Forest Service to ban hunting?


Long Time Member
As a result of a recent court ruling, the USFS is starting a formal review of it's management plan for the Huron-Manistee National Forest to consider banning hunting with firearms. In September, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the USFS regulations required that it consider banning hunting with guns on lands considered "semi-primitive". The Court found that noise associated with gun hunting could harm the quality of the recreational experience of hikers and cross-country skiers. The Court commented that the USFS should consider whether birdwatchers should be able to enjoy forest lands "without ducking for the occasional gunshot". Can you believe this? Imagine the precedent this could set. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-11 AT 07:01PM (MST)[p]Yeah, i can believe it. I really loath the idea but i can believe it.

Not to hijack but related, the Forest Service has made some new regs for our lands in this area but the Sheriff refuses to enforce. A quote from our Sheriff,

"?I will be damned if my staff will start inflicting these latest federal mandates on law-abiding citizens who are doing nothing more then enjoying what should continue to be recognized as public lands,? Hagwood said."

Our USFS: Bull$hit in the first degree!

I don't think there is anything that Aggitates me any more than the USFS!

When they spend 1000.00's debating rather they are gonna let somebody do a 500.00 job just ain't right!

OK,I'll be nice now!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Then I've heard them say that most decisions are made by Jokers back east somewhere,what's up with that?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
As a LEO working in the hill area of our county, I have had a lot of contact with USFS. They have some good people working for them, but I have seen that the higher admin. people are consistantly very liberal in their ideas of how the forest service should operate.

You would be surprised how many of them embraced the free love standards of the hippies during the 60's and they are now senior admin. in the forest service. They are very anti hunting, anti logging, and feel that the forest should be reserved for the animals and granola crunching birdwatchers.

I CANNOT stand the USFS!! They shut down a large section of our LE late elk hunt. When I tried to talk to them the guy was a complete jerk!

It makes me sick to think tax dollars pay salaries to some of these people.
Whats super scary about that is where are they gonna start and stop in other forests? The government is constantly chipping away at everything...
I wonder if they ever thought that our seasons are petty short and that already restricts our sport, while all those other activites they are talking about have no seasons restricting them at all! What a crock and I already wrote a bunch of emails some time ago when I first heard about it because it's happening in MI where I call home!
Maybe I am reading this wrong but it sounds to me like a federal court is requiring them to investigate if they need to ban hunting. It does not sound like the USFS wants to investigate but rather is being told they have to. The way I read it we should be pissed at the court that ruled this way not the USFS. In the past my dealings with the FS in both business and recreational have all been positive. My only complaint is there is not enough enforcement of road closures to atv's. Just my $0.02.
Now I can add this to the list of things preventing me from hunting on federal lands - point creep, residents hoarding tags, closure of federal lands to hunting, and wolves. I hope all the residents of western states that have alienated the non-resident hunters enjoy bird watching.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-11 AT 08:43AM (MST)[p]Don't blame the forest service.... but you can squarely place the blame on the shoulders of your elected officials that have turned the agencies by heading them up with appointees that will promote their agendas and directing them to manage our lands in this manner! The Clintons and Obama's have largely sold out the outdoor people of this country in working their agendas and will profit for their deeds in the end! Major strides have been made during both these administrations to end your right's afield and we keep putting them in office! These are just more dominos falling to get you removed from hunting.

It's time to wake up and put and end to this crap and unless the hunters of this country can actually ban together they'll continue to knock us off. It would seem that the liberal left views aren't quite as liberal when it comes to peoples rights when their wants are different from their agenda. They'll take your guns, your rights to forest access, rights on BLM land and anything else they can use to orchestrate their plan. They have taken game management away from the professionals and allowed a few nonparticpants to enact their agenda's though our judicial system while tying the hands of the states to manage their wildlife all with vast media support to help further the cause. Some of you boys that think they're doing good things had better wake up and understand your right to hunt is at risk and in the end they'll take your access, hunting and your guns and celebrate about how dumb we were to let it happen. WAKE UP BOYS!!
Iowan you had better extract your head for you're posterior. The residents aren't the ones taking away your rights to hunt. They aren't the ones putting wolves into the field and protecting them with legislation while taking away tags by the thousands every year. Many of these western resident's go years and years without a hunting tag for anything yet you who can hunt every single year have the gall to complain about how bad you have it. Try not being able to hunt big game for 5-10 years in the state where you live and watch nonresidents come in many of whom have been drawn more frequently then you and maybe you'll get a new understanding about tag distribution. Non residents do deserve to hunt in other states but it's high time some of you damn whiners realized that somebody always goes without a tag so that you can hunt and in thousands of cases 3-10 years can elapse for them to sit at home and not go hunting. More wildlife fixes a lot of issues for all hunters but introducing more predators isn't enhancing anybodies chances to draw a tag.

Sorry but my sympathy for your plight only goes so far because many of my friends and family haven't drawn a tag in years but they certainly aren't promoting your right to bird watch. They actually worked to get our commission to allocate a % of our tags so that NR could come here and hunt knowing full well that it was making their odds of drawing a tag worse in the process. The stark reality of the situation puts a little different spin on things rather than your " I'm entitled " viewpoint doesn't it!

This has to be one of the dumbest things I have heard in some time. You can hunt federal land every year in multiple states for multiple species. Quit your whining about not getting to hunt exactly where you want, when you want, every year you want, and start taking advantage of the opportunities that are out there.
Brutus get your facts straight UBA does not support this type of agenda.

Thats why we call it "The Forest Circus". I was involved for years as a reviewer of FS policies, and finally just gave up.They had stated that the most popular activity on one forest was birdwatching....not hiking ,camping,fishing,hunting,etc. If we can't do these activities, then the birders can't go bother the birds in the woods either. It's been run by wackos for years ,thru all administrations. Everything has been contracted out and the oversight is non-existant,they spend all funds fighting lawsuits from enviros,and exploiters both.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-11 AT 12:18PM (MST)[p]The USFS definitely has a long way to go in getting things right the way they have been going, but this is bascially a court ruling brought on by more "NUTS", as mentioned in another post, and it requires the USFS to revisit usage policy in that particular Forest whether they want to or not and this Forest is a big one up here! If we get screwed on this one here in MI, you can bet your azz that it will snowball across the country. I also think IOWAN needs to rethink his whole rant because HIS state of Iowa is about as restrictive on deer and turkey hunting for nonresidents as anywhere around now with neither one being a gimme! Take a look at how long it can take to get a tag for a whitetail and what their price is!!! He sounds like one of those ME ME ME type of people that are becoming more prevalent in our society with no thought to the person next to him IMHO!!! Shame on him!!!
The OP has nothing to do with resident/non-resident hunting. That's a whole other issue that has been hashed over around here a bunch over the years. This scenario scares the crap out of me. All it takes is stupid regulations like this to gain a foothold somewhere, Ohio in this case, and others are sure to follow suit in other states. This is the kind of thing that poses an immediate and real danger to hunting. It starts small and sometimes these issues go unnoticed by the average guy. Here in Montana a big uprising has surfaced to ban trapping. (The initiative was struck down THIS year) We also face some ammo restrictions on one of the many WMA's in the state. I don't trap or hunt the WMA in question, but as a hunter am completely against both the trapping ban and ammo restriction. The future of hunting decided in a frickin courtroom. mtmuley
mtmuley---This thread we're talking about involves the National Forest up here in northern lower Michigan, not Ohio. but wherever it happens the effect will snowball just as you and I are saying.
Although I do not agree with what the court is saying, and it scares the crap out of me what the implication could be...
This is a court ruling not the USFS. Pull your heads out. This bs of "someone back east" is just bull. The people making these decisions live in your community.
Most all the USFS employees (yes real people) that I know hunt, fish, camp, hike, ride atvs, enjoy watching deer and elk (oh and bird) just the same as the rest of you heros. The only difference is that they have committed/spent their lives managing the habitat that produce your deer and elk, water that you drink and water your fields with to produce food, and putting up with everyone always telling them what is the "right way" to manage it. I simpithize with them because I for one would not want to ballance the demands of managing for "mulitple use" agency (yes they have to listen to hippies and rednecks!). They HAVE to manage for a spectrum of people and uses. The way I figure is that they are always wrong 50% of the time and right 50% of the time; eigther way they are hated most of the time!
My point is that we as Americans have one of the coolest resources available to us for next to free (if you pay taxes you MIGHT pay a penny to the USFS)--Forest Service Land. It suck that these lands are all of ours and not just ours, but they are ours as Americans. I happen to think that is cool!

PS: Policies that have come from both side (even GW) that have hindered wildlife, hunting, and freedom. Its not a party thing, its a political thing! Get involved if it means enough to you!

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