Found dead Bighorn sheep


Very Active Member
On Saturday I took my son to explore a cave I had heard about on the Stansburys.
About 100 yards off the road I found this dead Bighorn Ram with it's horns cut off.
I sent the picture to the DWR in hopes it was them that took the horns and if they know about it and how it died.


There's always next year
It would be ironic if it did die of old age after the discussion we have been having.

There's always next year
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-15 AT 09:54PM (MST)[p]It's a shame to see any ram taken down without a tag on it, regardless of the reason. Missing horns certainly makes the cause suspect. Death by old age would be ironic, given our shared opinion on that group. Hopefully someone will report back to you Koby. Keep us posted.
Neither the biologist or
C.O. have responded back to me on the matter.
kind of disappointing.

There's always next year

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