Floating rock


Long Time Member
I try to collect rocks from different parts of the country. Usually while I'm hunting. I use them for landscaping in the yard, and as a reminder of the hunt. I have rocks from Idaho, Nevada, Utard, Wyoming, Oregon, and Kali. Here is one that actually floats. Can you guess where it's from?



President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-08 AT 09:28PM (MST)[p]Hey wait a minute....
If I answer this with the correct answer it's a trick to get me to say I'm the ho, right?? lol

It's a potato state rock.
Hey Eel! We have some cinder pits, cones, lots of volcanic formations up near here and some that have a very light type of pumas rock. Stuff hardly weighs anything and it has lots of trapped air bubbles within it. Might float, is it from near Lassen Park?

Joey, you're right! This rock came from Lassen Co. and your explination is right on. You're the one person on this forum who I figured would know.

When my grandsons come for a visit, one of the first things they do is run out and fill a tub to check if the rock still floats! It's a good laugh for them and me!


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
Dang, i got something right! Ok, what'd i win? :)

There's some weird stuff and some spooky places in this country. I've been were you just can not get a tree to fall where they are leaning or supposed to, huge freaky looking funnel shaped holes in the ground, and others where the hair on the back of my neck keeps in me in constant high alert. Can't explain it, but it's all here in these Mtn's.

My uncle used to have a bunch of that them and we did the same thing when we were kids.. Float them and I think we even have some old pics of us holding bigger ones over our heads.
Cool stuff..

We have large pieces of pumice float by my house in the Bear River in Utah. I think they must come from Idaho near Grace where there are large volcanic fields. They're mostly black here. It's a fun one to freak the kids out with.

Kinda reminds me of a Monty Python schene "What floats?" "Very small rocks..."
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-08 AT 08:36AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-08 AT 08:35?AM (MST)

I believe that is Pumice (sp?) not exactly sure where you got it, I do know that we have some of it up here in the real Northern California. Myabe you got it in the Siskiyou Co. area maybe Shasta Co.?

Not sure where you are going with this Sage. I was just anwsering Eels post.

(sp?) means I'm not sure if I spelled that word correctly.

I have seen a alot of pumice up in Alaska when I fish. When the float planes land on a lake so you can hike up and fish the streams, it is floating all along the shoreline.

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