Flesh Eating KILLER TURTLE!!!!!!!!!!


Very Active Member
I think it is about time to open up Turtle Season again......I hear they are moving into Southern Utah as we type......

LAST EDITED ON May-06-08 AT 11:03PM (MST)[p]Oh they are there all right. Stay tuned for my story about my hunt down there last year. I still have to wait for clearance to release it, in fact I may have several government agencies contacting me tomorrow because I typed this, but as soon as I can make it public - I will. So for now - trust me when I say this - they are there, and do NOT be fooled - They are VICIOUS! Stay tuned and be afraid - VERY afraid!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Looks like the hybrid type.

Possibly a cross between an alligator turtle and a horny toad.

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