For Larry, cjboz, TK, scottyboy and all other Texans


Now that I have been here for 7 years - I truly understand this!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That is a good one!! I enjoy the "Yankee wussy" part. Thanks for the laugh Roy. By the way what weekend are you coming turkey and hog hunting?

You have to admit that it's True..


You're one now Roy, so don't EVEN try it....

Damn it Roy, I laughed for at least 30 minutes after seeing that!! I gotta find me one of those US maps made by Texans!!

AWESOME vid Roy! I'll be forwarding that one!!

Thanks dude! And btw, 7 years gives you a definate honorary Texan badge!! You earned it!
I noticed that on the "Real Texas map" it takes the whole Midwest and some Mountain states. Why the he11 do I have to pay Non-res License Fees then??? WTF
Roy's pretty well old'school now...

Dont'wanna hear anymore of that tired, old,
Forced to come from UT crap....

Howdy Roy..Glad to have you aboard Son..

Come see me some time...

I guess I'll have to get me one of those bumperstickers that say "I wasn't born here, but I got here as fast as I could!"

Yeah - I got a son that was born here, so I guess I have some roots here now.

CJ - Man I am dying to get out! Too much going on right now, but I will look you up next year or maybe later on for a hog!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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