For Stinky..


Hate to see what your going through right now brother. Just want you to know I have been thinking about you a lot - this song came on and well, it's perfect. I know you will get it:


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-13 AT 11:31AM (MST)[p]Check the "Free bulls!" thread.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
It's the Big D - (and it doesn't mean Dallas).

That post made me think of this song and the pain he is going through.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
Oh for crying outloud!!! I slip off the map for a few weeks and return to find the MM couple of all time splitting... Unacceptable, damnit! Get a grip you two.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
.....Who could blame her?......

When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small
wow roy that was really hard to watch. I may have been an ass on here but I've done nothing but but give to people my whole life. This site was our little thing for entertainment together.

But don't feel sorry for me I made this decision. She was my first girlfriend, my first hand to hold and my first love. She was my souul mate and I loved her for 15 years. I never once waivered nor considered another woman. All I know is that she loves men. She has for quite some time. The first affair was hard, the second affair less hard. I went through a lot of counceling at church and i truly learned forgiveness. I honestly forgave and forgot. But this time she abandoned her family. Left her 4 yr old playing in the street to go get on a plane to dallas to supposedly find herself. I struggled to get out of the field and find someone to pick up my kids. I hire pi's and the rest was history. she wanted me to watch the kids while she had an open affair this time and we would work on it when she got back. I chose to end it. My heart had no more room.

Just sucks when your in love. I don't know how two people go from loving on each other so much, not fighting and being the best of friends to this in one trip to vegas. I truly will never understand but it is what it is. Her pair of swarovision el binos are for sale. make offers.

I won't be on here much. I hunted to share memories with a sould mate. That soul mate walked out and I am left with noone to carry on with. I have no will to hunt other than with the last hunts I've already paid for and booked this year. Until I find myself this will be my last year. Just in a real dark place right now and I don't know how to get out. Its really hard.

Thanks for the thoughts roy. You know whats funny? I'm a baptist. You have any idea where my baptist friends are? Yeah me neither. When I was laid off in 2001 you know who helped me pack and picked me up off the ground? It wasn't my baptist church. The only religious friends I got that are there for me right now are lds. I gotta give it to you guys your damn good ppl. THX
Stinky, you're not my favorite by any means. But this will pass. I've been there too.

My wife was so crazy I changed my major from Pre-Med to Psychology, just so I could figure her out. Long story short, you can't.

Here's my advice, for whatever it's worth. Just keep on living your life as best you can, keep doing things that you enjoy doing, go on hunts, and then brag about it on MM, drink Muscle Milk with your boyfriend Slammy, etc.....It may sound like I'm trying to be an a$$hole, but I'm not. Keep doing the things that make you, you. You might have lost a girl, but don't lose yourself too. Women come and go, you only get one of you.

It took me the better part of 2 years to "get over" my divorce, but now 10+ years later, my life is way better, my wife is way better, and I'm way better. Trust me your life will suck for quite awhile, but you'll get through it. If you can take the sh!t we dish out here on MM, you can handle just about anything.

Just don't be a push over when it comes to splitting things up and going to court. That's my only regret.
Keep your head up boss. There are things in life that we have no control over. Stay strong and close to the ones and things that matter.
Like smitty said, it SUCKS! You will have all kinds of thoughts, don't act on them just keep moving ahead and make dam sure you TALK to someone often about what you are feeling. Yep it sure helps...

You will move on and life will be great again, may be months or could be longer, everyone is different.

Best of luck with it all.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
STOMPER, I've been on this site for many years and have followed your posts as well as other regular MMers. I always thought that you were a good guy regardless of what other people thought and enjoyed your posts and photos. Also liked to hear your success story about your business. That's awesome to say the least, no one knows how tough it is until they've gone through it themselves.

I wanted to say I'm sorry that you're having to go through what you're going through. I've been divorced twice before and each time hurts as much as the last. I'm now married with a couple of kids and can't even begin to imagine how much it would hurt if it ended in divorce.

Hang in there, time does heal things even if it takes a few years. We're here for ya man.
Stinky, Sorry to hear about your problem that you are having now. At least half of us on hear have gone through the same problem. Keep your head up and in a year look back and I am sure that your life will be better. Lots of good women out there that would love to find a nice rich man to take them hunting.
Better days are ahead -
I've always been entertained with your "over the top" posts and everybody's reaction to them. Like a lot of these dudes have said- keep your head up and plow through it. The kids need you to.

been there! you put up with more than i would have. it's not the end of the world and there's good women out there. find you one and move on cause lifes too short to let her ruin you.
Hang in there Stinky. Be extra strong for your kids. They need it now more than ever. Keep your head up and like said previous, keep hunting and doing the things you enjoy. Make those memories with your kids and friends. Family and friends are what this life is all about.
Sorry to hear that Buddy, I hope you and the kids are going to be alright, ANYTHING I can do to help just call me and I will try and get it done for you guys.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>.....Who could blame her?......
>When you go swimming in the
>ocean, it is very cold,
>and it makes my willy

JB you dickweed have a little compassion...
By the way are we still going to Tennessee in December? You should give Brenda a call...

The only well he cared about was getting tapped by someone else. He'll find another some day.

Hang in there Stinky, things will get better for sure. Keep hunting and doing the things you love, don't let her kill the spirit in you. And if you need someone to take to Africa next time I'll volunteer. Heck I'll pay my own airfare, you pick up the rest :)

Stay strong Stink.
Seriously guys thanks a million. I dont mean to sound rude which is so out of character for me, but hearing about so many ppl who have gone through this and survived gives me hope. Right now is hard and seeing clearly is even harder. I have canceled a lot of my hunts and completely shut down all her carribean vacations for the rest of the year. I wish i had put them on here for free as they were all non refundable but i did hold onto my goshute elk hunt with slammy. Funny ##### thing is that this worthless ass website is one of the few good things i have from that part of my life. Im about to let slammy pick me off the ground and take me on an elk hunt. Why? Not because i want to but because the only pleasure ive ever got out of life was hunting with friends or family. I cant stand hunting on my own. I just like making memories with friends and that is where my true riches have always lied. I am doing this because i have one more opportunity to share a memory with a friend who i truly know cares about me and not my money. Im going for the fact of making a memory that noone can ever take. I dont know how to explain my passion for hunting but it is in sharing thise memories with friends. So this hunt wont be about a 400" bull hitting the ground but more about a best friend helping pick his buddy up out of the mud and helping carry him in a time in his life when he cant walk. Thanks doug i really need this hunt in a bad way.
Good on ya stinky. Enjoy the journey and smell the roses. They mean a whole lot more than inches anyways. Enjoy your hunt!
Well sir I can relate. Hell, future ex just had a kid from my ex lawyer lol... Did the deed right here in my house on my bed!!! Once you realize that its not worth sacrificing your life and happiness for, things will get better, I promise lol. When you come through Las Cruces, hit me up. I will buy you a beer or two even if you make more money than me!
Sorry to hear this stinky. Im at that point too. I left with my backpack stuff and atv and roamed around over the weekend.
We sure can't control our companions actions.

I don't know you from Adam (other than here on MM reading your posts and enjoying your pics) but you helped me out with some info on my Dutton hunt, pointed me in the right direction.

I hate seeing this happen to anyone but you seem like a real stand up guy. A guy that doesn't even come close to deserving this.

Lot's of great advice for sure. Keep your head up and things will end up working out for the best.

Glad you have a true friend to rely on. Makes it much easier!

I truly feel for you and my prayers are with you.

Best of luck and I hope to see more posts from you in the future.

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Best advice I can give you is get a good attorney . I went thru the same thing 2 years ago and my attorney was way better then hers. Sent me a pm and I will give you her info, Im just down the road in Carlsbad. Its totally amazing what comes out in a divorce. You never truly know someone till you divorce them.
Stinky....sorry to hear about your problems. Hang in there! Take care of your kids and make yourself #2(right behind your kids).

Make as many of your hunting trips as possible, good therapy. If you need a companion or someone to take a hunt, I'm available. Leaving for Africa in a month but available after that....LOL. Just kiddin'

Good luck, I will pray for you and your kids.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I'll be thinly about ya Stink, sending good vibes down to the land of "dis-enchantment". :) keep your head up boss!!

I am sorry to hear about your current situation. I have gone through a very similar situation. I honestly wish you the best. Your post have always been entertaining and though provoking. Your sense of humor is a little ( ok a lot) twisted but so are most of us on MM. It looks to me, from reading this post, like you probably have more friends than you realize. You said you enjoy hunting with friends and family. So...slum it with a few of your MM companions and continue to enjoy the outdoors. You are welcome at my campfire anytime. The best advice I got when going through my divorce came from one of my best friends. He told me "you are a good man! Remember that throughout your divorce and ALWAYS be the better person". That was the best advice I ever got. PM also sent.

Damn this sucks. You guys were both friends. Couldn't have happened to a finer couple. Who would have thunk. I know all to well. My hunting bud of 25 years flew the coop. Same song and dance. We were in love like we had been married for 2 weeks. Couple things. Right and Wrong. You do whats right man. Don't let your mind play tricks on ya it will if ya let it. Things will pass. Hang in there stay close to your kids and the ones that love ya. If you can't cope you call me. (Serious) We care man. Best of luck to both of ya. Rutnbuck
>Poor little SS's perfect world dont
>look so good anymore does

WTF is wrong with you you 7th? I have no clue of the past between you two but didn't your parents raise you to know when to keep your mouth shut?


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
I guarantee that 7th doesn't talk the way he does on here, to people in real life. If he does, he must be a tough sob. My bet is he is just a little biotch though.
Good advice on here though. Especially the "you're a good man" advice.

Stinky, it gets better brother!!! Two tears in a bucket and f it!!! Hang in there brother.

Another thing that needs to be said is never ever ever say anything bad about her to the kids. When you're with them, its their time to be loved and taught things that only you can teach them. Don't make it weird for them. Good luck brother and my offer still stands about that cold beer.
My 1SG in Korea once told me "this too shall end." That goes for anything in this life, including life. Go, be happy and do your thing. You owe it to yourself.
Hang in there bud. It feels like your world has ended. It has not. New doors will open and given your drive and past success, you will walk through and make new memories. Hold on to the good ones and look for making a fresh start.

...and by all means please keep stirring the pot here pls. Entertaining as hell you are.
Every day that you spend beating yourself up over this, is a day of LIFE that you will never get back!
The longer you wait to accept reality, the tougher it will be on you .

Avoid self destructive behavior any cost! It is also hard on your kids.

Get on with your life.....ASAP!.

There is NOT a woman on this planet worth destroying yourself over!

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"

There are many guys here on MM that appreciate you and all that you have contributed to this site. As has been said, you are a stand-up guy and we respect you. Everyone goes through tough times, and this is one of the worst. I've been through it too, and time will heal it. Keep your chin up and put one foot in front of the other.

If you (and the kids of you want) need an escape, we have places you can come and stay in Wyoming. You're always welcome here.

And don't give up hunting. It's good for the soul and you'll make more new friends along that road. And you will find another soul mate. Good women are out there. My wife is #1 in my life and there's someone out there for you, too.

Best of luck.
ah hell stinky...this BS will pass and you will be a better person for it. take care of your kids and enjoy your hunt. time will heal your wounds.

7thgenmt, we all know you would not say any of this BS to stinkys face or the numerous people who know and support him. please crawl back under your rock and STFU. thanks

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait computer must not display all posts...

When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small
>Poor little SS's perfect world dont
>look so good anymore does

It takes a little man to try to kick a guy when he is down.

Tony, some good advice, the best is from Nickman.
Unbelieveable. I guess you have to expect that everybody will reveal their true colors sooner or later.

Tony, you have established a persona on here that isn't necesarily agreeable with a lot of folks but that is really only what it is - an internet persona. There are a few of us on here who know differently. There are things that you have done for others without broadcasting it to everyone that have revealed your true character and friendship. That is what really counts and if people choose to be ignorant, spiteful, and ugly to you and think they can justify their abhorrent behavior because they claim they are reacting to some flagrant things you have said and that you deserve, then they are the ones who are truly lost and that is their cross to bear.

Hang in there brother - it will get better. You are welcome at my campfire anytime!


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
Not going say much other than hang in there.
I do not follow each and every post but you still have one of my favorite replies about stolen antlers, have you seen my bobcat hide with the drawn picture still laugh about that when it pop's into my head.
Good Luck
"JB you dickweed have a little compassion...
By the way are we still going to Tennessee in December? You should give Brenda a call..."

Crimney.. you are asking JB to take care of your issues.. creepy.. you wanna watch too Overton?

By the way, anybody talk to Qtip to get her take on this whole deal??


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
>>Poor little SS's perfect world dont
>>look so good anymore does
>It takes a little man to
>try to kick a guy
>when he is down.
>Tony, some good advice, the best
>is from Nickman.


Stink, been there twice. Things get better trust me..
That bobcat post made me laugh. I totally forgot that i had the driest sense of humor. Im pulling myself up slowly right now. Heck half my friends are thinking im gay at all the women i turn down and how i just dissapear for weeks. Im doing things i never thought i would. I hate basketball but me and my son were sittin on the floor of the spurs game and we had a friggin blast. Now we both love basketball. Im buying race horses and introducing my son to horse racing and we r loving that to. Rangers games are awesome and i had never been to an mlb game until 3 weeks ago. My two youngest are enjoying the same things with me. I am realizing that i dont need or want women in my life and that living it up with my kids is where its at. So lets just say that since my last post im figuring things out and moving forward. I cant be sad. Im 34 years old. Im in the best shape of my life. Im very blessed financially and i honest to god have the most beautiful children anyone could imagine. Im determined to show my kids the world and how to live an be content with that. Its where my heart is right now and it feels so good. I thank god every day for my kids and life and im keeping my head up and looking forward. I really cant thank u guys enough as ive never seen this side of mm. As funny as this may sound this has been a very good and positive post and it goes to show there is a god and he does work miracles. I really need to call some of u guys bad names and all and make sure my image stays tarnished so that noone thinks im a good guy but i just dont see my dry humor coming back anytime soon. I sure as hell dont wanna hurt ppl anytime soon even if it is a joke. Hurting ppl just plain sucks and aint my style anymore.
Damn I hate reading this stinky. But I've been in your exact position and if you need someone to talk with and hang out with that lives close by, hit me up. Nothing helps more than having someone to talk to. Take it one day at a time and think about what you think you want to do 10x before you act.

I just call em as I see em!

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