For all of you gym rats!!



After I finish my morning workout at the gym, I always head to the men's locker room to wash whatever funk (other people's sweat, boogers, butt butter, germs, etc) that has been transferred from the stationary bike handles, stretching mats, and ab machines to my hands.

I'm semi-germaphobic. I don't trust that the guy who was on the bike before me, who "fell" off of said bike, smelling like a turd in an ashtray, actually washed his hands after he cranked nuts and/or kneaded his ball bag, pre-workout. I have to wash my hands, and that requires a trip to the bathroom.

The men's locker room is an awful place. It smells like steamed turds, armpits, and whatever the coolest AXE body wash is at the moment (probably Arctic Eagle Musk Ice, Rainforest Blue Date Rape Chowder, or Uptown Spicebeast.) I make sure to walk in, eyes to the ground, move quickly through the athlete's foot spray mist, and quickly run the gauntlet of half nude dudes to the bathroom. When I get to the sinks, I have to make sure one is available, so my gaze moves from my feet to the level of the sinks, and that's when I see the exact same thing four out of five days a week.

A 60-year-old man shaving.

Butt naked.

It's not always the same guy, it's not always the same sink, and it's not always a 60-year-old, but it's never anyone younger, which makes me wonder if there was some sort of "How To Shave Your Face" manual that came out in the '40s and '50s (that was discontinued shortly thereafter) that said:

STEP 1: Remove all clothing.
STEP 2: Apply shaving cream to face.
STEP 3: Widen stance for optimum balance.
STEP 4: Dangle penis and scrotum on sink top.
STEP 5 : Shave face.

It makes about as much sense to me as taking your pants off to change a flat tire or putting on a motorcycle helmet to take a #####, and I'm wondering just how clean my hands are getting if they're being washed in a sink that has been dusted with geriatric yam bags
LMAO!!! That's why the little women and I bought a bow flex and an elliptical and work out at home...Now I'm the only 54 year old shaving naked in the bathroom!!!
At least they're not shaving their geriatric yam bags in the oughtta be thankful!

Why don't you carry some Germ-X with you and just use that? You can avoid the nude scene altogether.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Dude, next time get there a little early before the sixty year old man and put a nice healthy coat of Icy Hot or Tiger's Balm right there on his preferred sink. If it doesnt fix the problem it should be entertaining at the very least.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
Pretty funny......for a 17 year old pantywaist! You need some counseling!

It may come as a surprise to you, but some of us MEN grew up in a day when we weren't so freaky about being in a gym with other MEN, doing the shower thing.

I would venture a guess that you were never in the military either. Clearly, you would never have survived boot camp!

If you are so afraid of being around some naked old guys, why would you go to a gym in the first place?

I suspect, from the tone of your post, that you hold some homosexual inquisitiveness, that you fear may become obvious to others.

I personally have no issue with you, or anyone else seeing my junk while I am at a gym......the showers, sinks and lockers are there for a reason.

Stay out if you are offended! Or better yet, go to the YWCA gym....they will find you harmless!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I'm with nickman on this one. Dont be such a wussy......and you definately need some time in the military.
Try hitting a crapper with 30 other guys no stalls no walls. After a while no one cares anymore.
However, if it is all such a bother I'm sure that you can go over to the womens side of the gym. Seems like they all have their own private shower stalls and all.
Walking with your eyes on the floor afraid you'll suffer by comparison or whatever's no way to live.

respect my authorita
Well at least the germophobic CRC has big enough "Man Nuggets" to share his phobia of germs and noticing other guys blue-veined custard chuckers ! He just doesn't want his hands touching anywhere another guys Pork-Sword has mushroom-stamped the sink. And maybe an older guy caused poor CRC to raise the flag at one time and thus was embarassed...
As for smells that's just normal where there is a gym there are smells.


You guys need to have a sense of humor! This isn't even my perspective. This was from an article I read in a magazine I thought was pretty funny. I guess you need to have like 2000 posts or something to have opinion around here. I go to the gym 6 days a week and don't have any problem with my manhood.
Oh and the 17 year old panty waist cracks me up! I guess I don't understand cause I don't have my senior citizen discount card yet!
You kind of got my attention when you mentioned the new Axe bodywash . I just went to the store , but apparently my store isn't carrying the new Artic Eagle musk ox scent yet . Bummer deal , but I'll keep my eyes open .
Nope, not for me. Another man's butt boogers will never touch my hands.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
We used to call that a "fronnegade" know, when after you have said something really stupid, and now have to pull your head out of your ass and come up with an instant, believable, "plan B".

I will give you a pass on this one.....but if you show up in pantyhose'll have to bunk in with 2dogs, etal.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-11 AT 11:48PM (MST)[p]I will step up and admit that I got some hilariously new vocabulary off this thread.....LOL!
Being a personal trainer and spending thousands of hours in gyms, this doesn't shock me one bit......I have seen much worse.
I do stare at those 80 year olds quite a bit. I still to this day can't figure out how those guys are put together. I looks like their crack starts between their shoulder blades and runs at a 45 to the base of their neck or something. And I still haven't quite figured out where their organs sit. And to be honest with you I'm not 100 percent positive that they are even human. I just totally bewildered at how those guys are even put together.

Hi doug, nice to see ya around. You should say hi every once in a while. I'm not dead yet ya know? No worries mate I still got yer back. even if I am a butt head!

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