Found Something In 12 Mile, Manti, UT



If you lost a communication device somewhere in 12 Mile, let me know what it was and I can get it back to you. I'd want it back if I'd of lost it.
I was able to get some information of the unit, if you know anyone that was in the 12 Miles area last weekend with the names Yardley or Bergols let them know I may have something of theirs. Thanks.
I think there is a Yardley on MM.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Bac, I think I may know whose it is. Can you call him directly. If its his he will be able to explain it to you. Ryan 801-367-8833 That's good of you to do this.
BAC, I'm the Ryan that elkoholic is talking about. If it's what I've been looking for, I can tell you exactly what it is and describe it in grave detail. I've been looking for it since last Friday. Would really appreciate it if you'll call me on that number elkoholic posted. That's really awesome of you.
>Lost item found it's way home.
>Thanks everyone for helping find
>the owner.

AWESOME! Makes me keep faith that there are great people out there.....good for you and I hope that Karma helps you on a Monster Buck one day.
BAC, Well Done!!! If i could reach out and shake your hand, i'd gladly do so!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
R, E: Found Something In 12 Mile, Manti, UT

Heaven forbid a nonresident would loose something, it makes perfect sense to put this in the general section. Thanks for doing the right thing.
>Wow, a Utah post in the
>General section. You don't see
>that everyday.

You really are a whinney b!tch aren't you. Oh boo who they posted a Utah topic in the general forum boo who. Get over it.
Karma will come around to you for getting this item to its owner. Very nice indeed...

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
That was sure a great story. Hats off to BAC for doing the right thing. There's a spot for him in my camp anytime.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Well , from the post. I would guess a Rhino . You have you name entered in the screen and the friend you are talking to. That"s what I got from the post anyway. Lets see if I am close ?
I'll stand in the line to shake your hand too.
I commend you for doing the right thing and I suspect there are literally hundreds of guys on MM who whould do the same given the opportunity.

The only thing I've found this year is a broken bungee cord in the middle of the road, south of Strawberry, and the owner can have it back if they hurry. Garbage pick-up is in a couple days! haha

Good karma to ya man,
Thanks again BAC for the return. 9 times out of 10, the finder would have kept it without thinking twice. You're a stand up guy and an example for us all.
I mentioned this post to my wife. We was talking about all the items that get lost up the canyon. Her best friend came down several days later and said she was sick over something her husband lost up 12 mile. My wife said, Hey I think someone on monstermuleys found it. Crazy how things happen. I think it's the first time I ever mentioned monstermuleys to her. :)
ELKO HO, no problem! Just tell your wife's best friends husband that he should now post up here on MM, all his big buck pic's, secret honey holes, and we'll all call it good! :)

These certainly are "feel good threads"!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

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