found 2 way radio on abajo mtns


Long Time Member
I found a two way radio last saturday on the Abajos. If it's yours and you can describe it, I'll get it back to you.
Why in the world would you encourage and promote radio and gang hunting of these magnificent animals?
Whiskeyman, quit hitting the bottle. I'm not encouraging anything. Merely trying to return private property to it's rightful owner.

Also you are making assumptions that anyone is "radio" or "gang-hunting".
When you hunting deer and elk outwest you can't be talking or listening to loud radios. But it is big country if you need to keep track of you people a nice GPS radio comes in handy. In other words if you walk five miles over the mountain it nice to call for a ride to pick you up . ;-)

When we go in on a animal if its even on, its the first thing that gets turned off ! Thats all you need is some kids keying down when you are trying to hunt.

Don't drink, partner. Everything ain't what it seems.

I think you should stop trying to be the good guy by supporting the bad guys. Then they win.....and you loose.

I think you should stomp that radio into smithereens. If your not able......send it to me and I will. Given your post on this seem to also believe that radio is indeed used for hunting.

This radio stompage will encourage folks to hunt in the traditional, ethical, moral manner and stop this gang-hunting, pathetic, wimpy, lazy, nonsense.
As stated, "Everything ain't what it seems."

When hunting with my kids, everyone carries a radio. If seperating (the older kids--younger ones stay with dad), then we check in with each other at set times. It is the only time we use them. When alone, I still have it. If I get hurt or otherwise disabled, I know that I'll be able to connect with another hunter or search and rescue in time...

If I or one of the kids set the radio down and left it, I'd surely appreciate someone trying to get it back to us.
If you step into the woods...........then man up and take the risk. The woods ain't a large mall in SLC or a pro football stadium.

The woods are for people with some connection and knowledge of nature. And mother nature can be a #####.

If you and yer kiddies can't hack it.......then stay at home. Huntin in the wilds is a rare, special experience and should not be perverted and destroyed by wimpy city dwellers. Stop it in the name of saving ethical, respectable, decent hunting.
Wow Whiskey I can't tell if your serious or just trying to stir the pot . So I'm guessing your wired differently and just know where you are at all times even when hunting a unfamilar unit .

I for one have a very good sense of direction , but when I'm hunting or scouting in other units I'll admit I have been turned around or have lost track of my land marks . I have to suck it up and relly on the trusty G.P.S. that just happens to have radio also . I guess from what your saying by me having a radio also that rarely gets used I'm not engaged in ethical , respectable , decent hunting ?

Its really sad that deadI makes the effort and ethical choice by trying to reach to the hunting community and returning this property to its rightful owner , and you some how twist it around .

So I'm guessing you don't own a cellular telephone ?
Another good thread ruined by whiskeydick.


"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
What a TOOL.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Wow he's on a roll today.

I wish we were all as BAD as whiskeybeotch.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Hey whiskey, do you use a rifle to take your quarry??
Man up and do it the "traditional way".....use a stick or stone.
Some people never out grow the natural narcissism of adolescence.

Yeah, put binoculars, firearm, bow, hunting boots, truck, etc... away, man up and go out there butt naked as you came into the world and be sporting about your hunt. There is a difference between tough and stupid, risk taking and fool hardiness. A radio that weighs a few ounces, a compass, a first aid kit... Our ability to utilize tools is what puts us at the top of the food chain. WM, I'm assuming you don't take any first aid items and if you ever break a leg you'll be the man and set the thing yourself rather than utilize reasonable resources like medical professionals...

Good on ya Slamdunk for trying to do a good thing.
I've gotta say that hunting down there for the week was a great experience. Everyone I ran into was gracious and kind (what you would expect from fellow sportsman but don't always see anymore), whether they were locals or non-residents everyone was real decent.

It only took a matter of minutes to run into an azzhole on this site.
How does somebody not know WhiskeyMan (Tay Sullivan)? Maybe a made up name? I'd be shocked if he gave his real name after the beatings he's probably taken for being such an ass over the years. If you were in my hunting grounds I'd try my hardest to put antlers on your head! BOOM.....LOL

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Some say there is legend about a man who thought he was such a bad-a$$ and so much of a man that all he could do was stay home every day and touch himself....he tried so hard to stop and contribute to society but he was just too big of a piece of crap..... and anything he ever thought he could or did accomplish in life was nullified by a few online comments he made while simultaneously stroking keys and other things.......then one day this man died alone and friendless with no self respect or dignity....even the miniscule accomplishments that he thought he had made in life were destroyed by his overwhelming one came to his funeral... no one knows who this man really was but some call him ...........Whiskeyman!

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