For the members who love polls

79% of dudelike voters will get this question wrong 63% of the time, usually.

I'm not sure what your point was because nothing was there but here's the 3 newest polls if that's what you're after.

Gallop McCain 44% - Obama 46 %
Washington Post McCain 44% - Obama 49%
Rueters - Tied

If the fake Christian thing was your thing big deal, he can go to church or a masque if he wants or both I'm prety sure that's legal. Torquemada had nothing on this crowd, torture him and see if he's christian enough to be president if that's what you need. I don't care much for him anyway so knock yourself out, but put the hot poker to McCain too while you're at it he may not be christian enough to be president either. you can't be too sure.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-08 AT 10:23PM (MST)[p]dude

"I'm not sure what your point was because nothing was there but here's the 3 newest polls if that's what you're after."
New at computers? Let it load first and then you will see the poll.

You are the one who loves polls. Whats wrong?

Yes, he does loves polls and likes to flaunt them, but only when it supports his beliefs. I find it very amusing when he states it was not a big deal about Obama's faith. That is the way his home state of Oregon voted in that poll. The majority of the other states disagree with him, even CA.
I am beginning to think that Oregon has gone more liberal then CA. Must be something in the coffee.

I don't like coffee.

Ok now it's working, I don't think he is a muslim but so what if he is? by the crap he took for attending the christian church he did we know he goes to a christian church at least sometimes. if he did visit a masque what's it matter? if he had no religion at all you'd whine about that too. how much proof does one need of being a christian to run for president anyway? I can't find it anywhere in the constitution but I'll look a little more, on the other hand from the latest polls I'd say he has enough so maybe I won't bother.

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