Fly fishing and hunting



During these cold months when the deer/elk are not in their regular areas, or even while you are hunting, fly fishing offers an excellent outdoors experience. I personally like to fly fish during the spring months when the snow is too deep to scout/hike, as well as taking a mid day break during my summer and fall hunting, it makes for some good midday activities to catch a few trout. It is enjoyable to hunt in the mornings and return to camp and catch a few, then hunt again in the evening and have some fresh fish to cook on the fire before repeating that same event the next day. How many of you enjoy doing this as well?
I just hunt or just fly fish....don't do both at the same time...I'm the lousiest at multitasking..the creek is finally opening up here..gonna have to go down and try catching a's one from last year..
I'll try again!!!....
I got a fly rod not too long ago, I am still trying to figure the thing out. I have cought a few fish off it, its a blast. I might try to mix things up a bit this summer while scouting, that sounds like a good idea

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Too much trouble to do both at once.

Hunt in the morning, go back to camp, take off hunting clothes, put on pantyhose and gay-azzed vest, go fly fishing, go back to camp, take off pantyhose and gay-azzed vest, put on hunting clothes, go back out hunting......too much trouble!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I tryu to concentrate on doing one or the other. but if after I harvest my animal and there are a few days left, will fish.
The exception in spring Bear hunting, I hunt morning and evening and fish during the day....
My girlfriend and I fly fish spring and summer, Salmon fish early fall and I hunt October through November. Easier to do one at a time.
I like to do a combo involving ducks/geese in the morning, call coyotes after that and then fly fish until the evening hunt for either more ducks or more coyotes. Only time I have been fly fishing while on a big game hunt is after I have already tagged out.
Here Longun

I'm no fly-flicker but fish as hard as anyone when it comes to salmon or steelhead most of the time.
When fishing conflicts with my hunting time it always takes a back seat, waaaayyy back.
I'd rather commit 100% to my hunt.
Fishing is usually something I do in a time frame when there's nothing good to hunt.
Yep, the fly rod is always behind the seat. I prefer hunting but I've been know to set the rifle on the seat and lay a line down during the middle of the day. Depends how far I am from the truck when the middle of the day rolls around. The older I get the more often the rod finds it's way out from behind the seat.

Never miss a change to hunt or fish. Time is precious, never let a minute pass when you could be engaged.

Not all but a lot of hunts that i've gone on were near decent water that i could catch my dinner from. I also usually take a bunch of 4 day weekend hunts during our local seasons here abouts. On these local trips, 10-200 miles from home, i'm as likely to be found fishing a small lake or stream as hunting the ridge above it. I get a kick out of fishing water that i've not tried before, sometimes with the spinning rod, sometimes with the fly gear.

The last two years opening mornings has found my camper rig backed right up to a small high mountain lake that i discovered a few years ago. Deer come in to water as my line is out and i'm in my comfy camp chair glassing the far shores. It's a beautiful peaceful spot, the easy limit of 10-14 inchers is a given, and a guy could take a nice buck in the process...i love it!!

Cool picture!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>Cool picture!

>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.

I thought the same.
This is a 6 pound rainbow I caught on my fly rod in Lake Almanor this February with an olive bugger. The action was really good this winter, I caught large fish every time I went out.


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