Follow your dreams!!!!!



To all you young people, follow your dreams while you can still climb that mountain, go hunt Alaska, or where ever, don't spare the cost, chase those adventure?s, live life to the fullest man!

Just remember to make your reservation for the next life, it may come sooner then one may think!

I just lost my brother yesterday to a hear attack, he was only 58??

I'm gonna miss him?.
Jeeze Manny!! I'm so sorry to hear that. I was wondering why you weren't posting anything. That is a tough one Manny. Be strong bud!

Prayers coming your way!!

My Prayers are with ya.Sorry for your loss.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Sad news Manny - I feel for you brother! My condolences to you and your family. You will be in my prayers.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Sorry to hear the sad news about your brother Manny.

Your so right about doing the things we dream about as life is precious.

Condolences to you and yours...

Sorry for your loss manny. Know how your feelin right now. I've had 2 relatives pass away in the last 8 months. Both by cancer. One within a week of finding out he had it. Another within a month of finding out he had it. Just remember all the good times to help you through.
So sorry to hear the news of your brother's passing..
Be strong, all our thoughts and prayers are with you..
Manny, I give you a lot of crap but it is intended to be in fun. I am truly sorry to hear of your loss. I know you will find strength in your faith.

Sorry to hear of the lost of your Brother, it is hard when we loose a close family member. I lost my younger brother when he was 46, very hard on the family.

Very sorry to hear about your brother Manny. I hope you have assurance of seeing him again on the other side.

Sorry Manny. I too lost someone close. My grandfather this past tues night. I know you to be a follower of our savior, lean on him now it is the only thing getting me by and I have made my peace becuase of his grace. Again I am sorry for you and your families loss.
thanks guys, it realy sucks seeing his widow grieve, and the shock of how quick it happened....

God's gonna have to be patient with me on this one cause I'm kinda mad...
You're one of the good ones Manny. Stay strong & give condolances to your brothers family (you included)

My condolances to you and your family in the loss of your brother. You're right, no better time than now to follow your dreams. We're all on borrowed time, and every day is a gift, best of luck.
Thanks, Brownie.
Lost one of my best friends a few months ago and couldn't help but be mad and feel ripped off for the future memories we should have had coming to us.
I say that because you are 100% right about your dreams.
God bless you and your family.
Condolences Manny.

I lost my dad to lung cancer when he was 58 also.
Just too young.

It had that same preofound effect on me.
I live life to the fullest as much as reasonably possible and have shared huge amounts of time in the outdoors with my son.

The loss of my dad made me a better dad myself.

Again, sorry to hear of your loss.

Sorry to hear that Manny! Thoughts and Prayers are with ya Bro.
Good Luck and Great Memories

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