For Eel


Long Time Member

I found you a turtle rock. The location is secret. PM me with any offers.


Just so ya know that is not a rock. It is a real McCoy. It is Petrified dates back 1.2 million years ago. Dino days. Bigmoutha species . A few of them still roam today.

Thanks! That makes that baby worth far more money. Eel is probably speechless at the moment because of the size of that thing.

I can picture Eel trying to pack that big baby home on his backpack. Might have to call him Atlas after this.

Ransom, where did you get that photo???? I've known about that for many years now. That is on sacred Indian land!! Who ever took that photo will have an evil curse bestowed upon them!!!! I just hope it wasn't you!

Rutnbuck is partly correct. That's a fossil of Megasnapus, the only know creature that regularly preyed upon Tyannosaurus rex.

My people purchased that site a few years ago. We are pretty wealthy now. (Our original homeland in the swamps of Oklahoma was paved over and is now the parking lot for the Lucky Turtle Casino).

Notice the cave-like entrance in front. Our ancestors (including my great, great grandpa Chief Little Turtle) are buried there! I'll be traveling to that Shrine next year to pay my respects and participate in the annual "Celebration of the Virgin Turtlepeople". Both virgins will be there!

Ramsom, please keep the location secret.

ransom, i've got a few west valley city investors that will pay hansomly for the address.....we mostly just want to hook up with the virgins,and may-be use some spray paint, you know to put the original green shell back on.

For the sake of intertribal unity I'll keep it secret. My ancestors, the Chickamauga, also had a name for the giant turtle, it was Ooh-tah-nah ooh-lee-nah-wah gah-go duode.
This translates into english as "giant turtle who is monster". Pretty much wiped out my ggreat granddads village. It was terrible.
In parting please don't pet the monster if you encounter one.

Agreed, as i am 1/920th Seminole, i too must abide by some tribal rules. Our tribe had no words for the creatures we now call turtles. They just ran away, screaming kraffffffff krafffffff( poop).

i apologize eel for the earlier comments.
That first one is a guy.....went to college with my brother.Dressed like that when he went to class!!! One hell of an O lineman. He'd wear the make-up under his helmet....can you imagine lining up against that and him blowing you a kiss before the snap? CAN'T tell Eel where that rock is located....once he finds out, he is forced by tradition, to make a pilgrimage to the site, wearing only a loincloth fashioned from the hide of one cottontail rabbit. He must go barefoot and at turtle least that's what I heard.

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