Fixed or Adjustable sights?


Very Active Member
Just wondering what you guys prefer on a pistol. Fixed or Adjustable sights.

That all depends on what I'm using it for. A plinker or target gun adjustable sites, combat fixed generally speaking.
I like fixed sights. The only fun way to shoot a pistol is the way Clint Eastwood does it in the westerns. Just point and shoot! With a little practice you'd be surprised how accurate it is. But the main thing is it's fun!


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
I've similar ideas to 1911. For a target gun or one you may want to hunt with and need to get them all in the bull, Adjustable sights.

For a hideaway gun, up close work, one that you might want to put in your pocket sometime, the bigger sights would snag or get in the way. In this case fixed sights and even one with no exposed hammer might be the best way to go.

I have come to the conclusion that it makes not one single bit of difference to me if the sights are fixed or adjustable...
There are those that should refrain from shooting handguns and I am one of those people.. I can't hit squat with a handgun and I sure hope my life or that of my family never depends on my shooting ability because we would all be in deep trouble..

"Only Two Things are Infinite" -
The universe and human stupidity and I'm not so certain about the universe.
Jim, that's why they make shotguns.


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
Model_70_Guy said;
"I can't hit squat with a handgun"

LMAO! I'm not laughing at you... but it is pretty funny the way you put it. ;-)

I think one important thing in shooting a handgun is having one that fits your hand so that it's barrel is comfortably in line with the your pointing finger. Browning has made some 22 pistols that "pointed" very well. I rarely used the sights while plinking, could keep a soda can moving thru the whole clip that way and at first, amazed myself to be able to do so.

>Jim, that's why they make shotguns.

Yes you are absolutley correct Eel.. That is why I own more shotguns than a fellow ought to... It's the only thing I shoot worth a damn..

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