For all daddies....


That was good. Too true! It is good to see that other families go through the same things!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LOL i can relate, when our youngest was about a year old one night her and her mom were fussing and fighting over going to bed crying hissy fits the whole nine yards, this went on till about midnight and all the racket was keeping me awake,(i get up at 430 to go to work) at this point in time i uttered one of the dumbest things i've ever said,,,, " OMG just let her sleep with us so she'll be quiet and we can get some sleep, it's only one night" took about 2 YEARS to FINALLY get her to sleep back in her own bed ,,,, :)
LOL Been there done that! Only with my first though. Took him 2 years to get out of our bed, too. Then I had to lay with him in HIS bed. It was a nightmare. He held me hostage with his gag reflex though. If I left him and he got too upset and cried too hard, he'd puke. Oh it was infuriating. He's 9 now and finally started sleeping well and on his own when he was FIVE.

The next 2 kids were dream babies though and slept very well through the night until this last one...ugh...he was hell until he was 14 months old. Never slept through the night and would cry and scream, but he didn't want in my bed. We slept on the chaise lounge alot and I had to hold him just was ridiculous. He's a great sleeper now that he's 19 months old, but GOOD HELL! it was rough at first.

They say it only takes a week to rid a child of a bad habit. I call B.S. on that one! lol I can totally relate to this guy's song and it actually made me cry (but I'm a girl and girls do that...LOL)
I have three and we made the same mistake with the first. Took about 3 yrs to get him out. The next two didn't even touch our bed for years. Not even for bed time stories. We read to them in their beds.

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