Four Corners Monument WAY OFF!!


Make sure you know where the boundaries are!! This is funny!

Readings show Four Corners marker off by 2.5 miles
Putting each limb in 4 different states? You?re off by 2 1/2 miles
The Associated Press
updated 11:57 a.m. CT, Tues., April 21, 2009
SALT LAKE CITY - Tourists who think they're putting a hand or foot in each of four U.S. states at the Four Corners area are apparently missing the mark ? by about 2.5 miles.

National Geodetic Survey officials say the Four Corners marker showing the intersection of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah is about 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) west of where it should be, the Deseret News reported.

The only place in the United States where four state boundaries come together was first surveyed by the government in 1868 during the initial survey of Colorado's southern boundary. The survey was inaccurate.

Officials said Monday the accurate location lies to the east of U.S. 160 in Colorado and northeast of the San Juan River as it flows into New Mexico.

? 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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? 2009
Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Does that mean every state is bigger or smaller than originally thought?

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-09 AT 04:40PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-09 AT 04:30?PM (MST)

Roy! Isn't that area one of your famous turtle hunting spots? I think so......let's see.......yes indeed, that makes you a POACHER!!!! Hunting is a State that you don't have a tag for!

Wait 'till Boone&Crockett hears about this, not to mention the hefty reward from DWR!!


What's 2.5 miles in the big scheme of things?

Close only counts in Hand grenades and Ballistic Missiles

If I have it right, CO and NM get smaller and AZ and UT get larger, but only in relation to the current marker location. Actually there is no real change other than sinking a new marker. I wonder if they will do that.

Hey, this could be part of the new Change guy's stimulas pkg. Let's form a group to research how the first guys missed by 2.50 miles, have the group report to Congress in lets say, four years and then form a commission to review the first groups findings and report back in another three years and then hire some schmuck to pound a new post into the ground before the new Change guy finishes his second term. Let's set a budget amount of $15 million, give or take a million or two. Of course they will run over budget by four times that amount, but hey, its part of the stimulas pkg so who cares?

Wow, maybe they will find that Utah's southeast boundry does not line up with Colorado's southwest boundry and there never was a four corners!!

my $0.02
THAT is depressing news!

My wife and I had sex standing there at 3 am, one morning in the late 60,s. One foot in each state.

Now you tell me that it was an error?

There must be someone I can sue over this.

Even if they move the marker, I can't do it over.....I can't have sex (hardly) ANYWHERE any more.
It just isnt fare-I ride my Triumph to California from Michigan back in 72, stop and take all those pics with our feet on the spot, and now you tell me you and your wife were already there.
So, my wife is a county planning director here in OR. I just shared this with her, and she is kind of freaking out. All range and townships in OR and other states probably, are based off of this location. If this is changed, will everything have to be changed?

"success Is Reason Enough!"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-09 AT 08:20AM (MST)[p]"THAT is depressing news!
My wife and I had sex standing there at 3 am, one morning in the late 60,s. One foot in each state.

Now you tell me that it was an error?

There must be someone I can sue over this.

Even if they move the marker, I can't do it over.....I can't have sex (hardly) ANYWHERE any more. "

You may be able to sue on grounds of undue hardship...... or softship...... Terry
Eel - First off - I hunted the Virgin River Gorge which is on the other side of Utah!

Second - that hunt is an interstate hunt - the area, terrain and danger are so high that it is actually FEDERALLY administered - and I could hunt in any one of three states - Utah, Arizona, or Nevada, as long as I was in the confines of the Virgin River Gorge 0-666 Desert Devil Terrapin hunt boundaries - so no poaching was involved!

Third - the fact that you accuse me a being a poacher is an admission of your belief that I did in fact harvest a monster turtle on that hunt - something that you have doubted in the past due to my lack of legal ability to post pics! After all, the word poacher by definition denotes that one is a successful hunter (however ilegal) - because that means he actually harvested an animal otherwise he would just be another guy with a gun walking around in an area he shouldn't be in! So in a roundabout way, you have just in fact legitimized and verified my hunt success!

Your jealousy is paper thin and ever apparent!

To the rest of you, thanks for you patience. The pics will be available soon and I will show them! But I will have to find a way to do it so that Eel can't see them because he is not invited!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
nickman said:
>My wife and I had sex standing there at 3 am, one morning in >the late 60,s. One foot in each state.

Wish I could claim that one. Laid it on the line one Easter Sunday between Lee Vining, CA and Hawthorne, NV but never in four states at once.
If I were you I claim that it is still the recognized four corners if not the official.
I'm pretty sure that the article states that simply the monument is off, not the actual state lines. The monument is just not in the right place?
Originally posted by Nickman:

"Even if they move the marker, I can't do it over.....I can't have sex (hardly) ANYWHERE any more."

Sounds like a personal problem to me! ;-)
I heard that the monument was set wrong in the 1860s, but since then all four states recognize that the monument is the official state corner so nothing else counts.

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