For those who care...NBA!!


Long Time Member
October 28th starts the 2008-2009 regular season!! Who are your teams?? Please no Utah Spazz fans input, we all know they'll never win a title ;)

GO KOBE GO!! KB24 FOR PRESIDENT!!...can't be any worse than our other 2 options lol

I have been a diehard nuggets fan even during the season they went like 11-71, so go nuggets.
Muhuhahahahaahha all this Kobe Hater talk is awesome!! I love it seriously lol. Nothing better than the Lakers down by 2 with less than 5 seconds left in the 4th...with the away crowd screaming KOBE SUCKS at the top of their lungs!! We all know it fuels him and the 3 pointer is coming ;) I LOVE THIS GAME!!

Nuggets are cool, Iverson...Camby...not so sure about Mello but they should be a way better team then they have been lately, maybe this year they'll finally work together a little more and benefit??

So other than just hating the Lakers and KB24, who are your teams??

LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-08 AT 05:39PM (MST)[p] The only way Kobe wha can win a championship is to surround him with some of the best ball players in the nba. The front line of the lakers is awesome. Trade that front line with most any other team's front line and they would be contenders.
Go Jazz! Since you're jealous of the Jazz and don't want to hear from us, I like Boston to repeat.
lol trading the Lakers front line would be as smart as having Memet Okur (CENTER) as your best cluth 3 point shooter on your team...kuz yea appearently D-Will and/or Korver can't fulfill that roll?? ;) Sloan needs to realize DEFENSE and TRIANGLE OFFENSE wins Championships before they'll EVER be considered "serious" contenders...

Ok ok enough with the comebacks lol...all I ask is, if any Jazz fans, attend a Lakers/Jazz game this season PLEEEEEAAAAASSSSSSEEEE start booing D-Fish so I can watch KB24 tear my most hated team apart AGAIN!!!!

I have experienced some exciting things in my life as i'm sure all of you have as well....I was on a nuclear missile submarine for several years as a sonar technician in the Navy, I have killed several bucks traditionally shooting a bow, I married and divorced a sexy little PSYCHO home grown Utah blonde chick, had a son with her, but I think the best has to be when I witnessed the loudest stadium in the NBA to be completely silenced, except the whimpering school girl cries and tears hitting the cement in the stands, when the Lakers crushed the Jazz in the series closer earlier this year!! =) PRICELESS!!

2009 Western Conference seeding predictions to start playoffs...
1. Lakers
2. Hornets
3. Rockets
4. Spurs
5. Mavericks
6. Jazz
7. Not quite sure yet...Blazers or Nuggets??
8. Suns

Lakers sweep Suns
Hornets sweep whoever it is
Rocket FINALLY get out of 1st round against Jazz
Spurs over Mavericks
No upsets this round...unless Rockets getting past Jazz is an upset??

Western Semi-Finals...

Lakers take out Rockets
Hornets take out Spurs

Western Finals...

Take a guess?? ;)

Finals...Now introducing your 2009-2012 WORLD CHAMPIONS, The Los Angeles Lakers!! GO KOBE GO!!!!

Put down the bong bro! You seriously think Utah comes in 6th? That's some good ole ignorance right there. Also, you forgot a few years back the Jazz sweeping the Lakers in the playoffs, after a certain Laker called it the other way before it even started :) I would say that was one of my lifes highlights, but I have actually lived my own life, not just vicariously through a rapist "allgedly"
Hahaha that's funny stuff I like it lol!!
1. Pot sucks stay in school =)
2. It's the most dynamic sport out there...means it changes a lot if that word is too big??
3. Yes they did sweep my Lakers once also :(
4. How i'm not sure, ouch that hurts bad!! Be nice!! lol
5. Championship teams dont hang Division or Conference Championship banners in their rafters.
5. Ever seen the Jazz rafters?? lol I have
6. I believe you meant bicuriously??
7. Nope just appreciate hardcore raw mental and physical talent, offensively or defensively.
8. If any rifle hunters post pictures of their management trophy 2 points on here the next few days with how pissed off Utah is about our deer lately, i'm going to that damn bong up!!
9. Goodnight lol

>8. If any rifle hunters post
>pictures of their management trophy
>2 points on here the
>next few days with how
>pissed off Utah is about
>our deer lately, i'm going
>to that damn bong up!!
>9. Goodnight lol

This coming from a guy who joined this site to try and sell trespass fees to his private land here in Utah, says there are big Bucks up there, then complains that Utah doesn't have any big Bucks. Speak for yourself, I am 100% on 150-180" Bucks with my last 4 tags in general units.

So what are you gonna do when your homeboy takes the 83 million and heads to Greece?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-08 AT 08:08PM (MST)[p]
You say-

Nope i just appreciate hardcore raw mental and physical talent, offensively or defensively-

you will not find any of those qualities in the NBA player of today, except maybe you could find some of them offensive.

if you wanna find the qualities you mention look to a sport where you go to the locker room for stitches and back into the game before the next period starts, not a sport where a wrist injury keeps you out for a month...WTF


"Sorry,I do care about the NBA, but i cant get into pre-season anything...not when a hockey game could break out while the fight is going on!"

dads roommate in college was phil jackson so its pretty hard to root agaist them when you are sitting in phils seats during the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Definately a big hockey fan too!!!! Played it most my life til I grew over 6' and loved every second of it!! Haha NBA for sure isn't as pysical either just into it more than ever the past 5 or so years. Actually hey any of you guys kids play roller hockey?? I played ice and roller and still have an almost brand new pair of Bauer hockey blades i'll give a kid. I think I got them for around $150 but seriously if you have a kid really into hockey or that wants to get into it, I'll give them away. My hockey playing days are over.

Tony, never sold anyone a landowner tag...considered letting a girl go up and smoke a mid twenty inch 3 or 4 point and was curious what someone would charge because I surely wasn't going to ask more than $500, but it's cool assume away that's why I joined the site!! lol wow some people's kids...
Also never once in my life have I thought or said I couldn't find a good buck in Utah. There's plenty of them but you gotta work harder than 90% of the others out there to locate and relocate them. Utah DWR deer management in my opinion blows but we do still have some big ones in every single area of the state. Scout scout scout is the key to finding them though =)

"Point guard Deron Williams is out for at least two weeks with a sprained ankle, the Jazz said Monday."

"Kobe Bryant hyperextended his right knee in the second quarter of the Los Angeles Lakers' exhibition game Tuesday night against the Charlotte Bobcats and is listed as day-to-day."

Now I understand everyone except for me is going to be happy about the second injury but still wanted to post it and find out what you guys think about there any reason whatsoever the best player of any team or sport should even be playing in a preseason game?? Any reason at all??


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