Fishing season baby!



Just a few pics to get us pumped up for summer!

This pic is of my dad with a Lake Tapps Tiger Musky

This one is of my buddy with a 49" Musky from northern wisconsin. Both fish were caught last year, but we'll be chasing them again in a few weeks!
Big Fish really turn me on!
I catch King Salmon to 50lbs and Steelhead to 15 or so ,but those Muskies are a neat fish!
When I was a kid my brothers and I would go back east to Michigan where my Grandmother had a resort on a lake in Gladwin.
I'll never forget my first Northern Pike!
I've considered taking a trip back there for Muskies!

Try to re-post the pics, all I'm gettin' is red x's.
Nice fish BB! Those things are scary looking!!!

HH & PC; If you right click on the red x, then select 'properties', you can copy the URL from the properties box, and paste it into your browser. This will take you to the image. It's a way around the dreaded 'red x'...



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