We ended up not ordering the fight...What happend?


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I usually watch every UFC fight here is MMA world (Vegas). However, I decided to save a few bucks on pay-per-view and sip some Bacardi and spend some time with the wife and new baby.

Of course, my phone blows up from all my friends asking me if I thought that Forrest threw this fight because he went down too easy. My friends said, "when is the last time you saw Forrest go down without bleeding a quart of blood first?"

So, I watched the fight on UTube and I think either Forrest was way off his game or something is fishy!

What do you think?
Where did you find that on youtube? I can't get any footage at all. What are the key words, I'm dieing to see what happened.
I don't believe Forrest threw the fight. I think he got hit just hard enough and it the perfect spot to knock him out. It doesn't have to be a full punch to have knock out power. He was definately off his game last night though. But, that was the Anderson Silva from the past. He went was more aggressive than he has been in his past 2 or 3 fights. It was good to see him attack.
Very disappointed in the Penn/Florian fight. I was really wanting to see KenFlo win the title. BJ simply was better than him. I would not have guessed it would have ended with a choke though.

I watched, it was disappointing. I think Forrest was embarrassed when it was over, he got strait up and ran out of the ring and back to the locker room.

"Now we come to the most important pre-season question. Do you just want to go elk hunting, or do you want to bring one back? If you desire the latter, there is no substitute for hard work. The bigger your goal, the harder the work required to get there. Good luck!" - Cameron R. Hanes
That was about how I visioned it going.

Silva might be unbeatable. He's been fighting just as hard in his last fights, just the guys hes been fighting havent put up a lot of fight back.

Is that ethical?
doesnt take much of a shot on the chin to see stars...but i thought it would take more than that! it just makes it more exciting to wonder who the hell is going to take silva out!
NO ONE! he will hold the light Heavyweight belt as well. He looked huge compared to Forrest. Any see the fight on VS Torres vs. Boyles, Torres was stopped after 17 fight win streak.
I stayed up way past my bed time to watch that fight and Brian Boyles did a number on Torres.....showed he ain't as tough as he thought.

I dont think he threw it...I heard on SIRIUS he had a broken jaw after the fight and had to go to the hospital, silva is gonna be hard to beat

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