"For GAWDS Sakes"

Ticks N Tines

Very Active Member
Anybody else getting really tired seeing this on every post on the website. Many it's not offensive to anyone else, but it kinda bugs me.

Just thought I would throw it out there. Hope I don't get attacked too bad.
Nope, doesn't bother me things that bother me are not being able to close the deal on a big muley last evening, the rest is minor.
It is funny that you mentioned that because I was having the exact same thought yesterday. Bessy we all love you and we all enjoy "most" of your posts but that is a little offensive to have to see 5 million times. It is not like you post that on there once in a while you post that 20 times a day and it is offensive to many readers. There are lots of kids on here as well and that isn't something they need to read 50 times a day.

Please have a little respect and change your signature to something else. That one is getting a little bit old anyways right?#@$%$

Why don't we all make a suggestion for a new "One Liner" for old bessy to help him out.

How bout something along the lines of:
"Bitter Hunter; that can't seem to draw an elk tag and I hate everybody because of it and all of you suck and your all wrong about elk management and the Fish and Game are Idiots and I have the solution to all these problems if you Idiots would all just listen me and did I mention there is not ONE mature buck in this miserable state on public ground on general units anywhere and it is all you pisscutters faults for shooting all the pisscutters and did I mention Utah Elk herds suck and the bull to cow ratios suck and everyone in the state of Utah is a Tard and you are all idiots and I am the only non-pisscutter in this state and all of you know it and I wish U-tards would all die a a slow death because there is not one decent hunter left in the state of Utah !!!! (Except for me of Course!)"

Not only is this signature less offensive but it would save you a lot of time because you would not have to post so much. Your signature would pretty much say everything that you need to say. I don't know bessy it might be worth a try. Maybe in your spare time you could hunt more!

Anyone else want to make a suggestion for Bessy's signature POST IT UP!!!

Jason Yates
Basin Archery Shop
5% OFF to all MonsterMuleys.com Members!!!
Discount code = monstermuleys
Here is an idea, why not see if Founder can mimic the Facebook feature that allows you to hide comments from a certain person. For those of us who hate seeing that signature, he couldn't get offended, we wouldn't have to see it, AND we wouldn't have to scroll down so often to get to other posts.
I have no problems with Bessy at all. To be honest, it's really not a big deal either.
I think when reading your posts I continue on to your signature thinking it is part of your post. So I end up reading it about 100 times a day. After seeing it that much it gets kind of annoying.

I realize it doesn't bother others and I respect everyone's views. I just get sick of the repetetive stuff everyday.

Don't mean to put anyone under the bus.
Wow... Out of things to b!tch about so we gotta start picking on bessy? I hope I'm not the next one on the list... I just don't know what I'd do with myself....

I don't know Bess from Adam.

I've been on here for several years and his tagline doesn't bother me one iota.

If you have a problem with it, scroll right on past.

I can't help but think there are more important things to get irritated about.
For Gawds Sakes, I thought this bickering was reserved for February, when cabin fever has set in.
I didn't know anyone actually read B-Bop's signature anyway. I always find myself yelling outloud when I read his posts.
For the PUSSSIES that can't handle it!!!

I shall change My Signature!

Stay Tuned!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Nice HH!

Funny how I ran that Signature for Years but once again the PUZZIES around here couldn't handle it!

My New Signature is listed below:

My Signature Has Once Again Disturbed the PUZZZIES that can't handle the Truth & Continuously Have to Find something to Bittch about so don't Scroll down any further than this or You'll see where I mentioned "FOR GAWDS Sakes"!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Doesn't any body on here know that the kinda people that talk like that are the kind of people that once told to stop will go above and beyond even their own capabilities to worsten and increase what you want stopped.

His new tag should be great to read now.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
You're a Smart man travishunter!:D

My Signature Has Once Again Disturbed the PUZZZIES that can't handle the Truth & Continuously Have to Find something to Bittch about so don't Scroll down any further than this or You'll see where I mentioned "FOR GAWDS Sakes"!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Bessy did you like my signature suggestion? I was hoping other people would throw out some suggestions as well. I think we should have an on going MM contest to come up with a suitable signature for BOBCAT_BESS every few weeks.

After all I would bet your signature is the MOST COMMONLY READ WORDS ON THIS ENTIRE WEBSITE! I think you should have to change it once every few weeks just to make it interesting. If you are going to entertain us all it should be your duty to change that thing at least once a month just to mix it up.

Jason Yates
Basin Archery Shop
5% OFF to all MonsterMuleys.com Members!!!
Discount code = monstermuleys
LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-11 AT 04:48PM (MST)[p]Seriously? Reminds me of the mo mo's complaining about the Dr. Johns bill board up here in Ogden because it shows some skin instead of keep on driving and worry about more important things in life like the meth in thier kids dresser drawer. I ban my kids from looking at the newspaper in fear of them coming across one of the daily Mervyn's adds with the pornographic bra and pantie section
LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-11 AT 04:40PM (MST)[p]
Bessy, I'm thinkin this bobcat montage sig line might wadd up a few panties.......



My Signature Has Once Again Disturbed the PUZZZIES that can't handle the Truth & Continuously Have to Find something to Bittch about so don't Scroll down any further than this or You'll see where I mentioned "FOR GAWDS Sakes"!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:7

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!









THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
Lol HH!

If I had it all in one Pile I'm a thinkin even the Boss(Founder!) would be Aggitated!:D

My Signature Has Once Again Disturbed the PUZZZIES that can't handle the Truth & Continuously Have to Find something to Bittch about so don't Scroll down any further than this or You'll see where I mentioned "FOR GAWDS Sakes"!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Hey F'er?

I think HJB is a little on the Weak side?

You got the Pic with my tongue hanging out about 2 feet & with Blood all over the Place?

My Signature Has Once Again Disturbed the PUZZZIES that can't handle the Truth & Continuously Have to Find something to Bittch about so don't Scroll down any further than this or You'll see where I mentioned "FOR GAWDS Sakes"!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Pay attention Jeff!

I said:GAWDS!


My Signature Has Once Again Disturbed the PUZZZIES that can't handle the Truth & Continuously Have to Find something to Bittch about so don't Scroll down any further than this or You'll see where I mentioned "FOR GAWDS Sakes"!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
>AT 04:48?PM (MST)

>Seriously? Reminds me of the mo
>mo's complaining about the Dr.
>Johns bill board up here
>in Ogden because it shows
>some skin instead of keep
>on driving and worry about
>more important things in life
>like the meth in thier
>kids dresser drawer. I ban
>my kids from looking at
>the newspaper in fear of
>them coming across one of
>the daily Mervyn's adds with
>the pornographic bra and pantie

LMMFAO. Yeah as if the methamphetamine problem in Ogden has any statistical significance with the youth of staunch mo mo's worried about skin. The stereotypical rhetoric just never ends. I suppose it was those same mo mo sock drawer meth addict pushers who controlled the FCC reaction over the Janet Jackson wardrobe failure fiasco too huh? Get a grip. BTW, it's their not thier.

>We all know Bessy like a
>little tail

This one is the best. I'm glad Feleno was able to photoshop Bess' tongue out though....it was rather offensive.

B-bop, you spent time going after me and this is coming at you. WOW!! Not even me, mayor of tardville, ruiner of all the SJ elk hunts(even though I have never been on the SJ) is offended by you. In fact much like the gnats out on the lake, you just buzz around and we all figure we just have to put up with the annoyance in order to enjoy MM. And to those of you who rip ogdens meth problem, they now have a police blimp, problem solved!!

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
That ain't a police blimp Hoss. It is a new sporting operation of the local gun club. I think the lucky winner gets to claim the money out of it like a pinata of sorts.
Remember Mayor hossblur!

I Swat back!:D

My Signature Has Once Again Disturbed the PUZZZIES that can't handle the Truth & Continuously Have to Find something to Bittch about so don't Scroll down any further than this or You'll see where I mentioned "FOR GAWDS Sakes"!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I think you should change it to,

"STFU, or me and Joey will kick your azz!"

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
WOW Bessy! I knew you an influential dude but I had no idea you were that much of a burr under the saddle.:DLOL

It's always an adventure!!!
Well Bull!

Been a Long Ass week!

Started work as early as 4:00 AM on several mornings in the last few weeks in Hopes I could get caught up enough to go help a Hunter,but that didn't Happen!

I was thinkin this afternoon:Well it's Finally friday,I've had enough for a week,hadn't even had my Ass chewed lately other than by the 'MAYOR' then I get home from the Office & see this thread started by HJB!


My Signature Has Once Again Disturbed the PUZZZIES that can't handle the Truth & Continuously Have to Find something to Bittch about so don't Scroll down any further than this or You'll see where I mentioned "FOR GAWDS Sakes"!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Is HJB Homer J? The way this tread started out I'm wondering.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
>Let me help the Bobcat out:

i need to print this off for guys i work with. thanks for the laugh
LOL!Usually,if I don't want to see the movie,I don't go into the theater.Let's ban it cuz we don't like it!!LOL!Got any more popcorn,HH?Best movie I've seen in awhile!
HJB, Apparently you didn't read the story about the hunter who put up the signs that said, "hunter at waterhole" only to find out it had a reverse effect on what he was trying to realize.

There is a difference in the overall crowds of a soccer game in Spain and the crowds watching a golf game. I need not say more, but when kids need attention, they need attention.
disbelief....I am embarrassed for any one who could whine about something so ridiculous.

PETA peeps probably get their panties in a bunch about such things and feel compelled to tell others,(because that's all they do) but hunters on MM????

This is some funny stuff. I knew I would get attacked for this, so it doesn't bother me one bit.
The funny thing is that 47 complainers are cmoplaining about about my complaint and 47 is all in less than 24 hours. Can't wait to see how many people complain about my complaint tomorrow.

The reason I brought it up is because I don't like the word "Gawd"(GOD) being brought up so much. It should be a sacred word to anyone that believes there IS a god. If you are Atheist, I completely understand. But why not make the site enjoyable for everyone?

I tell my kid to not take the lord's name in vain, but yet he can't read one post on here that doesn't say "Good Gawd".

Like I said before I expected this reaction and I'm prepared to take the heat. So keep the complaints coming.
"But why not make the site enjoyable for everyone"

Let's all hold hands and skip together.

"And just what were these guys doing riding horses in an aspen thicket"
I totally agree HJB, but you've got to remember the crowd you are dealing with. Definately the most active forum members take hunting over church and those who don't aren't going to get involve with this subject. I understand what you're getting at, but I don't think you've accomplished much except inciting a verbal riot.
sorry cannonball, I am going to have to take offense to you using the word "forum" on this forum...as you probably know that that word can conjure up all kinds up vulgar thoughts if you REALLY use your imagination!

Do you think it is possible to change the name from MM hunting forum to something more appropriate?

any suggestions would be great.
I agree about forum. But I also find suggestion to be highly suggestive and therefore offensive.
I agree, our kids should never hear the word god. They should never see pics of women in anything but burkas. They shouldn't ever have to go in a restaraunt and see liquor bottles on a bar. There shouldn't be a lingere store in kaysville. Women should be at home, barefoot and pregnant. ORRRRRRR, you can point out to your kids that language is just that, and if your that easily offended perhaps the problem is yours. I love it at work when we get these kids who are so damn(yup) sheltered that they have never had to deal with anything, then get there first azz(had to it gets edited) chewing and curl up in the fetal position. PERHAPS, toughen up your kids. I don't smoke, my old man died of cancer from it. I thinks its a really bad habit. NOT ONE TIME have I ever told anyone else not to. NOT ONCE have I figured it was my buisness to ban smoking because of my PERSONAL beliefs. I HAVE told my son that the guys I hunt with that smoke are good dudes and it is NONE of my buisness what they do as long as they are good to me. YES I KNOW, the culture is getting courser. YES I KNOW, we should all respect each other, BUT NOTICE I DIDN'T suggeset you change your language to respect my beliefs(I could be a budist, jewish, muslim, druid,) and not really like the way you talk about your sunday monolithic god. I might believe god is a woman, or a dog, or eagle. I might think that hunting on Friday evenings should be banned. BUT DID YOU WORRY ABOUT OFFENDING ME?? NOPE. IF YOUR KIDS listen to country, rock, rap, they have heard the word. If they watch t.v. they have heard it. If they go to school they have heard it. And my bet is you have good kids that somehow(without the language police) have survived and most likely will survive and be outstanding citizens and hunters. B-bop is a clown, to be sure, but he is not responsible for the downfall of civilization(yet).

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
If you don't like reading his posts; don't.

I am glad Bessy has thick skin! Its great having him on this site and definately one of the few that would drop what he was doing in order to help a guy out.

It sure is funny how people can judge someone by nothing more than some internet threads.
"If you don't like reading his posts; don't."

Same goes for all of you, if you don't like it, don't read it.

Obviously you didn't like my post but yet you took the time to read it, and not only that but also respond to it.

As for offending someone else's God, if you don't mention it how is that offending anyone? Just about every religion out there has some kind of higher being that they worship. So keeping it out of the everyday conversation shouldn't offend anyone. Unless of course it's being used in a respectful manner.

As for the previous mention on how I raise my kids. I think you bring up some good points. Kids should know what they will deal with when they are older and it won't do them harm to hear a swear word or smoething while they are young.

It's not really about my kids, it's about seeing the annoying signature 100 times a day. I can deal with it every once in a while, but when I'm reading a detailed post it just gets in the way and seems like part of the response. So I end up reading it about 20 times per post.

I didn't suggest he remove it, and I'm not torn apart by it. It's simply just a distraction and it bugs me. If I had a huge problem with it I might ask him to remove it. Fact is, it's not a big deal and I don't care what he does about it. Not my call, and it won't affect my visits to the site. I just wanted to see what the concensus on the issue was. Obviously I'm outnumbered, so I guess I'll just shut my mouth and mind my business.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-11 AT 07:17PM (MST)[p]HJB ,Chill the "HELL " out "GAWD DAMMITT" .Keep in mind ,you are on a internet chat forum in which you get to meet people from all walks of life .Some you agree with ,some you dont .Some say the phuch word every other word, and some dont .Some archery hunt ,some dont ,some like fat chicks ,some dont ."GET IT ".If Bobcat says "For GAWDS SAKES" in everyone of his posts ,you know he is gonna say that ,just avoid his post.
HJB ,you have any success this year in yer hunting endeavors ,would love to see some pics .Keep us posted ,FLDRW22.
"Same goes for all of you, if you don't like it, don't read it"

I usually don't, but sometimes I do lol... There is nothing wrong with getting a good laugh now and again.

It has nothing to do with me liking or not liking it.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-11 AT 09:11PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-11 AT 09:09?PM (MST)

get off your high horse and enjoy life.

what your bee'och'n about is so GAWD DAMN trivial it's pathetic.

"if you want some get some...if your bad enough come take some"
"If Bobcat says "For GAWDS SAKES" in everyone of his posts ,you know he is gonna say that ,just avoid his post."

Hard to avoid a post that Bessy has replied on.

To answer your question about hunting, no success whatsoever thsi year. Maybe that's why my panties are in a wad.
HJB - Hang in there. I can't believe the beating your are taking. It seems like you really struck a chord with some folks. I think that there are MANY on here MORE offended about your comment than you are about Bessy's signature. Seems like they should take their own advice. You have the right to your opinion just like anyone else. If certain people don't agree and get all "offended" they are just doing exactly what they accuse you of. Some people take EVERYTHING personal.

I fully respect and tend to agree with your opinion about people having better taste in what they post on a public forum and there are many others that agree as well. I didn't take it like you were judging Bobcat for his posts but just wishing out loud that he would tone it down a bit. I typically like Bobcat's posts and learned long ago his bark is much louder than his bite. You have to realize a lot of what he writes is simply to get a reaction and he obviously does a GREAT JOB of that. That's what makes him Bobcat. That being said he does "occasionally" push the limit further than he should and nothing you or anyone else says will change that. (In fact it will probably only make it worse) I respect his opinion and agree with him a lot of the time and disagree some of the time. That is OK. We can all have our own opinion. Thats what makes America Great.

P.S. People telling you to avoid reading Bessy's posts on MM is like saying avoid guys in orange shirts on opening day of Utahs rifle season... A little easier said than done!!! I would say your best bet is to check out the "Saskatchewan" chat forum it doesn't seem to be getting much action!

Jason Yates
Basin Archery Shop
5% OFF to all MonsterMuleys.com Members!!!
Discount code = monstermuleys
Oh my GAWD you said "panties" on the web

"And just what were these guys doing riding horses in an aspen thicket"
I admire your courage HJB. I wish I had as much. A man ought to stick up for, and take a stand for what he values. There's nothing wrong with having a solid set of standards.
B-bop is a guy that I called out a week or so ago, instead of getting all huffy(except he did tell me to take a F'n hike) I think he got what I was saying and we have exchanged jabs back and forth. I like guys like that, he didn't sulk, or get all violent or whatever, he jabbed me back. I think most of us are just guys who talk a lot of junk, run our mouths, but for the most part are just having some fun. I like MM for the pics, and the handful of guys you can poke at and run it at. I have never met Bessy, but he can stop by and have a beer anytime(while I am chasing off HIS elk on the SJ) and we can talk junk to each other. Some subjects on here are serious, and their is some good info to be had, and good stories, but Bessy, or me for that matter goofing off is just that and taking it serious is stupid. The bad thing about our electronic world is it is hard to show emotions. Even when telling me to f off I saw the smily faces all over his post. He is fun to read, funner to poke, and I doubt intentionally meant to offend anyone. But like most of us, now it is something he is gonna have fun with. B-bop is a clown, like me, like most of us, so just enjoy him and his posts, or don't, but being offended by him is a waste of time.

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
Man, Bobcat must have a ton of nipples, cause more than half the posters on here still seem to be dragging on his teets.
I can't believe that you guys have so much free time that you can even worry about ANY post.......much less about what is on here that might offend ANYONE.

Bessie can say whatever he wants....how cool that he can affect so many peoples lives!

Everyday life has WAY more problems than what is posted on the Internet.

Don't like it here....go somewhere else!

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
Kind of funny a guy with 3500 posts would even comment about people with lots of free time. Seems to me you spend way more time on the internet than most.

Jason Yates
Basin Archery Shop
5% OFF to all MonsterMuleys.com Members!!!
Discount code = monstermuleys
>Kind of funny a guy with
>3500 posts would even comment
>about people with lots of
>free time. Seems to me
>you spend way more time
>on the internet than most.

lol, kinda what I was thinking.
Yes, I spend a lot of time on the internet....at least when I am not hunting, shooting, fishing, playing with my dogs, looking for arrowheads,......and whatever else I WANT to do.

It is called being retired.

But I certainly have better things to think about than somebody who says "GAWD".....God probably don't care either. He has more important things to worry about also.

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
Hey Nicky!

Your Ass is in Trouble too!

I just seen 'God' in your Signature!:D

For "GOSH" Sakes,We got "TARDS" on this Site that can't handle a Damn,I Mean DANG thing,maybe MM should add a Church/Biblical Forum for the MM'ers that can't handle the Hunting Forums?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-11 AT 08:36PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-11 AT 08:36?PM (MST)

So if there are better things to do, why are you wasting time on this "waste of a post"?

Seems to me that you are so blinded by the fact I complained about a minor issue, that you failed to realize you are doing the same thing by respondng to this thread.

Whoops a daisy!!!
Bess.....I LIKE it when my azz is in trouble with religious zealots!

And you ain't gettin' off that easy. "Gosh" is a substitute for the "G" word and you ain't spose to use that either!

I don't care if these guys buy the "pie in the sky" idea, but I will NOT be moved, in any way, by their childish insecurities. I guess I should not offend these "good" people, or I might find myself wadded up in "Mountain Meadow".....or wherever it was!

This is America, for a little longer at least, and the same "rights" to freedom OF religion and freedom FROM religion, still apply!

"If "G WORD" did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
Mostly because I am an educated man and YOU religious fanatics make me sick!

But, while I wholly agree, that I am wasting time with this thread, I find myself compelled to take EVERY opportunity to piss off "bible thumpers"......or in some cases, "Book of Mormon" thumpers. Is it working?

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
Seems to me the ones "pissed" off are all the jokers that all worked up over this post. The guy made a simple request. Nothing to get all worked up over in my opinion.

I am going to Idaho this week with my bow. I personally couldn't be happier.

Jason Yates
Basin Archery Shop
5% OFF to all MonsterMuleys.com Members!!!
Discount code = monstermuleys
LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-11 AT 07:26AM (MST)[p]>Mostly because I am an educated
>man and YOU religious fanatics
>make me sick!
>But, while I wholly agree, that
>I am wasting time with
>this thread, I find myself
>compelled to take EVERY opportunity
>to piss off "bible thumpers"......or
>in some cases, "Book of
>Mormon" thumpers. Is it working?
>"If God did not intend for
>man to hunt animals, he
>would have made broccoli more
>fun to shoot"

Wow I can't wait until I am retired so I can waste my day trying to piss off people that believe in god. You deffinetly have your priorities in line. Why not just come onto MM to talk about hunting? Why does someones beliefs have to be dragged into everything now a days?

I think this was handled all wrong. If HJB had a prob with B-pop's sig line he should of taken it to PM and asked him to please change it.
This has turned into the most ridiculous post of the year. Yes I know, I started it all.
Fact is you people are freaking out about 100 times more than I am. To me it's a minor issue that could be corrected by simply changeing the color of signatures to avoid reading them with the response everytime.

I didn't even suggest he change it, and I didn't say it offended me either. I just said it was annoying and kind of bugged me.

I'm sorry it turned into this, I really am.

But man, some of you guys are attacking other members for no other reason than being a "Westerner" or "Utahn" or even "Mormon". This has nothing to do with a certain group, it was annoying to ME and ME only. So lets just lock these two worthless posts up and get back to hunting.

My period is over for GOSH sakes!!!!
>I think this was handled all
>wrong. If HJB had a
>prob with B-pop's sig line
>he should of taken it
>to PM and asked him
>to please change it.

I totally agree with you, but you have to know B-Bop. If he gets a PM he doesn't like, he will copy and paste it into a post and let eveyone comment on it. Trust me, it would have gone worse that way.

It was a spur of the moment post that I didn't think through. Had a taken the time to realize what this would become, I never would have posted it. It's a petty issue that I don't really even care about. It got blown WAY out of proportion.
Yeah that's the problem with forums to many people take things and blow them out of proportion just to get a rise out of people. It's also pretty hard to not know B-Pop on this site he post on every other thread even if he has nothing to contribute. Good luck HJB I think this is long from over. Good luck to you too b-pop in finding a new sig.
Funny stuff!.......I didn't bring up the "religion" card....I just took a shot at it. It does not belong here.

By the way, I never said I had anything against believing in God. I just don't want YOUR version in MY face!

As far as hunting and wasted time goes, I have had 5 bulls, 3 bucks and a black bear, in my truck this season and it's still only September!....how's it going for you so far?

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
Well it's going great for me. I have been helping my cousin for the last 2 months scouting and getting his bull. Then I started scouting for my Muzzleloader deer that starts at the end of the month. Then up to elk camp for 2 weeks and then to WY for a deer hunt. After all that coyote season will be in full swing.

"By the way, I never said I had anything against believing in God. I just don't want YOUR version in MY face!"

As far as the religion thing I never saw a post where anyone put there(MY)version in your face? I don't really remember saying anyhting about what religion I am for that matter.
Well I just got off the phone with GAWD and might as well have got a f'n busy signal...he basically said he couldn't stop laughing at you guys argue about religion and that he just didn't have time for me right now!!

Bessy, you're in the clear dude it ain't even about you anymore lol!!

In honor of GAWDS alltime best creation ever, I shall now celebrate BEER:30

Funny stuff!.......I didn't bring up
>the "religion" card....I just took
>a shot at it. It
>does not belong here.
> By the way, I never
>said I had anything against
>believing in God. I just
>don't want YOUR version in
>MY face!

Actually, you were the one that brought up the religion thing. By citing the Mountain Meadows massacre, you took a shot at the LDS religion. Prior to that, the only mention of religion was another comment about "mo mo's". I dont believe HJB said anything about his religion. Someone also mentioned God wouldnt care if that word was said. It is one of the 10 commandments, so yes, he does care. No one put any religious version in your face. A request was made. That's all. And as a result of that request, the poster and others that empathize with him are called pussies, I mean "puzzies".

And by the way, yes you did say you have something against believing in God. "You religious fanatics make me sick." You "take every opportunity to piss off 'bible thumpers' and 'Book of Mormon thumpers'. You insinuated that we believe in the "pie in the sky" as though we are uneducated and insecure.

You flagged yourself as a person full of hate, a bigot, and someone that has no tolerance or respect for beliefs other than your own. Personally, I think it is disgusting and pathetic that after someone made a request, he is then bombarded with the very thing that he finds offensive. Shameful.
But in all honesty, isn't "God" a title. In all reality, there are LOTS and LOTS of "Gods". Greek, Sun and Pagan to name a few. So, If we are not to take the true "Gods" name in vain, doesn't that mean the name Jehovah? If your gonna spew Bible doctrine, at least get it right..........
B Bop, how dare they?
I dont really have any interest in debating or arguing about Biblical passages. Go find someone else to argue with.
Grizz.......you "spun" my post, just like most zealots "spin" religion. Because I refuse to accept preaching in my face, I am a hateful bigot......and you are perfect.

I rest my case....you can turn your colar back around and gloat in selfrighteousness. Amen.

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
For the record, I do NOT believe in, or follow any Organized Religion. I have studied a lot of different version of "Organized Religions" tho. I do not choose to argue or debate Bible Doctrine either, but wonder if like me, Religious leaders never taught you about the Tetragrammaton or (Divine Name). If that offended you with my assumption, I am sorry.
I can't believe this one is still going.

Honestly peoples sigs don't phase me one way or another, but if any even give me a tinge of bother it would have to be the ones advertising their business or company or product, kinda gives me the feeling they only post to advertise not actually add to the quality of the site.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
This posting costed me about 8 minutes I will never get back.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>Grizz.......you "spun" my post, just like
>most zealots "spin" religion. Because
>I refuse to accept preaching
>in my face, I am
>a hateful bigot......and you are
>I rest my case....you can turn
>your colar back around and
>gloat in selfrighteousness. Amen.
> "If God did not
>intend for man to hunt
>animals, he would have made
>broccoli more fun to shoot"
And tell me exactly how I spun your post? Those are your quotes. And since I never declared anything about myself, I'll take your comment about me being perfect as a declaration from you. Thank you for the compliment!

You rest your case? You'd make a horrible attorney.

Here is why Bess should leave the signature. If you take that down for offending you then I ask that every signature that contains a bible quote or god reference be removed because it is offensive to me as an atheist. I am a proud Atheist and will always be, but you need to have an open mind and realize not every shares your belief in "Gawd". So if you want God removed from that sig because it offends you then i petition all sigs containing bible refernces be removed. Just saying, lighten up.

>For the record, I do NOT
>believe in, or follow any
>Organized Religion. I have
>studied a lot of different
>version of "Organized Religions" tho.
> I do not choose
>to argue or debate Bible
>Doctrine either, but wonder if
>like me, Religious leaders never
>taught you about the Tetragrammaton
>or (Divine Name). If
>that offended you with my
>assumption, I am sorry.

Im not offended at all! No worries. I won't debate because you're entitled to whatever interpretation of religion or scripture you choose. I figure if you are happy, and aren't making others miserable, your religion or lack of religion is just fine.
I wish God had not given me the free will to read this stupid post. I would vote for this as the most worthlest post I have ever see - and during hunting season none the less!
Ok, ok, OK!!!!! Let's get thisto an even 100 posts and let it die!!!!!

[Font][Font color = "green"]Here's my signature. It's green so no one will think I am actually saying something related to this post. [font/]


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.


>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.

LMFAO!! That pretty much sums it up right there...

Gator, dang dude you're a fast reader! It was more like 15 minutes for me!

<In honor of GAWDS alltime best creation ever, I shall now celebrate BEER:30 >

Never_catch, throughout this whole waste of time with this post this made it worth the whole read! Funny stuff dude!


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