Forrest Gump


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-08 AT 00:08AM (MST)[p] "His name is Forrest"
"like me?"
"i named him after his Daddy."
"He got a Daddy named Forrest too?"
"You're his Daddy, Forrest"

There are movies that touch all of us at times. This one, i'm watching now, Forrest Gump, bigtime awsome favorite flick, i hope to watch it many, many more times.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-08 AT 00:03AM (MST)[p]The writers of that movie were brilliant in how they incorporated so many historical events and people in the movie. Examples....Elvis's dancing, "Sh!t Happens" bumpersticker, the Black Panthers, the smiley face on the t-shirt, etc. That will be a classic movie for a long, long time.

"That's my boat".....

...As it crashes unmaned into the pier dock.

So many classic lines... just one after another. I'm not saying it's my all time favorite movie, but it is one of them.
What are some other good quotes you guys know?
Here are a couple of my favs.

Well you're a daisy if you do!

Ike, are we cross?

We have no money, we have no jobs, OUR PETS HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!!!!

Curt Mayer
Powder River Posse Outfitters
Laramie, WY
Forrest Gump was originially a book written by Winston Groom published in 1986. He wanted to create a character who experienced most of the major events of the last half of the 20th century and so he created Forrest.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Powder River, Thanks for stopping in!
You got me stumped on your quotes, corse it don't take to much. Maybe someone else could give them a go and do better justice to them??

Woodruff, I just like everything about the movie...except maybe what Forrests Mom, Sally Fields, had to do to keep forrest in public schools.

Roy, Great bit of trivia there, Thanks! Most parts of Gump hit home and are believable with some imagination. If i would dare critique the flick at all, maybe some of the many historical events that Forrest finds himself smack in the middle of, a bit too much. But hey, that's part of what makes the Movie.

Known fact, Tom Hanks did a fantastic job in the role of Forrest. Was it the Role or was it Hanks, in the role, that made this movie come out so well?

Gump is one of my all time favorites also. It's also one of the rare cases where the screenplay and movie were a whole lot better that the book (which was OK, but way over the top).

"Because you told me to drill sergeant" and "I'm kinda tired. I'm going home." That show cracks me up.
The first two are from Tombstone and the last one is from Dumb and Dumber

Curt Mayer
Powder River Posse Outfitters
Laramie, WY
Powderriverposse- Tombstone is by far my favorite movie. I was fortunate enough to visit Tombstone, AZ last summer with my wife and kids. My girls played in the Western State Softball Tournament in New Mexico. On the way back I made sure we had a good 6 hours to spend in Tombstone. It was very cool. We took a tour in an old stagecoach, saw the room where Virgil was shot. They had a reinactment of the gunfight at the OK Corral which was decent. Just to be there and know the history that happened there. Pretty amazing! If you get a chance...go.

>What are some other good quotes
>you guys know?
>Here are a couple of my
>Well you're a daisy if you
>Ike, are we cross?
>We have no money, we have
>no jobs, OUR PETS HEADS
>Curt Mayer
>Powder River Posse Outfitters
>Laramie, WY

wrong movie, tumbstone & Dumb and dumber....LOL
JRABQ, you are right. One of the few cases the book was worse than the movie.

Book was a big let down.

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