For god's sake...


Long Time Member
drag the dead soldiers off the battlefield, will ya? Nothing like leaving a nuked post spot hanging there as an example to the rest of us. :) Can't ya hit rebuild or something?
HEY, For once it's not me..... Go figger :)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
"Another Feleno thread?" c'mon now, that ain't fair :) i admit some of the stuff I post I shouldn't but the one that got nuked wasn't because of the picture, it was because of what someone else said AFTER the picture was posted. I don't start the riots, but I guess I am guilty of inciting them sometimes :). I've vowed to the powers that be to be a better contributor.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-08 AT 08:49AM (MST)[p]Then what's the point of coming here? So we can sit around the campfire and sing Coombaya? Awesome! Guess the babe pictures are the only reason to come here. Bessy just gets mad if we start pushing his buttons. And Manny, hell Manny won't even preach to us any more. And we all know I don't like the homophobe jokes. Or to talk sports? Blech! I'd rather have hemmoroid surgery. So, what IS the point? Guess I'll save my refreshes and clicks for elsewhere. :(

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