FNAWS question


Long Time Member
What is FNAWS doing about hunting units that are being decimated by domesticated sheep and goat disease and are no longer huntable? There are two units in Montana that I am familiar with that used to be huntable and the people that used to apply for those areas have to apply elsewhere which lowers everybodys odds. The FNG seem to sit on their hands and no one there has a solution to the problem. One area has domesticated goats that free range well into what used to be good sheep country. The other area had domesticated sheep that went out of their range. Who can step in to fix the problem?
I'm suspecting that if you were a member of the WSF (formerly FNAWS), you could answer this question yourself. That being said, WSF spends a significant amount of time and resources working to retire grazing alotments where conflicts exist. They are involved with disease research. Most of the money raised from the Montana auction tag is returned to the state for sheep management.

Also, many of the Montana die-offs have not been related to domestic issues. When the sheep population reaches the limit for a range, they seem susceptable to die-offs as well.

Although sheep live in some of the most rugged country around, they are some of the most fragile big game animals in North America. Every western state that has sheep struggles with the same issues. Herd die-offs will continue to be part of the scene until scientists can crack the code of Pasturella and other diseases that can decimate a sheep population.
Well put DWalton!
I would add that despite efforts to keep domestics away from wild sheep, it periodically happens anyway. We just all need to keep trying, because since FNAWS (WSF)organized sheep numbers have increased dramatically.
The best way to "keep sheep on the mountain" is to join these groups and support them at their fund raisers and projects. I also think it helps when you call the local Game managers and respectfully voice your concerns. Local grass root concerns always go much further in motivating managers than contacts from someone out of state.
The reason I asked is because I want to see what FNAWS is doing about the issue before I join. I don't want to send money to an organization that will pay the directors $100k each and get nothing done.

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