Football Question


Long Time Member
I was going to go steelhead fishing today but all this rain blew out the river, so I was stuck watching football. I seldom watch football.

So here's my question. What's those skinny little arm bands some players wear right above the elbow? Some guys wear them above the bicept, and some guys wear both. Do they actually serve a function, or is it for show?


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
They look kinda cool. I was thinking about wearing one when I go hunting, but if it means "I'm a Democrat" or something, I probably won't.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
They are purely a fashion statement eel. I'm guessing most guys wear them to make their biceps look bigger.

Hi Eel, Happy new Years to You and Yours!!

It's been a long time since i played any competitive ball but even back then, some guys used bands like these to stop sweat from running down and getting on their forearms, hands, and fingers. I suspect that now, their use is claimed to be the same but with so many guys using them, they're more a part of the colorful uniform intended to look sharp for the cameras than anything else.

What is the latest on the rivers up there?
Are they gettin fishy yet?
Raining pretty good down here right now.
Gets me to thinking about a roadtrip.
HAHA, LOL my Dad asked me this EXACT same question earlyer today, worded the same way and everything, I didnt have a awnser for him. That is funny though.

Thanks guys. I knew I could count on you for answers.

Hi Harry, Happy New Year!

Mad River is kicking out good steelhead now. I haven't been to the Mad but friends have been catching quite a few nice ones to 12 lbs. or so. Lots of hatchery fish (keepers). You have to check water conditions on a day by day basis, as you know.

Van Duzen had a huge run of kings this year. Fishing was limited however. F&G shut it off because of low water levels but for a few days guys were catching 10-20 fish a day in the 30 lb. range. All catch and release of course. This happened just after Thanksgiving.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Not too sure about the whole stream fishing thing......I only fish for......fresh, hot, pink tuna.....if you catch my drift!! HaHa!!

No comments on the arm bands! Gotta take me daughter to a soccer tournament in Morrow Bay now. You all have a great day.

I'm kidding about the tuna thing....I'm married! LOL

Happy New Year Guys, here is your answer:

Those narrow straps are to prevent tendinopathy. By taking some of the load off the muscles and tendons near their attachment points they reduce the likelihood of tearing, particularly of the triceps tendon when falling on the hands. Physical therapists give these to the players to prevent lateral and medial epicondylitis and outright rupture injury and keep them in the game with less pain.
Larry, thanks for that explination. That actually makes sense, I guess. I wonder if a band like that would help my golf game?:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Eel, I doubt if they would help your golf game but they might prevent a serious injury when you get drunk and fall down.
I did not know what the arm bands were used for either. Sheesh.. back when I played football they were just starting to use face masks and hard helmets.
Hey Eel, If I thought they would help my golf game I would wear a couple of dozen of them when I play.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-10 AT 12:55PM (MST)[p]NV, you don't understand how I play golf. I always swing really, really hard in case I hit it.

Model_70_Guy , you didn't wear a helmet? So THAT explains it!:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Don't wear it EEL I think it means your queer!! Just yesterday I was watching a guy in a football game patting some guy on the butt and they both had bands. I killed a goose with a leg band dose that mean he is was queer? Rutnbuck

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