For Those Needing Inspiration


Active Member
You guys have been a big disappointment in the sheep hunt stories/ pics lately so while playing with my photo albums trying to figure out how to do some stuff on this damn computer I decided to put my sheep hunt from 3 yrs ago in pictorial form. I needed to get myself ready as I'm "back in the game" after 8 yrs of penalty box/point building here in Co. This was a Wy sheep hunt with max points diy/public land.
Opening day I was in the mtns in sheep country with the llamas


and my fearless sidekick and grizzly repeller Topaz

We've got lots of beautiful country in Co. but this stuff was special









There were a few of these running around as well as 3or4 whopper mulies spotted off in the distance


I finally found the one that tripped my trigger literally and wasn't disappointed when I got up to him.



We packed up and headed out just as bad weather moved in.
Squirrel,Good thing you got a new puter set-up
Those would have took you 3 days to download.
Cool pics thanks for sharing
Awesome pictures and story. I have LLamas and pack with them quite a bit. What beautiful country. I'm also curious which unit was you in? Thanks for taking the time to get us all excited with your pictures.
This was in Unit # 5 3 yrs ago, he went 167+ and was aged at 11-1/2 yrs. 36-1/2 length a little light on the mass but overall a fine sheep for Wy. The country would have been tough on me without the llamas as I wanted to get back in a ways. My point farthest from the truck was around 12 miles, at which point I hit wilderness and wasn't allowed to go farther(would have been getting closer to another T/H anyway) I hope to get a Co sheep tag this year but the country isn't anywhere near as wild as this hunt was.
WY sheep is THE draw that has me antsy this year...I haven't even gotten excited about the upcoming AZ elk results...I'm in WY with 14 sheep points and think I may have better than 1:3 odds if everyone acts like last year...preference tags went to my pool last year for the hunt I'm in for (I think the one you had)...:)
Good luck with the draw there Elmer, if you get the magic piece of paper give me a call and get in shape! It's big and rough but well worth it, be prepared to cover massive amounts of ground. At my farthest point I was around 12 miles in.

Here is the view he had when he croaked, I was sitting beside him and just drinking it all in. Stunning is all I can say.


Here is his view now, somewhat disappointing compared to what he had while alive!

AWESOME thread! Thanks so much for sharing.

I now exactly what you are saying when you just sit there and take it all in. Incredible photos!
Good luck Elmer! A Wyoming Bighorn is a fine experience any way you look at it. My odds were about 1:3 when I drew, so hopefully you will have the same luck!
Thanks for the inspiration! I'm preparing for my first sheep hunt this year here in CO. I'm crazy excited!
awsome thread, awsome pics, awsome post! thanks a bunch.
my cousin drew a great sheep tag this year hear in oregon and i cant wait for it to get hear.
did you draw all 4 of those sheep tagson your wall??

if you wouldn't mind, could you tell me what each of the 4 score? i'm really trying to work on my field judging and to do this i'm just trying to see as many sheep as i can with a score.

i'm jealous as can be of your sheep hunting adventure!
Thanks for all the kind words fellas I haven't been on here for so long I was "logged out" so I just sent your pm back jblack. I drew 3/4 of the tags my wife got the other (she had a really good guide). The little one I don't know the score- not very big but he was my first one with my recurve so he's special anyway.
The next bigger one was 143'ish P+Y if memory serves me correctly. The 2 good rams are virtual twins and both rifle kills, my wifes' is 167 as is my Wy ram hers a bit more mass mine a little longer but my Wy ram is a lot older. Both are handsome fellas.
I got the 143 ram on the next to last day of a month long hunt and my wife drew the same unit's one rifle tag the following year so I knew which ram she should kill as I chased him and another the previous year and couldn't get close enough, although I missed at 20 yards!!
We name all the mounted heads in our house and she dubbed hers as "bigger than yours"- not very nice even though true.
Last year she asked what my Wy ram's name was and I came back with "not any more #####". I thought it was funny she on the other hand was un-amused.
thanks alot! i went to a sheep oreintation class with my cousin after he drew. they had a small speach on scoring. i found that i could get in the ball park on just a standard ram that was pretty average in mass and lenght. but what i absolutly did not realize was how a ram could be a 1/2 curl and measure 160 vs a ram being a 1 1/4 curl and still measure 160. so i need to see alot more rams with the score. thanks!

and i love the name of your ram:)

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