Fishlake Elk


Active Member
Now that the application deadline is up I can't help but be hopefull that with 14 resident points I will get my rifle tag this year.

Was able to get my school schedule worked out so I'll have the whole hunting period off.

Please tell me that no one with greater than 14 points decided to jump into the pool!

Sorry, just had to get that off of my chest as I am getting excited to the possibilities. It's going to be a long wait in finding out.
It's for early rifle. I flirted with trying for premium, but felt like things lined up to go after a tag this year. If I don't draw this year then I'm going to start putting in for premium.
You'll get it. It's hard waiting to find out. The year I burned my points on the archery tag I knew I'd get it, but it still sucked waiting to know for sure! Trust me though, the wait from now till you draw is nothing like the wait from drawing to hunting. It gets a lot harder waiting for the hunt.

How about this to keep you excited.

Thanks guys. Didn't mean to steal the thread from GLED... Just thought I'd get him a little more excited for the draw!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-13 AT 10:52PM (MST)[p]Yeah having studying the odds the past few years 14 points has always been a lock, but I hate to get too excited until I know of a surety.


That is an awesome bull and with a bow none the less. Off of Fishlake then? What year did you take him? I'd be mighty happy taking such a fine animal.

I can only imagine the long wait after getting the tag in hand.
There are no elk on the fish lake unit! Just sayen gled :)
Travis's bull was trucked in and dropped off in that area . I beleive his bull was trapped in a horse trailer on the pahvant and dropped off on the fish lake for him to shoot. }>
>There are no elk on the
>fish lake unit! Just sayen
>gled :)
>Travis's bull was trucked in and dropped off in that area . I beleive his bull was trapped in a horse trailer on the pahvant and dropped off on the fish lake for him to shoot. }>

HAHAHA......Yep...No elk on Fishlake!
He was a 2011 bull. The story is close to correct. They forgot to mention the helicopter. You're in for a fun hunt Gled. I'll be up there a lot this year. Maybe John or FLEH will have us all over to the cabinet for dinner.
I would say lets plan on it ! Do a little dutch oven cooking . Maybe during scouting season when the weather is nice.
Sounds good to me. Looking for elk would be way more fun than catching those dinky fish in Fishlake. :)
Years ago when we hunted for the elusive bull on Fishlake, we would catch cutthroats (by hand) in UM creek and cook them over the fire back at camp GOOD MEMORIES
Ahh so that is why nobody would give me any info on Fishlake elk, there isn't any elk. Got it!
What FLEH and BigJohn said: Clearly that bull can't be Fishlake, because there are NO elk on Fishlake.


And no big fat brookies or tiger trout, neither. :)

Zombies, maybe.
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