Fish Stories???


Long Time Member
Ok, we all have them. Some stories are much better, over exaggerated. Some you just have to call B.S.

Here's one of mine....

A few years ago while scouting for an upcoming deer hunt, my uncle and I were glassing a group of elk when out from the bottom of a draw came 3 coyotes. I quickly grabbed my rifle and got ready. there was a foot of snow so it made it hard for them to make a fast escape. I ranged where they were going @ 711 yards. I dialed in my scope and waited until they hit the mark. They came to a small knob and then stood and looked back. Two of the yotes stopped exactly inline with each other but one was a little higher on the hill creating a bigger target. This gave me a better chance at hitting one I said to myself. I figured if I aim in the middle of the two and I hit high or low I will still have a chance to hit one. I put the crosshair in the middle and fired. At the shot I looked up to see both dogs disapear into the snow, but the third was on the move. NO way did this just happen. Not believing I went up to see for myself.
Sure enough 2 dogs, 1 bullet, 711 yards. The bullet clipped the head of the first coyote and then into the shoulder of the other.
This is one of my fish stories, lets hear yours!

You ain't making this easy wet_boot!:D

About 8 years ago while while hunting High Country Muleys with my SmokePole I was Hunting A Basin Rim,at about 100 yards I notice 2 Coyotes eating on a Dead PISSCUTTER Buck!

I normally don't make Music while Hunting where I Hunt but it was mid-day & I just couldn't resist what I thought was gonna be a two for one shot!

I had them lined up perfectly & the trigger was half back & the one Yote jumped & spun around,(FRICK!)then I got to thinking:One dead Deer eater is better than none so I squoze off and ripped the one Dog in half,the Music of that 600 grain Slug & Blast shook the whole Basin/Canyon,the other Coyote spun a couple circles & couldn't tell where I was at,I wasn't ready to reload real quick but after a few seconds & the Coyote not figuring out where he should run I reloaded my Gun and Squoze off again taking the 2nd High Mountain Dog out of the Deer eating Pool!

I still haven't forgot about it almost being a 2 for 1 but still getting both of them with the ole Smokepole wasn't bad!

I'll never forget the Echo in that Basin/Canyon and wondered later if I mighta blowed any PISSCUTTER out that mighta been in it over 2 High Mountain Dogs?:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Well OK, I'll try it.

A few years back, I was putting out Loomix during the winter. It was a stormy day, so I had my '06 in the cab of the tank truck, instead of the Swift.

I see a coyote feeding on a dead cow at about 350 yards, directly upwind. I lined the window up and cranked one off. To my surprise, I hit the 'yote and several others scattered.

Going over to pick up the tail, I find that I had actually killed 2 was inside eating and I never saw it. The bullet went thru the first dog, thru the dead cow and into the second dog!

That's my 2 for 1.

Oh, almost forgot....the muzzle blast took out the side mirror. Dammit!'s your sign!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Once while scouting blacktail me and a friend rode quads up to a lookout to glass from the vantage point as we rode up to the lookout and got to about 25 or 30 feet from it 3 nice blacktail bucks poured out of the enclosed bottom of the lookout.

The space was an enclosed base of the lookout that was about 15'x15' and had open windows that had a breeze blowing through which along with the shade provided a cool place to escape the 90+ degree heat. There was weeks worth of deer chit on the floor.

The open door they came out was about 2 feet wide and one of the bucks was pushing 20 inches wide and among the obvious wonder of deer bedding in a lookout was the amazing fact that when they came out they were hauling azz and that big boy missed the door frame on both sides with his tender early season rack.

We have told many people this one and we always get the look from each person we tell.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-11 AT 01:01PM (MST)[p]Here's a good one.

Right out of high school two of my best friends moved to Alaska.
My buddy Dan was a real tough guy & was the consummate DIY guy, seemed like he could do anything.
He started a guiding business on legendary Kenai river, known as the go to place for anglers in pursuit of a world record King.
His very first year as a fishing guide he took a guy from Minnesota and what happened that day is still being talked about to this day by fisherman in pursuit of giant King Salmon.
Here is the clipping from my old scrapbook.


A crowd gathered on the bank.Friends brought burgers and drinks to the weary fishermen. A radio reporter began live broadcasts, newspaper reporters and a TV crew showed up.
A whole fleet of boats drew around in hopes of getting to see this monster fish.
Finally at 1:30am on July 14th - 37 hours after the battle had begun, the desperate fishermen tried to net the monster.
There was a splash as the fish jerked his mighty head and at that moment the hook was out of the fish's mouth and it was over.
I saw my future swim away declared Bishop., who was visualizing his future as "The guide that took the world record King".

"As that monster chugged slowly away into the milky green river, I swore, then silently saluted him.
He'd fought hard and was still King of the Kenai.
"I'll remember this day for the rest of my life".

Ploeger was a bit more philosophical, "I always pray to God to just let me have a good time when I go fishing".
"Afterword I thanked the Lord that he'd given me such a memorable day".
Fish Story!!

I went fishing this morning, but after a short time I ran out of worms. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth. "Frogs are good bass bait" I thought to myself. Knowing the snake couldn't bite me with the frog in his mouth, I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait bucket.
Just then, I realized I had a problem, how was I going to release the snake without getting bit? So, I grabbed my bottle of Jack Daniels and poured a little whiskey in its mouth. The snakes eyes rolled back and he went limp. I released him into the lake without incident and carried on fishing using the frog.
A little later, I felt a nudge at my foot. There was that same snake with two more frogs in his mouth.
RE: Fish Story!!


You said 'Fish Story'!

Well We usually have a Family Reunion around where We can all Fish/Boat!

They have a Big Fish & most Un-usual Catch Contest every year!

A few years ago I landed 2 Nice Bows at the Berry!

I had my 6 pole license in effect too!:D

I always run one rod full time using Lures while Migga Fishing with others!

As another boat came Trolling by I whips the Lure out just at the right time & I take a Bird out of the air!

As I'm pulling the Bird in I hear the Guy in the other Boat say:Now there's a Fish Story I'd never believe if I hadn't of seen it!

I got the Big Fish of the Day & the most Unusual Catch that Day!

Then handed the Prizes down to the Youngsters,I'm too old to take Candy from a Baby!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
RE: Fish Story!!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-11 AT 01:11PM (MST)[p]2 with one shot ? Is that all you guys got ? I was varmint calling a few weeks ago. I had 8 coyotes come in. It took a while for the to line up but they did. I took all 4 with a single shot from my .22 air rifle.

The 5th one didnt get good penetration and I couldnt recover him........but really who would believe 5 with one shot ?

Pics to prove it.

P.S. That picture was as they lay. I didnt even drag them around.
RE: Fish Story!!

P.S. That picture was as they lay. I didnt even drag them around.

LOL the snow busted ya on that one!!!!
RE: Fish Story!!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-11 AT 01:34PM (MST)[p]>You know what they cant
>bs a bser.

Very true!! lol

Congrats on a good day of hunting..
RE: Fish Story!!

I plan on taking it to Alaska next fall for a Grizz/Moose combo hunt. I have so much faith in it I'm not even taking a back up gun. This is how we tell stories in Oklahoma.
RE: Fish Story!!

Was out hunting pheasants years ago along the banks of the river with my old dog Billy, when sure enough a big ole beautiful ringneck flushed in front of us and I dropped it right in the middle of the river. So I send Billy in after it.
Billy spends around ten minutes splashing and playing in the water and when I turn around he has a large catfish on the banks.
I was so angry I shot Billy right there.
Not wanting to go home empty handed, I gathered up the fish and headed home.
Got home started gutting the old catfish and I'll be darned if there wasn't a big ole beautiful ringneck inside.
RE: Fish Story!!

I saw a 4 point in CA once...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
RE: Fish Story!!

First liar doesn't stand a chance with this bunch.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
RE: Fish Story!!

The last week prior to me leaving for the Navy, my dad and I headed to the Northwest Angle on Lake of the Woods. I caught my largest muskie ever then on the way back we fished for walleyes on the rainy river. I ended up hooking into a sturgeon late afternoon with my walleye setup. As I was fighting the fish the sun set, then we watched the moon rise. Some people stopped to watch for awhile then got bored and left. At the 5 hour point, the hook pulled out. It was a sad but happy moment, we still laugh about that day and will never forget it. We went up, down and across that river in about a 1 1/2 mile section for that 5 hours and it never got more than a couple feet off the bottom.
Since that time my dad has got hookedon sturgeon fishing and has personally landed a couple in that 50-58" range and had a friend land a 60"+ in his boat. This is on the border of MN and CA so it is not those "whale sharks" of the pacific northwest.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

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