LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-10 AT 07:26PM (MST)[p]Yeah this should be great. I predict that Florian will cut Guida's head open in the first round so bad you can see his skull, nearly knock him out in the middle of the second, take his back, beat his head until he softens him up enough to sneak his arm under the chin for a rear naked choke and make him tap out. In fact B-Bopper since you like Guida so much I'll bet you on this one. I would be willing to wager a fully guided Basin Nomad hunt that that will be the result - so I'll take Florian and you get Guida. Deal??

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-10 AT 07:42PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-10 AT 07:42?PM (MST)

LOL Roy!
Didn't say I liked him so much,like em both,but Guida's been gettin his butt kicked lately!!!

Sorry Roy,you know how it is in the Basin,we get to see this stuff 6 months after it happens,lol!

edit! }>}>}>
LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-10 AT 09:56PM (MST)[p]LOL - I didn't get to see it live either. But there are some good videos of it online. Great fight. Guida is a gamer no matter what happens. K-Flo is on a roll, he won again last week in the UFC fight night against Gomi and is ramping up for BJ Penn again. He's a lot of fun to watch.

Sorry if I spoiled it for you - but I thought it would be cool enough to watch anyway even if you know what was happening.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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