Fort Hood Shooting today........

LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-09 AT 04:40PM (MST)[p]I bet the shooter wasn't Jewish or Catholic.

Major Malik Nadal Hasan; he was an Army Psychiatrist.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Good lord will this sh!t ever stop?

Unfortunately No. Hasan was a US citizen born in the USA. Don't jump to conclusions. There are bad people around us.
Pretty sad that they disarm our fighting men and women when they're here at home and working. You can't help but think that the outcome might have been different if they'd have allowed the law-abiding folks to have firearms on base. Seriously, if you wanted to shoot up a lot of folks you are absolutely sure are unarmed - go to a military base. They trust them with tanks and M4's in Iraq, but don't trust them with a pistol on their side at home. was Tim McVeigh.....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Yeah - this one hits a little close to home for me. We don't live too far away from Ft. Hood and I have worked closely with many veterans and soldiers there. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
It's stories like this that make me wish we could torture stupid people...for years!!

Sad deal, prayers out to the families and victims...

>Good lord will this sh!t ever
>Unfortunately No. Hasan was a US
>citizen born in the USA.
>Don't jump to conclusions. There
>are bad people around us.

What conclusions should we not jump to? You mean like radical Muslims are trying to kill us and keep our country in a constant state of terror? Well everyone who hasnt yet jumped to that conclusion needs to wake the he!! up and do so. The military knew the guy was dangerous, they have been suspicious of him for awhile, but because they are worried about what the muslim clerics will think they do nothing and now how many people are dead? But yes lets keep letting the vocal minority call the shots so we dont offend them.
Not all crazy people are walking the streets some are in the colleges, on Military base,working post offices,everyday jobs now days you have to be on guard 24/7 for them.

My prayers go out the families that this has touched.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>Good lord will this sh!t ever
>Unfortunately No. Hasan was a US
>citizen born in the USA.
>Don't jump to conclusions. There
>are bad people around us.

If that is so, then why would the mosque he attended note that he listed Palestine as his POB ?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
They are now saying that Hasan acted alone and that he yelled "Allauh Ackbar" before opening fire. Hmmm....

Whether or not he had contact with terrorist organizations or even wanted to be an extreme radical Muslim terrorist before he did this, as soon as he uttered those words and opened fire he became one.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>Personally I hate all Muslims equally...including
>the president of this once
>great country!!

Obama is still not a muslim. RWJ spin still at work huh?
I was watching Fox news as this unfolded. One thing I noticed about 30-45 minutes before Fox broadcasted the suspects name, they did broadcast a statement from a Muslim group who denounced the terrible act.

Makes me wonder if that Muslim group knew one of it's own had committed the act, or if they themselfs jumped to a conclusion and figured one of their own did it. Or were they just covering all basis in case it was a Muslim that did it.

Dambed if you do n dambed if you don't, the military knew about him but were afraid to do anything because we live in a politically correct society.

Imams removed from plane sue US Airways

PHOENIX - Six Muslim scholars who were kicked off a US Airways flight last fall have filed a lawsuit claiming the airline discriminated against them and violated their civil rights.
The imams, most of whom are from Arizona, were returning from a religious conference in November when they were taken off a plane in Minneapolis, handcuffed and questioned. They had prayed on their prayer rugs in the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport before the flight, and after they boarded, a passenger passed a note to a flight attendant.

The 39-page complaint, filed Monday in federal court in Minnesota, seeks an undisclosed amount of money for punitive and compensatory damages. Besides US Airways, the lawsuit names the Minnesota Metropolitan Airports Commission, the owner of the airport, as a defendant

by the way they won $$$$$$

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