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HunterHarry (746 posts)
Dec-16-03, 06:32 PM (MST)
6. "RE: Need a law"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-03 AT 06:33 PM (MST)
Who here,if by some incredible stroke of luck,(Lottery win, Inheritence,or as some have gotten rich,by working their ASS off!...etc.) That gave us near unlimited funds wouldn't buy those high dollar tags? are those a supreme set of morals or just regular ole hypocracy and class envy?....
I think I know which it is!

while reviewing the topics found above-
I for one hope that hunterharry would not stoop so low as to buy a trophy- if you look at the hunting of today [ and i use the term loosely ] most of the so called hunters go to a fenced in preserve and pay big bucks to get a trophy so they can brag about it while sipping there beer and kick back and laugh about how the hunt went- so why go at all when you can buy a trophy and have it fixed and delivered to your door ready to hang???

by the way money not everything- the rich buy their friends
if you have more friend then money you got it all!!

please respond thank you
"the rich buy their friends"

Not all of us do, :)

I'm guessing you're poor and STILL don't have friends but wishes ya had money to buy some.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
I just lease mine, when I get sick of them I turn them in for a newer model, you might check around on some of the "program friend" deals around. You can get some smokin deals on a low mileage hardly used friend, many of them infact come with the remaining factory head to toe warranty. Works good for disadvantaged people such as yourself. Goodluck on the search for a friend.

I'm up for lease....

I'm even Hold my Farting for ya :)
But I'm not giving up my EminEM CD !!!!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Thats just like you Moosie, prostituting yourself out again, all I can say young man is hold out for the highest bid.

I've been offered upwards of $0.45 I'm hoping to get offers of up to $0.50 or more by Feb. then I can pay some of these Lawyer charges.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
you are the one who can be bought for what he is worth and sold for what you thinks he is worth !
I beleive you will lose money if you even buy Moosie cause no one will buy him off of you!
not even at auction
maybe you could donate him to charity or for medical necropsy but at a loss

i have to put necropsy since I don't know what kind of creature he is
See, sometimes Money can't even buy stuff.... :)

Guys, It's not my Fault I'm Rich, great looking and a Good hunter. Please look at my faults.... OHHH wait, there is non (Besides typing). :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
I'am probalby older than you think. But I have been rich and I have been poor considering, the ups and downs of the stock market the 911 attacts on the twin towers in new york which kicked all of our a--es. I have had inheritences which have went dowm the drain because of divorce. Been paying for child support for 32yrs. Don't buy lottery tags been hunring in this area for 37 years and still can show you or any body else a remote area for deer hunting won't caust you a dime either other that your hunting license and a tag p.s. of course I'am not going to tell you where it is at but it is all most in my back door. If interested leave message to this response. will fill you in on futher details.
You sound like a real dipshiit. Life story of a loser. Paying child support for 32 years? Crap. Aren't you smart enough to know when to stop? If your hunting information is anything like your spelling, its probably a real craphole hunting area. "If interested leave response." This wouldn't be some veiled attempt to market something, would it? If interested, pack sand.
For your information at least I have paid for my childern; for the last 32yrs, That's why I still get to go hunting. I'AM NO dead beat. I pay my way. I still know my remote area's and I'll be dammed if I ask you you to come along.

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