Founder's 2012 Hunting Adventures


Founder Since 1999
Like most of you, my year has began with trying to decide where to apply and for what. Big mule deer is what I love, but this year it's looking like I'm going to be hunting antelope in Wyoming and Elk in Utah. That's in addition to Utah archery deer tag in a limited entry unit. That's right!!! Limited entry deer and elk!
I have 12 points for elk and should draw the hunt I's a muzzleloader hunt. The deer tag is a result of turning in a poacher. I don't have the tag in hand just yet, but the UDWR called today to verify whether I wanted a rifle, muzzleloader or archery tag.
And, I expect to have a Colorado deer tag this year too.

This will be the first year in many that I probably won't hunt Wyoming for deer. I love that place! But, I have to focus on the deer and elk hunts in Utah. Much scouting is needed for those hunts.

So that's it for this year so far. I'm planning to do some shed hunting soon and will share pics if I find anything. Plus, my training routine for this year is going to be harsh. My goal is to be a mean mountain climbing machine by summer. I've been doing 1300 vertical feet (3 mile loop) hike/slash run a couple times a week. I'm in good shape now, but want better. I hope to need good physical condition to pack a monster bull, huge 'lope, and two monster muleys out of the hills.

Good luck all and please share your hunting adventures with us all.

Brian Latturner
I put my hands on my first shed of the year!!! On Tuesday I did the Antelope Island shed hunt. This is my reward for $59.00 and 10 hours of walking. I'm not sure that I'll have any interest in doing it again next year. We'll see..........



Brian Latturner
I got out again for a few days recently and did some hiking/shed hunting. Had a good time. I found a few real nice antlers. Here's a video and photos...........

Watch the Webcast







Brian Latturner
I'm already wishing I had applied for a Wyoming tag, even a crappy tag but where I could do some backcountry scouting and hunting. I've got the backpacking bug, but all the hunts I have lined up for this year should be pretty easy. My elk hunt that I should draw is the only one that might kick my butt a little.

I've been training hard never-the-less, and I'm ready.

Brian Latturner
Today was my first day this year to shoot my bow. I ran down to Salt Lake Archery and flipped a few. I'm hurt!! I jurt my shoulder snowboarding over a month ago, yet it still hurts bad when I draw the bow. Not good at all. So, I think I will need to lay off shooting for another couple weeks anyway.

Also, I registered for the Mountain Mile the archery shoot at Snowbird in July. I'm going to win it.....LOL OK, I might not, but I'll be in shape and should be shooting good by then.

I did a shed antler hunt in Wyoming on May 1st. I'll share those photos and video soon.

Brian Latturner
Here's a few photos and a webcast of my outing in Wyoming.







Brian Latturner
My shoulder still hurts, but not as bad and I have begun shooting. I feel pretty strong, so I think I'll get my shooting down well soon.

I fully expect to win the one mile running and shooting event at Bowcast this year.

Brian Latturner
Finally, my shoulder feels better and I have begun shooting arrows and everything is looking real good so far. I feel real strong this year with my draw weight.

Brian Latturner
As part of my pre-season workout I did the Tough Mudder in Colorado again this year. Fun stuff. The training for that and that event should have me ready to climb the hills in search of bucks and bulls.

I have a muzzleloader elk tag here in Utah, but that's it so far. I'm expecting more.............

Tough Mudder 2012 Article/Video

Brian Latturner
Watch Webcast

So I did my first scouting trip of the year and found some nice bucks. Take a look at the buck with the cheaters in this clip. Could he end up a taker?

Brian Latturner
This is what I did last Friday and Saturday. It was called the Mountain Mile and was held at Bowcast at Snowbird. Real fun event. Watch the video clip.
I didn't win, but........

Mountain Mile Shooting Event

Brian Latturner
The ultimate pre-hunt workout!!! So, take a look at this workout I did on Saturday. If this doesn't get my legs ready for hiking, what will.

It was the SpeedGoat 50k race at Snowbird. One of the toughest ultra races around. 32 miles and 11,000 vertical feet of climb. And of course the coming down 11,000 isn't all that easy either.

Brian Latturner
So to bring anyone reading up-to-date, my bow shooting is coming along very nice. I feel good.

As for finding a deer to hunt......I think I've found one, or two, or none. I don't know!!! I think the one 4x4 in this video clip and photos below will end up over 30 inches wide and very very 190 inches.
The big 3x4 framed buck is also a slug. He's heavy, has a couple fun extra points on the bases, and has width. But just a 3-point frame on that one side.
Maybe I'll throw them both out the window and keep searching while hunting. Maybe........not likely.

Here's my podcast/webcast:

Watch It Here






Brian Latturner
My hunt is on!!! I arrived yesterday. Here's what I saw this morning.




Brian Latturner
Myhunt begins tomorrow!! Im so excited. I saw the wide buck this evening and i like. He's my prey. I also saw a neat buck that had a 4 inch hook cheater, 7 inch droptine, and another extra on a 4x4 frame. He neat and unique. I liked him a lot, but he just wasn't quite that big. I'm thinking 180 gross type buck. Maybe 185.
The wide buck has with and nice time length and I've had my eye on him for over a month. Good story if I can get him.

Brian Latturner
It's day 4 of my archery hunt and so far I'm getting my butt kicked. I've seen the buck I'm after, but no shots yet. But not seeing many deer at all.

Brian Latturner
Hunt update.....I SUCK! No good yet. Heck, I haven't seen enough good bucks to even create a webcast. Still at it and it's still better than not hunting.

Brian Latturner
I still don't have a buck down. The hunting is still tough. I head back tomorrow for who knows how long.....maybe until the end of the hunt. Still giving it my all.

Brian Latturner
Today was the best day so far. I laid eyes on 8-9 bucks, but no taker. Still giving it hell. No pictures to share cause nothing to take pictures of.

Brian Latturner
It's my 15th or 16th day of bowhunting down here and the most discouraging yet. I was sneaking SUPER slowly along a road. I was being dead silent. Three small bucks crossed the road 100 yards ahead. I wanted to get a bit closer in case the cheater buck was with them. I moved only 5 yards, slow and quiet, and I look up through the tangled mess of pines and deadfall and one of the little bucks had me pegged!!! Crap!!!!!!
I couldn't have shot. It's tough hunting this one deer. I actually could have gotten closer riding the ATV. I ain't doing that.
So, I'm sitting on a hillside getting pound with rain as I type wondering if it's time to call me a loser on this one....????
This hunt is no longer fun.

Brian Latturner
So my first hunt of the year is done. It was a tough one. I ended up spending a total of 25 days on the Pausaugunt and 19 hunting. Didn't shoot any arrows and only saw the bucks I was trying to kill 3-4 times.

Here's my webcast/podcast. It shows some of the bucks I saw during the hunt and I tell the story. Take a look at the buck with the huge drop cheater. What a neat one. I should have spent time looking for that cool buck.


Brian Latturner
My son and I arrived here in Wyoming a few hours ago to do some antelope hunting. He's already had action. Fun stuff! He missed a nice one. Maybe tomorrow we'll get him.

Brian Latturner
We had fun in Wyoming hunting antelope this past weekend. I ended up not putting as much time and effort into the hunt as what I would have liked, but it turned out fun and a great dad/son experience.




Brian Latturner
My Colorado hunt is on!!! i arrived late last night, setup camp and getting excited. its not looking like any snow will be falling, but im still hoping. as in most places, snow helps the hunting a lot.
Either way, I'm stoked. I enjoy this hunt every year. I'm all alone, but like it this way.
So that's that for now.

Brian Latturner
Well, my hunting for 2012 is all finished. No big muley for me. Bummer. I just returned from being in Colorado for 12 days....9 days of hunting.

The first 5 days of hunting was not too good. It was warm and dry and when it's like that, the deer don't move much, especially when there are elk hunters everywhere.

On day 6 we got snow and things picked up just a bit. Deer began moving some, migrating, etc. and I was able to lay eyes on about 3 nice bucks. None were giants, but nice bucks. I tried to make a play on two of the bucks. On the final day of the hunt, I turned up one of the bucks at noon and after waiting 6 hours, the buck presented a shot. I hit him, but not good. Lost him.

Watch the webcast if you'd like to see the bucks and shot. Pretty cool. A real bummer I didn't get him. I was highly disappointed in myself.

Watch It Here!

This is the wide buck I passed. Pretty nice one.....I'm thinking 29 wide....185ish.


This is the long tined dude. This buck had about 8-9 inches in extras and a high 180's frame I think. Not heavy, and obviously not wide. I wanted to get him.

This is the buck I wounded. I think he had a 180-184 frame and then about 6-7 inches of extra. I think his frame was that good. I don't know. He was a good looking buck. I still want to puke when I think about losing this one.


Brian Latturner
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