run of the ranch, tag in pocket, rifle, late season, in the Ruby Mtns that i had back in the late 70's and early 80's. My Uncle and i patrolled Mule Deer Nirvana to keep trespassers and outfitters from cutting thru the ranch to NF lands above. Those were the days!!

2) Start August 1st in Alaska and take as many animals as i wanted, taking as long as i wanted, costing so much as i could not give a dang about!

3) Boat hunt for desert sheep in Mexico. Some days we'd stay on the mothership and troll for Roosterfish, Sails, and the occasional Striped Marlin, all on a fly rod, while others we'd glass for book Rams in the cliffs all along the Gulf.

4) Mule deer! Hunt a three state trip including Wy, Arizona, and Colorado, basically having Governors tags in each state and the very best outfitter's money can buy to help me get 3 for 3 on Mr Huge himself.

That's about it! :)

I would hunt the Strip, without a guide! (no offense to anyone)

I would hunt the Henrys, without a guide!

Then its a toss up, either the boulder mt for elk, an all animal hunt in Alaska, or same for Africa.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-10 AT 11:00PM (MST)[p]ya I remember my garage days too, barely. They sure were fun at the time. That photo is priceless. Did anyone ever figure out who the toker was? He's probably on a mission by now.
#1 Brown Bear on Kodiak Island

#2 Desert Bighorn in Az.

#3 Mule Deer Az. Strip

#4 Elk SW Desert
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-10 AT 05:56AM (MST)[p]#1 Quality Elk Hunt Anywhere
#2 Quality Elk Hunt Anywhere
#3 Quality Elk Hunt Anywhere
#4 Quality Elk Hunt Anywhere

Elk are my favorite!
#1 First hunt I'll come with you on your Tanzania hunt. 28 days should be about the right amount of time.

#2 Snow Sheep and Ibex combo

#3 Mexico Mule Deer/Coues Combo

#4 Back to Africa
Red Stag in New Zealand

Archery Caribou (location tbd)

Rocky Mt Bighorn (location tbd)

A monster muley w/bow(location tbd)

Not necessarily in this order. My boy is two so if this happened today, I wouldn't get a chance to hunt with him. He's been in the woods and seen wild turkey and found some antler sheds but I can't wait to see him pull the trigger or let an arrow fly on something!
1. Full bag old school 28 day Tanzanian safari.

2. Real long trip to BC for all I can get - moose, goat, stone sheep, griz.

3. Mongolia for altai argali sheep, ibex and whatever other critters they have...those goofy lookin little gazelles maybe.

4. Back to IL to hunt with family and friends where I killed my 1st deer.

My family and friends were nearly replaced with a trip to cameroon for Lord Derby Eland, Roan, and whatever else. (that would be an awesome trip) Too bad I am poor....

It would almost be worth dying to go on those 4 hunts...
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-10 AT 07:49AM (MST)[p]Well, I don' have a fatal disease, but age sure has become a factor, especially for the mountain hunting.

I've been to Africa and New Zealand, already have a turkey slam, a good moose, three caribou subspecies, black bear, pronghorn, etc. So I'll have to go with several I've never done.

1. A RUT rifle elk hunt in AZ (maybe this year if the draw gods shine down on me)

2. Kodiak Brown bear/Sitka combo (or Sitka alone since I need it for all the NA deer subspecies/species)

And these two to complete my AZ Big 10

3. Desert bighorn (36 yrs. of applying and still counting)

4. Bison (free range Houserock only)


How To Hunt Coues Deer
4. watching my dad shoot a caribou.

3. Utah's Elk Gov tag.

2. Henry's deer tag.

1. watching all 3 of my daughters shoot any animal just so I know they all grew up knowing how to hunt.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
mntman and I must think a lot a like. With out a doubt the first three must hunts for me to go on are.

1) Be with my oldest boy on his first hunt.
2) Be with my youngest boy on his first hunt.
3) Hennery Mountain Bison hunt.
4) The hunt of a life time will be the first hunt I spend with my daughter.

In all fairness I have a couple dream hunts that I would like to do before the maker decides it's time for me to come home.

1) Hennery Mountain Bison hunt.
2) Quebec Caribou hunt.
3) Alaska Moose hunt.
4) High quality DIY mule deer hunt.

1. Caribou in Canada
2. Red Stag in New Zealand
3. Moose in Alaska
4. Late rifle deer in Lincoln Co. NV
Yellowstone park Grizzly, Grey Wolf, Black footed ferrit, Trumpeter Swan.
San Diego Zoo Giraff, Elephant Penquins, Monkeys, Panda Bear, White Rino, Snow Leapord.
Sea World (fishing) Dolphin, Killer Whale, Walrus,and Seal
Hains Jct Alaska, Eagle, Spotted owl, Timber wolf, Baby Seal (must be white)

1. Henry Mtn's Deer - Archery
2. San Juan Elk
3. Utah Governor's Elk Tag
4. Any species/Any hunt/Anywhere with my Dad and my 2 boys and daughter
Rutnbuck those zoo safaris are fun. I just bagged 2 zebras at the Hogle zoo last week. I'm not sure if I'd do it for one of my last hunts though.
1) Mongolia for High, Mid and Gobi Argali, along with Ibex and gazell;
2) I don't think 28 days in Tanzania is enough time to take the big 5 as well as a bunch of plains game, so I would want at least 60 days in the field;
3) Henries deer tag to include all 3 seasons:
4) A tour of Russia, to include at lease 3 species of snow sheep, Kamchatka bighorn, brown bear and moose.

Seems totally reasonable! TJ
ttj trust me 28 days will get it done. I remember when I graduated from High School me and a buddy were going to spend all summer at Lake Powell in my boat before college started. We made it four weeks before we left. There's only so much beer and vodka you can drink, waterskiing you can do, fish and sand you can eat before you get really really burned out. I think it'd be the same with anything.

The year after that me and another buddy drove to Alaska, lived in a tent all summer and got jobs. A summer of that was enough as well.

Of course both of those summers gave me memories that'll last a lifetime, or until I forget.
one yukon moose

one cape buffalo / one leopard

one coastal brown bear

pheasants forever

Could happen, got to hurry!

As my wife says "you go on a once in a lifetime hunt every year"
I think my excuse is wearing thin!

1. Marco Polo Sheep...rifle
2. Desert Argali...rifle
3. Desert Sheep w/ a bow
4. Cape Buffalo w/ a bow
Sorry but I don't much care about Elk, Bear, Tanzania:

1. Mule Deer - Strip / Arizona because it's the only state left.
2. Antelope - Arizona or Nevada or Oregon
3. Mule Deer - Nevada
4. Mule Deer - California where I grew up
#1 San Juan Fall Bear
#2 Henry mtn Buck
#3 San Juan or Pahvant Elk
#4 Idaho Wolf
Stone sheep in BC
AZ governors Muley tag (self guided)
Leopard hunt
Elephant full charge brain shot
LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-10 AT 05:04PM (MST)[p]"The doctor just called with your lab results and pick your favorite disease but you've got it. Pick your next four hunts because that's all you get and then it's lights out."

It would be hard to pick 4, but one of them would be the 2075 general deer season. (I'm 61 now).


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Ok robb, You have pulled the trigger on the 50 bmfg one to manny times your gettin the wierds or you have way to much time on your hands and need to write another book !
The next book is being worked on, "The Elk Princess". Also bringing them all out on softcovers this year and 6 titles on dvd. But you're probably right, the 50 is starting to rattle the brain. I actually haven't had much time, I've been show hopping. I'm in Ft. Worth right now and as soon as I fly back from here I have to set up for the SFW show.
1. Wyoming mule deer with family.
2. Wyoming elk with family.
3. Wyoming pronghorn with family.
4. Wyoming bear with family.

I would like to finish how I started.

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