Formatting New Computer Monitor??


Long Time Member
My 5-6 year old monitor went black.....RIP...

I bought a new one--all fancy HD and all that stuff.

My old one was a 15--kinda square shape.

This new one is like 20 x 15 and everything is all stretched out!

My morning Playboy Cyber Club girls are like really wide....and short.....ya know-----

I went in and tryed to change the settings-- stretch/tile/center/ but it is all screwy....

Any suggestions----?

Email is fine-- [email protected]


You best get her fixed & quick!
I was wondering what was going on?

Hows them chicks look now Robb? LMAO!
Have you tried rotating the Monitor 90 degrees?

Did you get the new Blue Ray Monitor?
Anyway,I'll be waiting for some good stuff as soon as you get the damned thing figured out! }> }> }>
Robb, we bought a new television awhile back and experienced the same thing, a stretched out picture. I almost took it back until we figured it out. There was a place in the menu that fixed it. It had something to do with picture format or aspect ratio or something like that.

If you can read it somewhere in the manual or just play with it you'll probably be able to figure it out.

If you are Windows, go to the bottom left corner and click on the Windows Ball and open that up. Look for Control Panel and look in this folder and you should find your help there.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-10 AT 04:35PM (MST)[p]Robb, its not a problem with the monitor. Todays LCD monitors can only display their native resolution, but they can accept many different resolutions.

You need to make your PC send the proper resolution to your monitor. Your old monitor was a 4:3 ratio, probably 800x600 resolution, your new monitor is likely a 16:10 ratio, probably 1680x1050 resolution if its 19"-22", or perhaps 1920x1080 if its a 16: 9 ratio monitor of 23" or larger.

In the control panel, under "Appearance and Personalization" is "Adjust Screen Resolution", this is in Windows 7. If you are still using XP then its similar, this website will walk you through it.

You definitely want to send your monitors native resolution from your PC, otherwise the text may be blurry, or the images stretched.

I think what really happened was:
Robb see's the new 48" Monitors in the Blue Ray version & it gets the best of him,all he could visualize was the bunnies almost life sized!
He'll get it figured out!
if his PC is as old as the monitor, his card won't display the correct resolution.

throw the 5 year old pc in the trash and buy a new win7 laptop. Get a wireless keyboard, and mouse. The laptop and wireless stuff along with the wide screen will act like a desktop, then when you want to watch Playboy on both the HD TV and the pc, you can retire to the recliner with the laptop.
Thanks fella'a!

Everything is good to go......

My desk top pic is still a little wide but all is good!

Good idea W-Bob......maybe when the Az. not drawn refund checks get here!


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