Found Money??


Long Time Member
Kinda slow round here so a topic most can respond to if they so choose.

Was running outa Cope today and with another cold storm headed this way, Nor Cal, must shopping had to include a couple cans of Copenhagen Snuff. I knew in my money clip, don't even own a wallet, there was a couple $20, a 5'er, and 10-15 1's. So Cope being $5. a can out the door, i flip thru toward the bigger bills in the back, grab the 5'er, then start to peel five 1's off the top. About the fourth Washington i peel off turns out not to be a one spot but a twenty. I looked back in toward my drivers license and debit card in the middle, yep, the two twenties are still there.

I made $19. free dollars today! :) yipeee!

You guys find unexpected money lately? How so?

Its nice to find a 20 in a coat pocket or ash tray in my truck or something. Doesnt happen very often but its nice when it does.

A few weeks ago I was getting on the freeway when I noticed a piece of paper in the middle of the lane. As I drove past I saw it was a bill and knew it was bigger then a doller, so I swerve over to the side and jump out and grab it. When I get back in my wife was looking at me like I was nucking futs. I smiled and showed her the 20 I just risked my life for.
3 days ago found 2 twenties blown up on the chainlink fence at my const yard, turns out it belong to my son's girlfriend so I gave it back. Should keep my mouth shut. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
There is this canyon I go hiking and walking . There is this little trail I'm walking up and look down and find a twenty dollor bill . It looks like it had been there a little while , which is surprising cuz the trail gets a lot of traffic .

Now I call that trail " 20 dollor trail " and I'm allways looking for more bills .

Does this trail lead to "Founders Secret Clud House"???

If so, I think I might know what the money is used for. :)
> Does this trail
>lead to "Founders Secret Clud
>If so, I think I might
>know what the money is
>used for. :)

Now that I think about it , it may have been the secret club house trail . It's like it was baited , all along the trail with money . There was loose change on the trail , and then it started out with dollor bills , and then right before the cave was the twenty .

There was some unsavory charecters hanging around the cave , plus I'm ascared of dark , scary caves . So I took my twenty and went home . LOL
My wife drug a twenty through the trailer park I was living in, once...................I bought a fishing reel with it.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-11 AT 06:27PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-11 AT 06:23?PM (MST)

Not quite the same as money but a valuable find. Back in 82, i bought my Grandparents home from the Estate. In grandpa's junk drawer i found the very first lure in my now getting outa hand collection of old lures. I'll never sell my example but this Chippewa bait, almost identical, just sold on e-bay for a pile.

When I bought the place I'm living in now, I was told that our uncle Jack didn't like banks and left a lot of money stashed here and there.

In the barn I found a coffee can full of old half dollars. In the basement I found about $600 face value worth of old silver...maybe 3 rolls of darn near mint mercury dimes and a bunch of old quarters.

After the barn burned, I took a backhoe and dug all around the foundation and didn't find anything. Except where uncle Jack was buried.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Back in the day I found a $20 in the crack of the lounge chair in a strip club one night, so I re-invested it back to one of the girls.
Feddoc, That's what i'm talken bout! Nice Find...the coins that is. :)

Hornkiller, tackle boxes full of old lures are special to me. You never know what could be in there that might be worth serious money until you find out from one who knows. Most of the time, old baits run from a couple dollars up to about $20. or so.

Some rare one's though, can be worth much more. Here's a box full that i had my eye on that i figured would sell at near $500. I see several examples of $40-50. baits in there and a BUNCH of $3-10. dollar ones.

I found a nickle on the floor of the break room at work the other day. Hey! That's an ante in our poker game. Cool!


$1900 for that lure? What's the story Joey? Why such a high price I guess is my question. It must be worth that much (somebody just paid it). Give me a little history Joey. Lure collecting sounds like a fun hobby.
Eel, That lure, Immel Bait Co, put out the Chippewa bait in the very early 1900's. They didn't make them very long and they didn't make very many. I suspect that the $1900. price tag has much to do with the lure also having the original box. If the lure is considered rare, then the box that goes with it is even rarer.

Most guys take their Rapala outa the box, tie the lure on the line, and throw the box in the trash. Such is how they did it back then too so by far the majority of lures a guy comes across are boxless. I really like the graphics and color of the old boxes, as well as the lures, so when i'm looking to buy, i generally buy the boxed sets.

I sold my Browning Bt-99 trap gun last year but at one time i offered a guy, that was selling a really nice chippewa box, my bt-99 in trade straight across. I may have taken it in the shorts but i really wanted a original box to go with Grandpa's old chippewa bait. He turned my offer down!

I worked a coroner's case involving a retired PGE employee that had died in his cabin located in the hill arear. He never married and while checking his belongings for names of next of kin, I found his last four retirement checks that he had not even cashed.

Seeing that and knowing how some old hermits will hide money, I dug a little deeper to keep from leaving anything of great value behind that thieves may get to.

In a closet buried under some old jackets I found 5 3 lb. coffee cans filled to the brims with the older silver dollars and quarters that were selling for a far higher price then their face value due to the silver content.

There were so many coins, that we quit counting them and just weighted the cans on a very accurate scale before storing them in the evidence room for release to the next of kin which was his only brother.

Another case we found over $20,000.00 stored in a shoe box in a closet. That guy was a older single hermit also and did not trust banks due to living though the great depression.

In about 1998 I lost a canvas bag with $21,000 dollars in it...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
BS said, "In about 1998 I lost a canvas bag with $21,000 dollars in it..."

LMAO! How did i know that this was coming from you or NVB? lol

Thanks RELH, Good stuff!!

Thanks Joey. I sort of collect old paper shotgun shells and the old boxes are very collectable too. I have a few full boxes, but mostly loose shells. Someday I want to build a display case.

BS, see post #7 above. Send YukonDall a PM, although it will probably be a dead end.

>Thanks Joey. I sort of collect
>old paper shotgun shells and
>the old boxes are very
>collectable too. I have a
>few full boxes, but mostly
>loose shells. Someday I want
>to build a display case.
>BS, see post #7 above. Send
>YukonDall a PM, although it
>will probably be a dead
I have a full box of old paper shotgun shells, are you interested?
>Thanks Joey. I sort of collect
>old paper shotgun shells and
>the old boxes are very
>collectable too. I have a
>few full boxes, but mostly
>loose shells. Someday I want
>to build a display case.

Same here Eel.. I had been collecting shot shell boxes for years but have been selling them. When I was actively collecting I only bought boxes that were full. I also have a ton of loose paper shells, if there is something specific your looking for let me know I may have it.
Every now and then I reach into a pocket of a jacket I haven't worn for a long time and find a 5 or 10 I shoved in the last time I wore it,
I wore a suit to a funeral the other day and found my divorce papers in there. Does that count?
I bought my house from an old lady. I always joked about finding a fortune stuffed in the walls or under the floor, but I kept a keen eye out just the same.

One day I was up in the attic pulling wire for a new light fixture, shoved in one corner of the attic was a shoe box :O Could this be it? I knelt down and carefully opened the shoe box to reveil a hammer. WTH?
have not found any money but at work we use to take a dime and glue it to the shop floor and watch people try to pick it up..
Kingfish, Lost? No, misplaced was probably more like it. To me it was "found Money"
...but i'm glad that you are here in judgment to clear that up for me! :)

Back in my drinking days, i went out near every night after work and stayed out until i needed to get to bed to be good to go the next day. Always had lots of clothes in those days so only needed to use the laundromat every couple weeks. No telling what kinda cash i'd find in my pockets. More times than not, there would be enough to pay for the laundering and then some.


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