
Active Member
Im interested in joining one or both of these clubs,Any info on either or both.Tips? Should i join now or in the spring,do they have special draws ect...
Right now FNAWS is offering a chance at a Fannin Sheep hunt if you join, so now is a good time for a chance at a hunt.
I have not heard the results, but GSC/OVIS was sueing FNAWS for using the Grand Slam "Intellectual Properties", etc. It appears to me that there has been some turf battles between the two groups for some time. I used to be a member of both, but after the law suit I dropped out of GSC/OVIS because it felt like I was supporting a law suit against myself.
My feelings are FNAWS puts more effort into putting sheep on the mountain and that is why I support such organizations. GSC/OVIS admits that they are more of a record keeping organization, although they both try to help the cause for sheep hunters. So, for what it is worth, if you have to make a choice, I would join FNAWS
Well said littlebighorn. When my GSCO membership expires I will not renew it. I think they do some good but the lawsuit against FNAWS bothers me.
The split between FNAWS and OVIS is unfortunate and we as sheephunters should not have to pick a side. I was not impressed with the lawsuit but FNAWS has made some mistakes over the years also. If you pick one side it only hurts the wild sheep. Please try supporting both organizations. FNAWS has the best banquet and OVIS has the best magazine.

Just my two cents.

Thanks guys,i guess i will join FNAWS.With that said, I guess i would also join OVIS to if they have any oportunitys to get a sheep tag on raffles ect...I dont care about turf wars.Helping a good cause AND giving myself more chances to hunt sheep is a win-win to me..
>The split between FNAWS and OVIS
>is unfortunate and we as
>sheephunters should not have to
>pick a side. I
>was not impressed with the
>lawsuit but FNAWS has made
>some mistakes over the years
>also. If you pick
>one side it only hurts
>the wild sheep. Please
>try supporting both organizations.
>FNAWS has the best banquet
>and OVIS has the best
>Just my two cents.

Well said. The GSCO magazine is top notch. If nothing else, the mag is worth the cost of membership IMO.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
>Right now FNAWS is offering a
>chance at a Fannin Sheep
>hunt if you join, so
>now is a good time
>for a chance at a

Do you have anymore information on this or a link? The FNAWS web site doesn't list the Fannin Sheep hunt.

I am a member of both. I do not know enough about the disagreement to comment, but I will say that Dennis Campbell (GSCO) is as fine a man as you will ever meet. I can't imagine that he would be anything but 100% honest about the situation. Joining both would be a good idea.
You will be very happy with your decision and with the little extra coin ya spent to me a member of both org's.

Welcome aboard.


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