fishin at the berry


Very Active Member
For those who enjoy the fishin side of life, thought i'd let ya know that the fishin on strawberry right now is beyond amazing for rainbows......You can't keep the buggers off your line at the moment.......guys are boating 50-100 fish a day 1.5-2 lbs a piece....


My bro in law, taxi, and another buddy all went out there for a tourney last Saturday...they took 1st, 3rd, and 6th!! Said the same thing, couldn't keep em off the line all day long....[/IMG] ~Z~
Sure wish that would have been the case for us today. We (3 of us) fished for 4 hours and boated 5 fish. We were in our kick boats fly fishing with leaches and woolly buggers.

What lures are you trolling with?
What color, I might try it in the morning

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Hey Beav?

Ya know?

Before Marriage We never heard any Fish Stories?

Can't wait for all the 400" Bulls that'll be released on the Wasatch this Fall!:D


Did you tell these Guys they gotta buy that 6.00 a bottle Power Bait to catch the Bows!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

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