ForkWest's Pic on Mag Cover


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-09 AT 01:49PM (MST)[p]Check this out...

You might recognize the pic on the cover of this Uintah Basin magazine as ForkWest's handiwork. Thanks Jake for an awesome magazine cover!

Pretty cool !


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Too cool Jenn! That turned out better than I could have ever hoped for.

Not too shabby for a 10mgp point and shoot camera. I'm no photographer by any means. Just saw a moment worth capturing and pushed the button.

I'm glad it worked for you.

You guys should check out the work these gals are doing. I had no idea about any Uinta Basin mag until I was contacted. Looked into what they are donig out there and am very impressed with Publisher Jenn extrodinaire. Very cool local read.

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